Unveiling the Invisible: 5 Things Business Coaches Can See That You Can’t

Embarking on a journey to success often involves seeking guidance, and that’s where business coaches come into play. These seasoned professionals possess a unique set of skills, honed through experience and expertise, enabling them to see aspects of your business that may elude your sight. In this blog post, we’ll explore five insightful perspectives that business coaches bring to the table, fostering growth and development.

Objective Assessment of Your Business Landscape

A business coach offers an outsider’s viewpoint while you’re engrossed in the day-to-day operations of your company. With objectivity, they may evaluate your company’s environment and point out dangers, possibilities, and vulnerabilities that you might have missed because of your close connection to the firm. For long-term success and strategic decision-making, this objective viewpoint is essential.

Spotting Untapped Potential

Your business coach is like a treasure hunter, skilled at spotting untapped potential within your organization. Whether it’s overlooked talents in your team, underutilized resources, or hidden market opportunities, coaches have a knack for uncovering hidden gems that can propel your business forward. Their fresh eyes can reveal avenues for growth that might be hiding in plain sight.

Pinpointing Blind Spots in Leadership

Every leader has blind spots – areas where personal biases or habits might hinder optimal decision-making. Business coaches excel at identifying these blind spots and offering constructive feedback and guidance to enhance your leadership skills. By addressing these areas, you can strengthen your leadership style and create a more resilient and adaptable organization.

Providing Tailored Strategies for Growth

Business coaches provide a multitude of industry and company model experiences. Their varied experience enables them to customize methods to the particular requirements of your company. Coaches may provide tailored solutions that coincide with your objectives, whether it’s streamlining your marketing strategy, streamlining your procedures, or improving your sales funnel.


In the grand tapestry of business, sometimes it takes an expert weaver to reveal the intricate patterns that elude our view. Business coaches bring a fresh perspective, drawing on their experience and skills to guide you toward success. Embrace their insights, be open to growth, and watch as your business flourishes in ways you might never have imagined. Here’s to unlocking your business potential with the wisdom of a trusted coach!

So, You Got a Bad Review. Now What?

It might be difficult to accept a negative review, regardless of whether you’re a service provider, employee, or business owner. Although receiving negative comments might seem like a personal assault, it’s important to acknowledge that it’s a part of life. Consider how you may use the criticism to further your career and personal development rather than focusing on the criticism itself. We’ll go over several actions to do in this blog article if you receive a bad review.

Keep Your Emotions in Check

Your initial reaction to a bad review may be to get defensive or upset, but it’s crucial to keep your emotions in check. Take some time to process the feedback and don’t respond impulsively. Remember that the review is about your product or service, not your worth as a person.

Understand the Feedback

Examine the review attentively and make an effort to comprehend the particular concerns raised by the reviewer. Was there a miscommunication, a misunderstanding, or a real issue with your good or service? You might begin working on a remedy by identifying the underlying reason for the unfavorable reviews.

Learn from the Experience

Embrace the opportunity to learn from the negative review. It can provide valuable insights into what you need to improve. Consider it as free advice on how to make your product or service better. Use this feedback to refine your offerings and avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

Respond Professionally

Once you’ve had time to process the feedback and understand the issues, it’s time to respond. Always maintain a professional and friendly tone in your response, even if the review is particularly harsh. Acknowledge the criticism, express your appreciation for the feedback, and assure the reviewer that you’re taking steps to address the concerns.

Example response

 We appreciate you taking the time to give us your opinions. We are sorry to hear that you had a bad experience, and we value your openness. We’re dedicated to ensuring that our customers have an improved experience going forward by implementing changes based on your input.

Offer a Solution

Offer a remedy or state that you are making an effort to resolve the concerns, depending on the type of bad review that you have received. This might assist in reestablishing confidence and demonstrate your dedication to client pleasure. Keep in mind that resolving a reviewer’s complaints is only one aspect of the problem; another is keeping future consumers from experiencing the same problems.

Example response: “We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced and are actively working on improving the issues you mentioned. We would like to make it right, so please feel free to reach out to our customer support team at [contact information] to discuss how we can rectify this situation.”

