The Business Fear List: 7 Things Stopping You From Business Growth

The Business Fear List: 7 Things Stopping You From Business Growth

Running a business demands juggling many plates at once. Additionally, you’re forced to make investments – whether that’s an investment of your time, energy, or money. 

You’ve read hundreds of business books, listened to all the podcasts, and downloaded every freebie going. 

And while your love for your business is burning bright, you’re left confused about why your brand hasn’t quite hit stardom level. 

The Business Fear List

Here are 7 things that may be stunting your business’s growth.

1. Your ‘Why’ Isn’t Clear. 

If you were asked ‘why did you launch your business?’ and your response revolves around earning money, your values will communicate that you’re in this to make a fast buck. Your why should revolve around your brand’s core beliefs and how it impacts the world on a wider level. If you haven’t yet discovered your why, this is a fundamental you need to address before you can expect to see sales. 

2. You’ve Invested In Business Growth But Not Self-Growth. 

You cannot have business growth without self-growth. As you’re the owner of the business, you need to grow before the brand can. Unfortunately, this is a common mistake leaders make. They believe it’s all about strategies that will make their business boom, when that can’t happen until the leaders invest in themselves, first. 

3. Imposter Syndrome Is Prohibiting Your Growth 

Everyone – and I mean everyone – has felt like they’re ‘winging it’ at one stage. Imposter syndrome is a real crux to many business owners. It’s crucial to manage imposter syndrome productively and learn how to quiet the voice inside your mind telling you you aren’t worthy of success. 

4. Your Expectations Are Unrealistic 

There’s a difference between ambition and naivety. In our modern world, patience is a quality that’s running thin. You should aim to grow 1% every day. Smaller steps are sustainable, but massive leaps ahead make it tricky for growth to be consistent. 

5. You Haven’t Got A Clear Business Vision. 

Visions can adjust as you grow, but you must have a clear idea of where you want your business to go before it can evolve. There needs to be a documented plan of the direction you want your business to head in. Only then can you create a strategy to help you get there. 

6. You’re Trying To Do Everything Yourself 

It’s a well-known fact that to make money, you must first spend money. Determine your zone of genius, alongside elements you’re comfortable doing. Those that you feel are weaknesses to you should be outsourced to a professional. 

7. You Have A Dysfunctional Relationship With Money 

If you struggle to talk about money with others or even with yourself, it indicates that you have a toxic relationship with money. Sometimes, business owners fear success just as much as failure, though it’s not often spoken about. We can worry about what the consequences of success are. Nail down the route of your fear, specifically when it comes to business growth and success. Once identified, you can work on addressing and solving this issue for the well-being of your business. 

Business Growth Isn’t A Given 

Many startups make the mistake of buying into ‘if I build it, they’ll come.’ They also believe that if they invest in all the latest technology and gadgets, they will be able to build a thriving business that grows while they sleep.

But, this isn’t the case for the vast majority of business owners. First, you must nail your foundations, which includes self-work around mindset, visions, and goals. The strategies can then be built on top of this. 

I’m here to help you create the foundations you need for building your dream business. Ready to make a true change and clear the path to progress? Contact me today and let’s GROW!