Deciphering the Millionaire Mindset: A Roadmap to Financial Success


Have you ever questioned what distinguishes millionaires from the rest of us? Is what they’ve discovered pure serendipity, a lucky break from fate, or a secret code? You might be surprised to learn that it all depends on their thinking. Anyone may develop the millionaire mindset in order to find their way to financial success. It is a combination of ideas, attitudes, and rules. In this article, we’ll look at what the millionaire mindset is all about, what it comprises, and how you may adopt it to achieve your financial objectives.

Understanding the Millionaire Mindset

The millionaire mindset is more than just a wealth-building strategy; it’s a holistic approach to life, success, and financial freedom. Here are some of the key tenets that define this mindset:

Financial Literacy: Millionaires often have a strong foundation in financial knowledge. They understand the intricacies of investing, the power of compound interest, and how to make money work for them. They continuously seek opportunities to educate themselves about money matters.

Goal-Oriented: Setting clear, specific, and achievable financial goals is a fundamental aspect of the millionaire mindset. These goals act as guiding stars, providing direction and motivation in their wealth-building journey.

Work Ethic: The millionaire mindset is anchored in a robust work ethic. Millionaires are willing to put in the time and effort required to realize their aspirations. They comprehend that success is rarely an overnight feat and that consistent effort is paramount.

Taking Smart Risks: A millionaire’s attitude is characterized by the ability to take smart risks. They don’t go into risky endeavors wholeheartedly, but they aren’t reluctant to push outside of their comfort zones to take advantage of possibilities when they present themselves.

Resilience and Persistence: Millionaires understand that setbacks are a part of the journey. Instead of throwing in the towel, they use adversity as a stepping stone to learn and grow, embodying an unyielding spirit of persistence.

Financial Planning: Thoughtful financial planning, budgeting, and disciplined saving are at the heart of the millionaire mindset. Living within or below their means and building wealth over time through prudent financial decisions is a core principle.

Mentorship and Networking: Millionaires surround themselves with mentors and like-minded individuals. They recognize that learning from those who have achieved success can significantly expedite their own growth and development.

How to Embrace the Millionaire Mindset

Now that you have a grasp of the millionaire mindset’s core principles, here’s how you can begin integrating it into your life:

Educate Yourself: Invest in your financial education. Read books, attend seminars, and stay informed about the latest trends in finance and investment. Knowledge is your most powerful asset.

Set SMART Goals: Define your financial goals in a Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) manner. Write them down and develop a strategic plan to achieve them.

Work Diligently and Smartly: Cultivate a strong work ethic and manage your time efficiently to maximize productivity. Consistent effort is the cornerstone of success.

Embrace Calculated Risks: Be open to calculated risks, assess potential rewards against consequences, and take the leap when the time is right.

Learn from Setbacks: Instead of viewing failures as insurmountable roadblocks, see them as valuable learning experiences. Adapt and refine your strategies as you encounter obstacles.

Plan Your Finances: Create a budget, stick to it, save a portion of your income, and avoid unnecessary debt. Financial planning is the scaffolding upon which financial success is built.

Seek Mentorship: Identify mentors who have achieved what you aspire to. Their guidance and insights can prove invaluable as you embark on your journey to financial success.


The millionaire mindset is not a magical formula for instant wealth. It’s a way of thinking and acting that leads to sustained financial success. By incorporating the principles of financial literacy, goal setting, hard work, risk-taking, resilience, financial planning, and mentorship, you can nurture the millionaire mindset and progress towards your financial objectives.

Remember, the goal isn’t merely to become a millionaire; it’s to attain financial independence, security, and the liberty to live life on your own terms. So, start cultivating your millionaire mindset today, and witness the transformation of your financial future. The path to prosperity is open to everyone who dares to walk it.




Asking for Testimonials with Confidence: Your Path to Success

Hey there, fellow enthusiasts of personal and professional growth! If you’re reading this, it means you’re on a mission to boost your credibility and showcase your awesomeness to the world. Kudos to you! Testimonials are your golden ticket to building trust and proving your worth. But don’t fret if asking for testimonials feels a tad intimidating; we’ve got your back! In this blog, we’ll walk you through how to ask for testimonials with unshakable confidence and a dose of encouragement.