Seek Out Additional Feedback

Bad reviews can be isolated incidents or part of a broader issue. To get a more comprehensive understanding of the problem, seek out additional feedback from other customers or clients. Conduct surveys, run focus groups, or encourage customers to leave their thoughts in other online forums. This can help you identify recurring patterns and work on solutions more effectively.

Implement Changes

While it’s necessary to take the time to comprehend and respond to negative criticism, making significant adjustments is the most crucial stage. Demonstrate your dedication to continuous improvement by modifying your procedures, providing more training, or improving your goods or services in response to customer input.


Although getting a negative review is never a pleasure, it doesn’t have to mean that all is lost. Instead, see it as a chance for development and advancement. You may use a bad review as a springboard for your own and your career’s growth if you can control your emotions, read the comments, draw lessons from the situation, reply professionally, provide solutions, look for further input, and make adjustments. Recall that even the most prosperous people and companies have encountered criticism at some point, and what makes you unique is how you handle it.

Elevating Your Business: What It Truly Means to “Level Up”


In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the phrase “level up” is frequently used to describe the pursuit of growth, progress, and success. But what does it really mean to “level up” your business? Is it about rapid expansion, increased profits, or something more profound? In this blog post, we will explore the concept of leveling up your business, diving into what it entails, and how you can achieve it.

Defining the “Level Up” Mentality

“Leveling up” your business goes beyond superficial growth. It’s a mindset that encompasses various dimensions of advancement:

Sustainable Growth: True business evolution involves growth that is sustainable and not merely a short-term boost. It’s about ensuring that your business can flourish over time without compromising its core values.

Adaptation: In a constantly changing business environment, leveling up means being adaptable. It’s about being open to new ideas, technologies, and approaches that allow your business to thrive in the face of challenges.

Improved Efficiency: Efficiency is a cornerstone of business success. Leveling up entails optimizing your processes, workflows, and resource allocation to maximize productivity and reduce waste.

Enhanced Customer Experience: Your customers are at the heart of your business. Leveling up means continually improving your products, services, and customer interactions to exceed expectations.

Innovation: Embracing innovation is crucial. It involves seeking new solutions, exploring creative ideas, and remaining at the forefront of your industry.

Strong Leadership: Effective leadership is essential for business growth. Leveling up your leadership skills ensures your team can work cohesively and efficiently toward a common goal.

Strategic Planning: A well-thought-out strategy is essential for long-term success. Leveling up involves crafting and implementing a robust business plan that aligns with your goals

Invest in Your Team: Your most precious assets are your staff. Investing in their growth, establishing a healthy work environment, and luring top personnel are all parts of leveling up.

How to “Level Up” Your Business

Now that we’ve clarified what it means to level up, let’s discuss how you can make it happen:

Establish Specific Goals: Specify your long-term and short-term objectives. These objectives must be SMART, or specified, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-limited.

Continuous Learning: Stay up to date on market trends, developing technology, and recommended procedures. Update your knowledge and abilities frequently to stay current with ever-changing conditions.

Operational Excellence: Streamline your operations by identifying areas for improvement. Eliminate inefficiencies and allocate resources wisely.

Customer-Centric Approach: Keep your customers at the forefront of your decisions. Gather feedback, analyze it, and use it to enhance your products and services.

Innovate Boldly: Encourage innovation in your organization. Embrace creative thinking and empower your team to experiment with new ideas and concepts.

Spend money on developing your leadership abilities: In order to develop as a leader and motivate your team, think about executive coaching, leadership development, and mentorship.

Strategic Planning: Develop a robust business strategy that aligns with your vision and goals. Regularly review and update your plan as needed.

Develop a culture of growth: inside your company to benefit employee development. Create a collaborative and creative workplace by investing in staff training and development.


To “level up” your business is to embark on a journey of sustainable growth, adaptation, and innovation. It’s about being efficient, customer-centric, and forward-thinking, all while developing your leadership skills and nurturing your team. The “level up” mentality represents a commitment to continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence.

By adopting these principles and maintaining a forward-focused approach, you can steer your business toward long-term success and prosperity. So, embrace the “level up” mindset, and watch your business rise to new heights in the ever-changing world of commerce.

