
Are you a Micropreneur or Self Employed?

self-employed micropreneur

Micropreneur and self-employed are terms used interchangeably; however, they are quite different. The significant difference lies in how long your business can function without you. As micropreneurs, we are the heart and soul of our business.

The number of staff a micropreneur has a range from one to five. Therefore, you are either doing everything yourself, or every action is carried out under your direct orders.

We love our chosen field, and the joy of building a business from the ground makes it all worth the stress. Microprepreurs are mostly known for three things; passion, ambition, and skill.

These qualities make us willing to go over and beyond for our business and customers, most times, that entails giving every product or client our personal care and touch.

However, when this happens, we are no longer micropreneurs but instead self-employed. Been the nexus of your business can give you a feeling of control. However, it can leave your business weak and liable to attacks from unforeseen circumstances.

Disadvantages as Micropreneurs

Asides from the stress and toll it might take on your physical and mental health, keeping your business entirely dependent on you would leave your business too rigid. This comes with a lot of disadvantages.

No breaks or holidays

Your business comes to a standstill if you are suddenly indisposed.

As your business begins to expand, you might find yourself slowly becoming overwhelmed. You might even end up losing customers.


At the onset of your business, you would have to be a self-employed micropreneur. However, as your business grows and expands, you must develop a system.

A system helps your business run smoothly with or without you, leaving you to concentrate on overseeing or, as I like to call it, seeing the bigger picture.

A well-developed system would give you the freedom to take a short vacation, focus on expansion, etc. without your business suffering in any form.

Entrepreneurship is hard but you don’t have to do it alone. Members learns about the Scale to Profit System, business development, business operations, sales techniques, building the perfect team.

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About Allison

Allison Todd

Hi, my name is Allison Todd, Operations & Digital Growth Strategist! I help micropreneurs scale their teams and their profits through operations and digital marketing strategies.


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