Step 1: Believe in Your Value

Before you embark on your testimonial-gathering journey, remind yourself of your incredible skills, dedication, and the value you bring to your clients or customers. Confidence starts with self-belief. You’re fantastic at what you do, and people should know it!

Step 2: Timing is Everything

The secret to a resounding “yes” is picking the perfect moment. Ask for a testimonial when your clients or customers are bubbling over with happiness about your work. Timing is key to capturing their enthusiasm.

Step 3: Craft a Heartfelt Message

Start with a warm and sincere message. Express your gratitude for their trust in your services or products. Let them know how much their feedback means to you. People are more likely to help when they feel appreciated.

Step 4: Keep It Simple

Don’t overcomplicate things. Make the process of leaving a testimonial a breeze. Offer clear instructions on where and how they can share their thoughts – whether it’s through email, a feedback form, or a review platform.

Step 5: Provide Guidance (But Keep It Open)

Sometimes, clients or customers might feel unsure about what to write. Offer some gentle prompts or questions to get their creative juices flowing. For instance:

  • ~What was your biggest takeaway from our service/product?
  • ~Would you recommend us to others, and if so, why?
  • ~How has our product/service positively impacted your life or business?


Remember, you want their honest thoughts, so don’t dictate their words too much.



Step 6: Show Your Gratitude

When you receive a testimonial, don’t delay – send a heartfelt thank-you! Acknowledge their contribution and let them know how much it means to you. Gratitude creates a positive feedback loop.

Step 7: Put the Spotlight on Them

Once you’ve gathered a collection of stunning testimonials, shine a spotlight on your clients or customers. Showcase their words of praise on your website, social media, and marketing materials. Make them the heroes of your story.

Step 8: Keep the Momentum Going

Don’t stop at just one round of testimonials. Continue to gather feedback from your clients or customers on an ongoing basis. This keeps your testimonial bank fresh and demonstrates your consistent excellence.

Step 9: Respect Privacy and Preferences

Always seek permission before using someone’s testimonial, and be respectful of their privacy. Some may prefer to remain anonymous or share their testimonial without personal details. It’s crucial to honor their wishes.

Step 10: Embrace Growth

Lastly, use the feedback you receive from testimonials as a tool for growth. Constructive criticism is your friend. It’s an opportunity to refine your skills and enhance your offerings further.


Asking for testimonials with confidence is a journey of self-assuredness and celebration of your excellence. Remember, you’re doing the world a favor by letting your brilliance shine. People want to support those who exude confidence and deliver outstanding value. So, go ahead and ask for those testimonials with a smile on your face and a heart full of assurance. You’ve got this!

With the help of an experienced business coach, discover the keys to optimal performance, strategy, and expansion. Take a look around my website (click me) or go to to get started on your path to a prosperous future right away!

We’re Letting You Go. How to Fire Someone with Class (and the Least Pain Possible)


Firing an employee is undoubtedly one of the most challenging tasks a manager or employer has to face. The process can be emotional, complex, and, at times, overwhelming. However, handling the situation with empathy, professionalism, and respect can make the transition smoother for both parties involved. In this blog, we will explore the art of letting someone go with grace and compassion while minimizing the pain associated with such an event.

The Personal Connection

I remember the time when I had to let go of an employee, let’s call her Sarah, due to restructuring within the company. It was an experience that taught me valuable lessons about how to approach such a difficult situation with empathy and care. Sarah had been a dedicated member of the team for several years, and her performance had always been commendable. However, due to changes in our industry, her role was no longer aligned with the company’s evolving needs.

1. Preparation is Key

Before breaking the news to Sarah, I spent days preparing for the conversation. I made sure to have all the necessary documentation and performance records to back up the decision. This not only helped me feel more confident about explaining the situation but also ensured that Sarah would receive a clear and comprehensive explanation.

2. Choose the Right Setting

Understanding the importance of a private and respectful setting, I chose a quiet meeting room for our conversation. I wanted Sarah to feel comfortable expressing her emotions without the fear of being observed by others. This allowed us to have an open and honest dialogue.