“But I Hate Sales!” How Women Business Owners Can Sell Without Selling

Ladies, listen up! The world of business is changing, and as women business owners, you have a unique opportunity to thrive without succumbing to pushy sales tactics. Selling doesn’t have to be a high-pressure game of persuasion; instead, it can be an empowering journey of connecting and providing value. In this persuasive blog post, we’ll unveil the secrets of how you can sell without selling and emerge as a successful, authentic entrepreneur.

The Power of Subtle Persuasion

Imagine a world where you can effortlessly sell your products or services without feeling like you’re pressuring anyone. It’s not a far-fetched dream—it’s a reality you can achieve by mastering the art of subtle persuasion. Here’s how:

1. Harness the Magic of Storytelling

Stories have the power to captivate, inspire, and persuade. Share your business journey, your struggles, and your triumphs. When potential customers can relate to your story, they’re more likely to connect with your brand and trust your offerings.

2. Solve Problems, Don’t Sell Products

Shift your focus from selling products to solving problems. Identify your target audience’s pain points, and showcase how your products or services provide solutions. When you become a problem solver, you naturally attract customers who genuinely need what you offer.

3. Educate and Enlighten

Position yourself as an expert in your field by sharing your knowledge. Create informative blog posts, webinars, or tutorials that address common challenges in your industry. When you educate your audience, you build trust, and trust is the foundation of successful, non-pushy selling.

4. Create an Irresistible Offer

Craft an offer that’s too good to resist. It could be a limited-time discount, a valuable free resource, or an exclusive package. When your potential customers see the incredible value you’re offering, they’ll be more inclined to take action.

The Art of Relationship Building

At the heart of selling without selling lies the art of relationship building. Your customers aren’t just numbers; they’re individuals with unique needs and desires. Here’s how you can cultivate meaningful relationships:

1. Active Listening

Take the time to listen actively to your customers. Ask open-ended questions, empathize with their concerns, and understand their goals. When people feel heard and understood, they’re more receptive to your recommendations.

2. Empathy and Authenticity

Show genuine empathy and authenticity in your interactions. Be yourself, and let your customers see the real you. Authenticity breeds trust, and trust is the cornerstone of successful selling.

3. The Power of Follow-Up

Don’t underestimate the power of follow-up. Send personalized follow-up messages to check on your customers’ progress or satisfaction. This simple act shows that you care about their experience and builds long-term loyalty.

4. Encourage Customer Feedback

Request feedback from your clients. Their suggestions might assist you in enhancing your goods or services and show that you are dedicated to development over time.

Conclusion: Embrace the Art of Selling Without Selling

Ladies, it’s time to embrace the art of selling without selling and rewrite the rules of entrepreneurship. By harnessing the power of subtle persuasion, becoming a problem solver, and building meaningful relationships, you can sell authentically and achieve remarkable success in your business.

Remember, it’s not about pushing products; it’s about making genuine connections, offering valuable solutions, and creating a lasting impact on your customers. So, go forth with confidence, and watch your business flourish through the art of selling without selling!


Running a Business and Anxiety: Here’s How You Can Cope (And Still Be Successful!)

Navigating the Entrepreneurial Journey with Anxiety

Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs and dream chasers! If you’re a woman like me, juggling the responsibilities of running a business while dealing with anxiety, you’re not alone. In a world where we’re constantly striving for success, the pressure can sometimes take a toll on our mental well-being. But fear not, because in this blog post, we’ll explore some practical strategies to help you cope with anxiety while continuing to thrive as a successful businesswoman.

Acknowledge Your Feelings: It’s Okay to Not Be Okay

First things first, let’s remove the stigma surrounding anxiety. It’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious, especially when you’re managing the complexities of a business. The key is to acknowledge your feelings and give yourself permission to not be okay all the time. Remember, vulnerability is a sign of strength, and addressing your emotions is the first step toward finding coping mechanisms that work for you.

Embrace Self-Care as a Non-Negotiable

Running a business is like running a marathon – you can’t do it effectively if you’re not taking care of yourself. Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. Whether it’s practicing mindfulness, indulging in your favorite hobby, or simply taking a walk in nature, these moments of self-indulgence can work wonders in reducing anxiety levels. Remember, a healthy and rejuvenated you is essential for making sound business decisions.

