Customer Journey Map - Part 2

Customer Journey Map – Part 2

A few months ago, we talked about what it means to have a [customer journey map] and how to create a customer journey map.

Today, we’re going to unveil the five stages of the consumer decision process so you can include them in your customer journey map. Then, you can build your business, increase your conversion rate, and, ultimately, succeed as a brand owner. 

Quick Re-cap: What Is a Customer Journey Map?

As we defined in Part 1, a customer journey map is a diagram – or many diagrams – that show each of the stages your visitors go through when interacting with your brand. This can be from visiting your website for the first time to interacting with your brand’s business Instagram page, to even buying a product or service. 

What Does Any Good Customer Journey Map Need? 

The main contribution to any functioning customer journey map is research and data. Without data, these are simply drawings without any underpinning evidence. 

The customer journey maps need to reflect the customer’s search intent and sentiment, individual goals, and touchpoints. 

There should be multiple customer journey maps to cover all bases. That means having a single customer journey map for your website will not suffice. Instead, you need to consider the different directions and journeys each individual will take. Use a heat map to determine the patterns and trends of the activity on your site.

It also demands journey maps for your other platforms. Think about how someone may navigate through your social platforms or blogs. Customer journey maps are effective but only when they’re used properly. 

What Are The Five Stages Of The Consumer Decision Process?

Customer journey maps rely on understanding the lead. The first factor in determining is where the lead is within the five stages of the consumer decision process:

1. The Awareness Stage

At this point, the lead becomes aware of your brand. This could be through a search engine, word of mouth, or any other marketing platform you’ve been using to advertise and promote your business. 

2. The Consideration Stage

This stage includes careful consideration of your product or service and often demands intense research. The consideration stage lasts longer depending on the price of your offer. The higher the price, the longer this phase lasts. This is down to the price being more of a risk. Competitors will be considered at this stage, too. 

3. The Decision Stage

Your prospect makes their decision at this stage. They will either purchase from a competitor, move back a stage, or purchase from you. 

4. The Retention Stage

If a purchase has been made, this stage is where the magic happens in terms of ROI. Research proves that if someone has already made an initial process, they’re more likely to purchase again. Adobe has demonstrated that 8% of website visitors who are existing customers constitute 40% of overall revenue.  

5. The Loyalty/Advocacy Stage

This phase takes the retention stage to a whole new level. This phase includes writing reviews and spreading positive comments through word-of-mouth. This phase encourages new leads to enter through the first stage, and so the cycle repeats once again. 

Why Do I Need To Consider The Buyer’s Stage In My Customer Journey Map?

As mentioned, the most effective customer journey maps are deeply rooted in research and data. But it’s also fundamental to understand your audience in depth.

The buyer’s stage will help cater to your customer journey maps with their current stage in mind, allowing you to personalize strategies to help each lead climb up the ladder, phase by phase, until they reach stage 5. Once there, they can help bring in new leads for you, playing their own part in guiding new leads up the ladder. 

How To Use The Buyer’s Stage In My Customer Journey Map

Now you’re clear about why you need to include the buyer’s stage within your customer journey maps, let’s consider how you can do this in practice. 

As with many marketing strategies, the key lies in understanding your target audience well. Once you are able to track data and view the common patterns and trends, you’ll be able to sort and categorize this data into buyer’s journey sections. 

This will allow you to consider the best methods to help them move up a stage. 

You will need various methods for each individual stage, focusing on techniques and elements that will help them up a level. 

For example, consider the consideration phase. At this point, your leads are locked in an internal battle trying to make a choice whether to spend money on your product or service, take their business elsewhere, or simply not buy anything at all. Therefore, you need to consider techniques that will help bring them over to the right side: purchasing from you

Some strategies that could help with this are using social proof or offering a discount. 

Implement The Buyer’s Journey Into Your Customer Journey Maps Today

As you can see, the buyer’s journey is absolutely critical when mapping out the navigation journey of your lead. By incorporating it, you can tailor your strategies to help them reach the top of the tower. Without it, though, you’re shooting blind, and you’ll find it challenging to achieve stage 5 status.