3. Be Direct and Compassionate

As I sat across from Sarah, I knew the importance of being direct. I started the conversation by acknowledging her contributions and dedication to the team. I then explained the situation, expressing how difficult this decision was for both of us. My goal was to be honest while also conveying empathy and understanding.

4. Provide a Clear Explanation

I shared with Sarah the reasons behind the decision, emphasizing that it was not a reflection of her skills or commitment. I used specific examples to illustrate the company’s changing needs and how her role was no longer aligned with our direction. By presenting clear facts, I aimed to help her see the bigger picture.

5. Active Listening

As I delivered the news, I saw a range of emotions flash across Sarah’s face. I gave her the time and space to express her feelings. She shared her concerns, fears, and thoughts about the situation. Through active listening, I ensured that she felt heard and validated during this challenging time.

6. Offer Support and Resources

Understanding the uncertainty that accompanies job loss, I offered to assist Sarah in her job search. I provided information about job placement services, networking opportunities, and even offered to write her a strong recommendation letter. This gesture reassured her that her well-being mattered to me beyond her role in the company.

7. Respect Their Dignity

Throughout the process, I focused on treating Sarah with the utmost respect and dignity. I made sure that our conversation remained confidential and that her departure was handled discreetly. This was a commitment I made to ensure she retained her self-esteem throughout the transition.

8. Maintain Confidentiality

Understanding the sensitivity of the situation, I refrained from discussing the details of Sarah’s departure with other employees. This was crucial in maintaining a positive and respectful atmosphere within the team.

9. Follow Up

After our initial conversation, I followed up with Sarah a few days later. I wanted to check on her emotional well-being and offer any further assistance she might need. This follow-up showcased my genuine concern for her as a person, not just as an employee.


My experience with letting go of Sarah taught me that firing someone with class and compassion is an art that requires careful planning, empathy, and respect. By preparing thoroughly, choosing the right setting, and maintaining open communication, you can navigate this challenging process in a way that minimizes pain and preserves dignity. Remember, the way you handle these difficult moments can define your organization’s culture and leave a lasting impact on the individuals involved.

If you’re seeking more guidance on handling tough workplace situations with confidence and empathy, I invite you to visit my website at As a dedicated confidence coach, I’m here to provide support and resources to help you navigate such challenges and foster a positive and respectful work environment. Together, we can learn and grow, ensuring that each interaction, even the difficult ones, becomes an opportunity for growth and compassion.

7 Affirmations for Women Business Owners

Hey there, lovely readers! Today, I’m thrilled to dive into a topic that’s near and dear to my heart: empowering affirmations for all you incredible women out there who are taking charge and making waves in the world of business. As a fellow woman entrepreneur, I know firsthand the highs and lows that come with the journey. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of seven affirmations that I believe will inspire, uplift, and remind you of the unstoppable force that you are. And guess what? These affirmations have been a game-changer for me, so get ready to infuse some positivity into your entrepreneurial endeavors!

7 Affirmations for Women Business Owners:

1. I am worthy of success:

It all starts with self-belief. Remind yourself daily that you are worthy of the success you’re working so hard for. Science tells us that self-belief directly influences performance. Affirming your worthiness can enhance your self-esteem, motivation, and overall confidence in your business endeavors.

Whether you’re running a startup, managing a team, or creating a brand from scratch, your worthiness is undeniable. Own it, celebrate it, and let it propel you forward.

2. My ideas are valuable:

Your creativity and innovative thinking are your superpowers. Research in psychology highlights that a positive mindset fosters creative thinking.

Embrace the uniqueness of your ideas, and don’t shy away from sharing them with the world. Remember, some of the most groundbreaking businesses started with an idea that was considered “crazy” at first.

3. Challenges are opportunities in disguise:

Every setback is a stepping stone to something greater. Psychological studies show that adopting a growth mindset in the face of challenges enhances resilience.

When faced with challenges, repeat this affirmation like a mantra. It’s a reminder that you have the resilience and resourcefulness to turn obstacles into opportunities for growth and learning.

4. I am a magnet for positivity and abundance:

Positive energy attracts positive outcomes. The concept of the law of attraction, rooted in psychology and metaphysics, suggests that positive thoughts can attract positive outcomes.