Master the Art of Time Management

Anxiety often thrives on chaos and uncertainty. Combat this by mastering the art of time management. Create a realistic schedule that allows for both work and personal time. Prioritize tasks and set clear boundaries to prevent burnout. When you’re in control of your time, you’ll find yourself better equipped to handle the unexpected curveballs that entrepreneurship often throws your way.

Seek Support: You Don’t Have to Do It Alone

As women, we tend to shoulder a lot of responsibilities on our own. But remember, seeking support is not a sign of weakness. Reach out to mentors, friends, or even a therapist who can offer guidance and a listening ear. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network can provide a safe space to express your anxieties and receive valuable insights that could benefit your business.

Celebrate Small Wins and Practice Gratitude

Anxiety can make us forget the progress we’ve made. Combat this by celebrating even the smallest wins in your business journey. Whether it’s closing a deal, launching a new product, or simply overcoming a challenge, these victories deserve recognition. Additionally, practicing gratitude can shift your focus from what’s going wrong to what’s going right. Keep a gratitude journal or take a moment each day to reflect on the positives in your entrepreneurial journey.

Navigating Anxiety on the Road to Success

As a female entrepreneur, you’re a force to be reckoned with. Anxiety might try to cast shadows on your path, but armed with these coping strategies, you can overcome its grip and continue your journey toward success. Remember that your well-being matters just as much as your business’s success. By acknowledging your feelings, embracing self-care, managing your time, seeking support, and celebrating wins, you’re setting yourself up for a balanced and triumphant entrepreneurial experience.

And hey, speaking of support and resources, if you’re looking for more tips, inspiration, and guidance on your entrepreneurial journey, make sure to visit my website allisontodd.com. I’ve compiled a wealth of articles, tools, and insights tailored specifically for ambitious women like you. Together, we can conquer the challenges that come our way and create a thriving business while prioritizing our mental well-being.

So, go out there, tackle challenges head-on, and let your anxiety become a stepping stone toward growth and resilience. You’ve got this, and your success story is waiting to be written – anxiety and all!


5 Things Microprenuers Should Do To Establish Their Presence Online


As a microentrepreneur, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to establish a strong online presence. However, through trial and error, I’ve learned some valuable strategies that have significantly boosted my online visibility and helped my business grow. In this blog, I’ll share five easy-to-understand steps that all microentrepreneurs can take to establish a powerful online presence and reach a wider audience.

Step 1: Create an Engaging Website

Your website serves as your digital storefront, and it’s essential to make a strong first impression. Work on creating an engaging and user-friendly website that reflects your brand’s identity and showcases your products or services.

In my journey, I collaborated with web design experts to revamp my website. They helped me choose a visually appealing design, organized the content in a user-friendly manner, and optimized it for mobile devices.

Step 2: Produce Quality Content

Content is king in the digital world. Share valuable and relevant content that speaks to the needs and interests of your target audience. Whether it’s through blog posts, videos, or social media updates, ensure that your content provides real value.

I started blogging about topics related to my industry, and I was amazed by the positive response from my audience. They appreciated the useful information and started sharing my content with their networks, expanding my reach organically.

Step 3: Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms are powerful tools to connect with your audience and build a community around your brand. Identify the platforms where your target customers are most active and engage with them regularly.

I initially struggled with social media, but with dedication and guidance from digital marketing experts, I learned how to create engaging posts, interact with my followers, and leverage social media advertising to reach a broader audience.

Step 4: Optimize for Search Engines

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for improving your website’s visibility in search engine results. Conduct keyword research to understand what your potential customers are searching for and optimize your website and content accordingly.

SEO seemed intimidating at first, but with the help of SEO specialists, I learned the basics and implemented strategies to improve my website’s ranking on search engines. As a result, more people discovered my business when searching for relevant keywords.

Step 5: Engage with Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective way to stay connected with your audience and nurture leads. Collect email addresses from interested visitors and send them valuable and personalized content on a regular basis.

Initially, I underestimated the power of email marketing. However, after building an email list and sending targeted content to my subscribers, I noticed increased customer loyalty and repeat business.