By affirming your ability to attract abundance, you’re setting the intention for success to flow effortlessly into your business. Believe in the power of your thoughts and watch the magic unfold.

5. I am in control of my time and priorities:

Running a business can be overwhelming, but you’ve got this.

Time management studies underscore that positive self-affirmations can improve focus and productivity. By affirming your capability to manage your time effectively, you’re better equipped to tackle tasks and goals.

Repeat this affirmation when your to-do list feels endless. You have the power to manage your time effectively and prioritize tasks that truly matter.

6. I am confident in networking and building connections:

Networking can be intimidating, but it’s a vital skill for business growth.

Social psychology research reveals that self-affirmations can reduce social anxieties and improve networking skills. Repeating this affirmation can give you the confidence to engage meaningfully with others in the business world.

7. My journey is an inspiration to others:

Your journey is unique and inspiring. Psychology suggests that stories of triumph and resilience inspire others to overcome challenges. By affirming the impact of your journey, you’re not only uplifting yourself but also paving the way for others.


Before you go, don’t forget to check out my website:! It’s a treasure trove of resources, articles, and tips tailored especially for women in business. I’ve poured my heart and soul into creating a space where you can find guidance, encouragement, and practical advice to fuel your entrepreneurial dreams.

Remember, dear reader, you are a force to be reckoned with. These Affirmations for Women Business Owners are here to remind you of your strength, resilience, and limitless potential. So go out there and conquer the business world with your head held high and your heart full of confidence. Until next time, keep believing in yourself and chasing those dreams!

With all my support,

Compassionate Leadership: Why Putting Your Employees Well Being and Mental Health Is Vital to Long-Term Business Success

Compassion comes from the Latin word compati, which means “suffer with.” Showing compassion has been a key component of nearly every religion as a way to connect with others and spread harmony.

In psychology, compassion is an action more than an emotion. It combines elements of love, care, and empathy with the intent to alleviate the suffering of others or share in it with them.

Recently, research has indicated that compassion is an important aspect of a productive work environment. Showing compassion to managers, colleagues, and employees is essential for job satisfaction and motivation.

Understanding Compassion

Showing compassion for others depends on three factors:

  • – We must feel that the troubles causing suffering are serious.
  • – We expect that the sufferer’s troubles are the result of external circumstances (not self-inflicted).
  • – We must be able to empathize and picture ourselves in the circumstances.


Compassion isn’t a give and take. In most cases, the person showing compassion rarely expects to receive the same or get something for their expression. Basically, compassion is “empathy in action.”

In the workplace, showing compassion can lead to reduced stress and more job satisfaction for employees. It also inspires more loyalty, dedication, and engagement, reducing employee attrition and low morale.

We can express compassion in the workplace by:

  • – Actively listening without judgment
  • – Noticing when colleagues are experiencing personal stress or pain and making an effort to help them feel more comfortable and secure in the workplace
  • – Accepting criticism and addressing underperformance or failure without unnecessary harshness


Showing compassion in this manner not only benefits the people involved, but it has a positive impact on the company’s performance culture. Empathy and kindness upgrade the value system of the employees and they feel more involved with the team.

Benefits of Workplace Compassion

Employee Retention

One of the key benefits of a compassionate workplace is employee retention, especially with compassionate leaders. Employees who receive empathy and support from their colleagues and leaders regularly are more likely to stick around and put effort into the organizational goals.

Conversely, if employees are treated poorly or receive no professional cooperation, they will eventually lose motivation and productivity will suffer.

Stress Reduction

Compassion creates space for active communication. Employees in compassionate workplaces can vent out their professional stress (appropriately) and socialize to improve productivity. Compassion can also help with managing work stress and burnout in fast-paced environments.

Physical Well Being

Feeling compassion not only offers psychological benefits but physical ones. Employees who spend time interacting with their colleagues show steady blood pressure and heart rate, according to studies.

Less stress also means better immune systems, reducing the number of sick days and illness. Employees can better manage their work-life balance and enjoy a healthier work and social life.

Interpersonal Bonding

Leaders who take compassionate approaches to work have employees who are likely to reciprocate and work harder for the company. They form healthier and stronger professional relationships and feel that they are part of a team, contributing to better work performance and satisfaction.

What Is Compassionate Leadership?

Compassionate leadership is focused on the individual and their needs, as well as the needs of the team. These leaders can inspire a journey of personal growth and development, no matter how tough the challenges get. They understand that no one is perfect, but they see potential in others and help them reach it.

Modern-day leaders who want to navigate their people and organizations toward success require compassionate leadership. In the past, compassion was seen as a weakness – compassionate people were “soft.”

Now, leaders must treat their colleagues and teams with care and kindness to help them succeed, as individuals and as a team.

Tips for Showing Compassionate Leadership at Work

If you’re wondering how you can apply these skills to your own workplace and teams, here are some tips:


Positive vibes start with yourself. You must prioritize self-care and kindness to yourself before you can show it to others. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses, and pay yourself compliments.

Effective Communication

The key to being compassionate at work is communicating effectively. No matter who you’re speaking to, communicate openly and clearly to avoid confusion. You should also listen to employees or colleagues who feel comfortable confiding in you and show patience and neutrality.

Appropriate Contact

Touch can be powerful when you’re expressing empathy. Physical contact is minimal in the workplace, but you can use it appropriately with a light touch on the shoulder or holding a hand while listening to a story.

If physical contact isn’t appropriate or comfortable in the situation, show nonverbal cues that express compassion and empathy like eye contact or turning your body toward the person speaking.


It takes one person to make the first move and show compassion. Whether you do it with personal support, feedback, or an open discussion about opinions, you can set an example to the entire team and teach them to be more open and empathetic to each other.


Being in tune to the emotions and thoughts of others is an important aspect of compassion. Consider how your words or actions may affect your colleagues, subordinates, or managers and think about how you’d feel in their situation.


Compassion in the workplace is most often reflected by verbal encouragement and motivation. You can show compassion in the workplace by supporting your colleagues and cheering others on for their work and achievements. This type of positive reinforcement can bring about favorable changes.


Compassionate leaders need to have an open mind and realize the power that small changes in daily routine can influence productivity. Instead of being “stuck in their ways,” compassionate leaders are ready to tweak their leadership policies, lifestyle, or strategies to benefit an individual, team, or the entire organization.


A compassionate leader never stops asking questions, prompting feedback, and learning from others. Gaining new perspectives helps you get closer to others and remove any barriers to their success.


Leaders have an array of tasks to complete in one day. Taking a moment to slow down, breathe, and observe can help you gain the mindfulness of your team and work environment. If there are stressors or tension, you can identify and address them more readily.


Everyone wants to feel like they’re positively contributing to their workplace and that they’re appreciated. When leaders show gratitude, they earn respect from their employees. This can be done through mentoring, guidance, or merely recognizing a job well done or work put in.

Team Spirit

In the past, workplaces thrived with employees that came to work, did their jobs, and went home. Employees don’t want to just take orders anymore, not feeling like their work contributes to anything important. They want to feel valued, appreciated, and most importantly, useful.

Promoting team spirit makes a workplace more appealing and helps everyone involved in a project or team feel like they’re working toward a shared goal. This not only motivates better work, but it promotes healthier interpersonal relationships.

Top Examples of Compassionate Workplaces

Compassion is slowly working its way into modern companies. These three companies show how compassion can contribute to success:

The Hospital Corporation of America

The Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) is a leading healthcare organization in the US. With over a hundred hospitals and a vast number of employees working at different levels, it’s incredible that HCA has a strong track record of a supportive, positive environment.

In fact, the HCA’s codes of conduct include policies for compassion toward colleagues and clients. The company is proud of its emotionally rewarding culture and strives to provide everyone – from top to bottom – with equal kindness and empathy.

The UnitedHealth Group

The UnitedHealth Group is an American healthcare company that ranked fifth in the most successful companies in Fortune 500 rankings in 2018. The company’s tagline even encourages empathy by stating: “Walk in the shoes of the people we serve and those with whom we work.”