Establishing your online presence as a microentrepreneur may seem daunting, but with the right strategies and perseverance, it’s entirely achievable. Through my journey, I’ve come to realize the importance of a compelling website, quality content, social media engagement, SEO, and email marketing.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, don’t hesitate to embrace these five steps.

At AllisonTodd.com, we understand the unique challenges microentrepreneurs face in the digital world. Our goal is to help you succeed by providing a range of tailored digital marketing services that will elevate your brand and attract your target audience.

With a team of dedicated professionals, we offer top-notch website design, captivating content creation, social media mastery, SEO optimization, and personalized email marketing campaigns. We are committed to understanding your vision and tailoring our strategies to align with your business objectives.

Why You Should Building Teams Around the Talent Not Based on the Confines of Traditional Roles

At the start of the pandemic, over 120,000 businesses temporarily closed and left over 30 million US workers unemployed. Though job openings have steadily increased, millions of Americans left the labor force in the Great Resignation.

As the labor shortage seemed to rebound, we faced the Great Reshuffle. People quit jobs in droves to pursue dreams, seek better opportunities, or enjoy better work-life balance.

Employers need positions filled, however. Attracting and retaining talent is no small feat, especially at a time when candidates are in high demand.

Pay and benefits are a big part of the equation, but they’re not enough. Employees are seeking opportunities where they feel valued, respected, and invested in – and that starts with the hiring process.

Stop Hiring Based on Traditional Roles

No matter the company or position, the hiring process is usually the same. The position needs to be filled, HR writes a job description, and it’s posted on a job board. Candidates apply and are screened based on impersonal algorithms or required fields, narrowing the list.

The candidates that make it through are interviewed to narrow the list further, sometimes over the course of several interviews, before they’re sent an offer. These interviews often include the same tired questions like “what are your strengths and weaknesses?” or “why do you want this job?”

Are these questions the best way to find out if a candidate is a good fit for your company? They may offer some insights or show creativity, but they may not be effective for getting to the ideal candidate.

But still, you send out offers and rejections, hire an employee, onboard the employee, and put them through training. This could take weeks or months, on top of all the time spent in the hiring process.

That’s a lot of money and time. The employee will take time to adjust as well, which could add about six months to the process before you see return on that investment.

If the employee doesn’t work out, then it was all for nothing. You have to start the whole process over again.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

Why Do Employees Leave Jobs?

As of February 2022, self-employed workers made up about 11% of the 157 million employed workers in the US. This is a dramatic increase over the past two decades.

These workers left their stable full-time jobs and took the risk to get more job satisfaction and control. They wanted the opportunity to develop skills and tackle challenges, which they didn’t have in their current positions.

Employees don’t want to go to work, take orders, and go home. They want to take on new challenges and find opportunities for growth in their careers. If they don’t have a role they can grow into, they move on.

And it all starts with the hiring process. Instead of always being behind the problem, you can get ahead of it and attract talent by providing the satisfaction they’re looking for.

Find a Better Way to Hire

The traditional hiring process isn’t ideal. Here’s another approach.

You have a role you need to fill, general requirements, and a benefits package and salary range to create a job listing. It’s that job listing that prompts a change-up.

Instead of outlining arbitrary requirements, focus on what you really need for the role. Some positions will need licensing or education, but not always. Think about whether you’re eliminating possible candidates based on requirements that are really more preferences.

For example, do you need 5+ or 10+ years of experience? Is a degree required for the role, or just a nice bonus? Do you need just that specific degree, or would related degrees provide a lot of the same information?

Most importantly, are any of these requirements so set in stone that you’re willing to prescreen based on them, never seeing a portion of the applicants?

The years of experience is a particularly tricky one. If you need a mid-level employee and ask for 5 years of experience, you’re getting an employee who’s squarely in the middle of where they need to be. That shortens your training time, but how much can you get out of the employee before they outgrow their role?

If you hire someone who’s approaching that experience level, you have an opportunity to help them grow into it. Remember, the skills that can’t be taught, such as adaptability, teamwork, and personal engagement, are more important than teachable skills like proficiency with a specific software.

Once you figure out what you really need, you can screen candidates effectively and start your interview process. And here’s where you really change things up.

Instead of asking the standard questions, consider a new approach that tests creativity and gives you an idea of how they’ll perform in the position.