The Autism Research Center

The Autism Research Center (ARC) is an initiative of Cambridge University in the United Kingdom to promote awareness of autism, the benefits of early prevention, and the importance of extensive research.

Despite having a huge team of scientists, professionals, and support staff from all over the world, the ARC has a strong commitment to the principles of empathy and kindness. Education, collaboration, and support are the foundation of ARC and attract researchers, educators, and parents to the cause.

Compassion Is the Key to Success

If you want to be an effective leader, it’s essential to have compassion for the people who work with you. Compassionate leaders are not as common as they need be, but they’re an asset to the workplace.

Compassionate leaders listen, invest in their people, and create a collaborative culture with a positive attitude to help employees feel valued and appreciated. Through compassionate leadership, you can spread joy, connect with others, and resonate positivity in your organization.

How Business Women Can Claim Their Space Online

Over the years, we’ve seen plenty of information for how women can embrace more assertive personalities in the workplace, make themselves heard, and manage better work-life balance.

Women are also expected to defer to others by not taking up space in professional or social environments. This is not only a major contributor to the pay gap, because it decreases the possibilities for promotion, but it sets a dangerous norm in which women feel that they need to take up less space at work.

Because of this, women often struggle to hold their ground with men and stand up for themselves. Occupying space, physically or metaphorically, is a powerful skill and feeling that gives women more confidence and assures them that they “deserve” to be there.

To claim space effectively, you must practice respect. Here are some tips:

Maintain Good Posture

Posture is a key component of claiming space because it exudes confidence and demonstrates how you feel about yourself and how the world feels about you. People with good posture typically look more approachable and may get to know coworkers better.

There’s also a subconscious component. Women who have good posture and look at people directly don’t cower, refer, or intimidate easily. When you stand up tall, other people have to look you in the eye and acknowledge your presence.

Even if you’re home alone and just using audio on a work call, it’s always good to practice good posture. Your coworkers may not be able to see your posture, but your confidence will come across in your voice and demeanor.


The voice is a powerful tool both in and out of the workplace. Your voice is used to perform your work, to some degree, and find solutions to problems, but it can also be used to advocate for yourself. With the right tone, a voice can show strength or weakness, combativeness, submissiveness, and more.

Online, your voice is your primary means of communication. It’s all the more important for you to use your voice effectively to gain your voice back. If someone talks over you or interrupts, speak with conviction to bring the conversation back to you.

Body Language

Body language is a big part of communication and confidence. Most people notice the way we carry ourselves and how we interact with others, even without words. This can also affect someone’s level of focus or interest.

Think about it – most of us can tell if someone is ignoring us or not really paying attention to what we’re saying. Body language is powerful, and using strong (but approachable) body language boosts your physical presence.

Find Your Space in the Workplace

Women had to overcome a lot to regain their voice in the workplace and get the recognition they deserve. Now, women need to reclaim their space in the workplace to harness confidence and ensure they’re seen and heard each day.

Do you want to rediscover your confidence and claim your space? Work with Allison directly!

How to Start Speaking at Conferences as a Business Owner

As your business grows and you establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry, you’ll have more opportunities to get up in front of an audience and share your wisdom. Whether a keynote or a panel with peers, speaking at conferences and trade events is a great way to promote your business and boost your exposure.

It can still be a challenge to find the right speaking opportunities, however. Here are some tips to get the ball rolling.

Be Specific

If you’re thinking that you just “want to start speaking,” that’s not enough. You should know the types of venues and audiences you want to speak to.

Do you want a small venue and audience with industry people? Would you prefer to speak locally at conferences? Are you looking for an audience of college students and young entrepreneurs or established business professionals?

As you can see, there’s a wide variety of speaking opportunities to consider. Narrow your focus to start and look for opportunities that meet your criteria. Once you’re specific, finding the ideal venues will become much easier.

Search for Speaking Opportunities

The internet can be useful for finding speaking engagements. You can search by location, event, or venue to find the right fit. You should also follow speakers and events on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to find new avenues for events that may be of interest.

Here’s where being specific helps. Instead of searching for “speaking opportunities,” which will get you nowhere, you can search for specific events like “veterinary conferences,” “food and beverage conferences,” and ”automotive trade show.” Make a list of the events that you may want to pitch for later.

Create Your List

In a document on your computer or phone, create a list of possible events and conferences that you can pitch. Be sure to include links, dates, and contact information for each one.

Until you become a major name in your industry, it’s unlikely that anyone will approach you with speaking opportunities. You’re going to have to make your own luck and find the right events. Remember, some of these events book months in advance, so make sure you pay attention to the timeline and put your pitch in on time.

Contact Coordinators

You have your list of events and contact information and it’s time to pitch! Don’t send out a generic pitch to everyone on the list with only the names changed – take the time to personalize it.

If you’ve attended the event in the past, mention it. Share details about how the event had a positive impact on your life. You don’t want to jump right into asking for an opportunity. Take time to build the relationship.

Share a bit about yourself, inquire about the event, ask specific questions, and most importantly, keep it short and sweet. For example, ask when they’ll be taking speaker applications for the event. After you’ve built a relationship with a few emails, you can mention that you’re looking for speaking opportunities, what you speak about, and how it’s valuable to the audience.

Book Your Speaking Event

Getting booked as a guest speaker is a huge opportunity for yourself and your business. These opportunities don’t just fall into your lap, however – you have to put time, energy, and work into the process.

What could you do with more confidence? Work with Allison directly to gain the confidence you need to achieve your dreams!

Vetting Your Business Coach: What to Know Before Signing the Contract

Business coaching is a valuable tool to support your professional growth, whether for your own business or to reach the next level in your career. You can learn to identify and move past roadblocks that are holding you back to become more productive.

But not all coaches are equally skilled or qualified. The market isn’t regulated like doctors or attorneys – anyone can become a coach. It’s vital that you do your due diligence to ensure that your time and financial investment are going toward a coach who can help you reach your goals.

Here’s what you need to know before you sign a contract:


You want to work with a coach that has extensive experience helping people achieve their business goals, whether they’re just starting out or scaling a business. When you’re vetting your coaches, ask them how long they’ve been coaching and what type of training they underwent.


Before you embark on business coaching, it’s important that you understand what you’re looking to gain from the experience. Many people are confused about what a business coach actually does – they’re not business advisors. A coach is there to help you develop the skills and mindset to achieve your goals, not to solve problems in your business using their own knowledge and expertise.


Business coaches often approach their coaching with different tools, methods, and strategies. Some will work for you and others may not, so make sure to find a coach that aligns with the way you process information and receive guidance. If you’re not sure if you’re a fit, ask your prospective coach how they approach coaching and what types of clients they prefer to work with.


This can’t be overstated – coaching is a deeply personal process. You need to feel like you’re in a comfortable, confidential space with your coach to discuss your personal growth, strengths and weaknesses, and roadblocks. It’s vital that you have a personality fit between yourself and your coach for this to be successful.

For example, some people respond more to a “tough love” relationship with someone who will be direct with their criticism and recommendations. Others need a coach who will soften the blow to make them more receptive to coaching and learning.


Business coaches offer different plans and schedules. Some are weekly, some are monthly, and you want to be sure you’ll have a coach who’s available at the time you need it most. Consider how often you want to meet with your coach in advance, then find a coach with the availability that works best for your needs.

Work with Allison Todd

Hiring a business coach is like hiring anyone else to perform a service – you need to do your research. Ask plenty of questions, look for referrals from people you trust, and discuss the process with your prospective coaches to increase the likelihood of success in your coaching experience.

Looking for business coaching? Work with Allison directly!

Business Women: Why We Settle for Less (And Why We Shouldn’t)

Women still struggle with inequality in the workplace – even if they own their own business! Women continue to earn less, on average, than men in the same positions, and they’re underrepresented in the top positions and fields.

Research has shown that biases, both conscious and subconscious, are part of the problem, but that’s not all. Women sometimes don’t get what they want and deserve because they aren’t asking for it.

Women often feel apprehension asking for what they want or need. Women are also more pessimistic about what is available when they negotiate, so they ask for less and get less if they do negotiate.

Don’t settle for less! And here’s why you never should.

Settling for Less Means Choosing Limitations

When you settle for less than you deserve, you’re choosing a life filled with limitations of your own doing. You’re actively restricting your own potential, whether it’s out of apprehension, fear of failure or rejection, or any other barrier.

You’ll never be able to succeed or grow if you’re stuck in your own self-imposed comfort zone!

Settling Means Giving Up on Your Goals

When you settle, it’s a way of giving up. You’re essentially saying that the dreams and goals you have aren’t possible, aren’t worth fighting for. Never stop pushing!

Plenty of people settle, whether in their careers, their relationships, or other aspects of their life. They think that “good enough” is enough, and maybe it’s not. Maybe the spot you’re settling in was the stepping stone to get you closer to your goal.

Settling Means You’re Accepting Less than the Best You Could Have

Everyone has moments when they could choose to settle or keep pushing harder for what they want. We may choose what seems right at that moment instead of continuing to push for better options, possibly ending up in a less than favorable position.

But what if what’s truly the best for us means taking that chance? If you’re setting on your career path or your business goals, you’re choosing the second-best option over being the best you can be. Life is too short to stop there.

Settling Means Settling for a Lesser Version of Yourself

If you settle on the mediocre and average, you’re missing out on living your fullest potential. Whether you end up in a job with no growth potential or give up when running your own business gets hard, you’re setting yourself up to stay stuck.

Remember, you can’t change the past, but you can avoid the same mistakes in the future. Take action and make positive change before regret sets in.

You Deserve the Best

You are worthy and deserving of the best life has to offer. Never settle for less!

If something isn’t working out, isn’t having a positive effect on your life, let it go! Don’t hold onto something that no longer serves you. Move on and move forward to get the life you deserve.

Looking for motivation? Work with Allison Todd directly and see how you can reach your fullest potential with the guidance of a professional business and career coach!

6 Places to Get Your Voice Heard

Have you ever attended a keynote and been moved? Watched a Ted Talk over and over? Liked and shared a social media post that was powerful?

You have a voice, too, and you can be empowered to share it with others. All of us have the power to be influential, whether in the digital world or the real one.

Here are 6 places to get your voice heard and spark change.

1. Your Blog

Blogs may have started with moms sharing their experiences, but they’ve become a vital part of business. In fact, many people make money sharing their expertise on their own blog and industry, such as travel.

If you have a blog, start sharing your thoughts and ideas. If you don’t, get started! This is a great way to get your voice heard and establish yourself as an authority. It may take time, but it’s worth the payoff.

2. Email

Despite the rise of other types of marketing, email is still an effective way to share content with an audience and capture their attention. You can begin with a newsletter that comes out once a month, or a few times a month, to build your audience.

3. YouTube

Video is a persuasive medium that many have leveraged for success. Whatever your business venture or cause, just about anyone can create professional videos or promos to share on YouTube. The cleverer and more creative the idea, the more traction you’re likely to receive, but don’t be afraid to just jump into it.

4. Social Media

Social media is incredibly powerful. From politicians to brands to influencers, just about everyone is using social media to connect with others and share ideas and opinions, and you can do the same.

Major platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are excellent places to start, but you could also share your expertise on platforms like Quora and Reddit. People often use these platforms to ask questions or seek discussions within certain industries or topics, and that’s your time to shine.

5. Publications

Most publications accept pitches from writers to feature in their upcoming issues. With the rise of digital publications, you have more opportunity than ever before to get a feature article with the right pitch and audience.

Pitching takes time, however. You may not get published at the first try, or the second, or even the 10th, but keep going! Eventually, you’ll find the right fit for your article. And even if you’re rejected once, don’t be afraid to pitch again in the future! Maybe your article is a good fit, but not for right now.

6. Local Venues

Similar to pitching publications, you may be able to book local speaking engagements at small venues. Like publications, venues typically have a long lead time and specific guidelines and requirements for speakers.

You may need to approach a dozen different venues before you get booked, but that’s just part of the process. Don’t get discouraged! Keep trying.

Get Professional Coaching

Learning how to channel and share your voice isn’t easy, but you have plenty of outlets to be heard. The most important thing is having the confidence in yourself, and coaching from an expert like Allison Todd can help! Work with Allison Todd directly!