Present them with a problem your company is currently facing and ask how they would solve it. For example, tell them you’re struggling to attract a certain audience and ask what they would do differently.

The answers they offer will showcase their creativity, how well they understand your company and the role, and how they can be an asset to your team.

Revamp Your Hiring Process for Long-Term Success

Talent has a bit of an upper hand in the job market now. The interview goes both ways, so if you want to attract the best talent, develop a better hiring process that tests creativity. 

Compassionate Leadership: Why Putting Your Employees Well Being and Mental Health Is Vital to Long-Term Business Success

Compassion comes from the Latin word compati, which means “suffer with.” Showing compassion has been a key component of nearly every religion as a way to connect with others and spread harmony.

In psychology, compassion is an action more than an emotion. It combines elements of love, care, and empathy with the intent to alleviate the suffering of others or share in it with them.

Recently, research has indicated that compassion is an important aspect of a productive work environment. Showing compassion to managers, colleagues, and employees is essential for job satisfaction and motivation.

Understanding Compassion

Showing compassion for others depends on three factors:

  • – We must feel that the troubles causing suffering are serious.
  • – We expect that the sufferer’s troubles are the result of external circumstances (not self-inflicted).
  • – We must be able to empathize and picture ourselves in the circumstances.


Compassion isn’t a give and take. In most cases, the person showing compassion rarely expects to receive the same or get something for their expression. Basically, compassion is “empathy in action.”

In the workplace, showing compassion can lead to reduced stress and more job satisfaction for employees. It also inspires more loyalty, dedication, and engagement, reducing employee attrition and low morale.

We can express compassion in the workplace by:

  • – Actively listening without judgment
  • – Noticing when colleagues are experiencing personal stress or pain and making an effort to help them feel more comfortable and secure in the workplace
  • – Accepting criticism and addressing underperformance or failure without unnecessary harshness


Showing compassion in this manner not only benefits the people involved, but it has a positive impact on the company’s performance culture. Empathy and kindness upgrade the value system of the employees and they feel more involved with the team.

Benefits of Workplace Compassion

Employee Retention

One of the key benefits of a compassionate workplace is employee retention, especially with compassionate leaders. Employees who receive empathy and support from their colleagues and leaders regularly are more likely to stick around and put effort into the organizational goals.

Conversely, if employees are treated poorly or receive no professional cooperation, they will eventually lose motivation and productivity will suffer.

Stress Reduction

Compassion creates space for active communication. Employees in compassionate workplaces can vent out their professional stress (appropriately) and socialize to improve productivity. Compassion can also help with managing work stress and burnout in fast-paced environments.

Physical Well Being

Feeling compassion not only offers psychological benefits but physical ones. Employees who spend time interacting with their colleagues show steady blood pressure and heart rate, according to studies.

Less stress also means better immune systems, reducing the number of sick days and illness. Employees can better manage their work-life balance and enjoy a healthier work and social life.

Interpersonal Bonding

Leaders who take compassionate approaches to work have employees who are likely to reciprocate and work harder for the company. They form healthier and stronger professional relationships and feel that they are part of a team, contributing to better work performance and satisfaction.

What Is Compassionate Leadership?

Compassionate leadership is focused on the individual and their needs, as well as the needs of the team. These leaders can inspire a journey of personal growth and development, no matter how tough the challenges get. They understand that no one is perfect, but they see potential in others and help them reach it.

Modern-day leaders who want to navigate their people and organizations toward success require compassionate leadership. In the past, compassion was seen as a weakness – compassionate people were “soft.”

Now, leaders must treat their colleagues and teams with care and kindness to help them succeed, as individuals and as a team.

Tips for Showing Compassionate Leadership at Work

If you’re wondering how you can apply these skills to your own workplace and teams, here are some tips:


Positive vibes start with yourself. You must prioritize self-care and kindness to yourself before you can show it to others. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses, and pay yourself compliments.

Effective Communication

The key to being compassionate at work is communicating effectively. No matter who you’re speaking to, communicate openly and clearly to avoid confusion. You should also listen to employees or colleagues who feel comfortable confiding in you and show patience and neutrality.

Appropriate Contact

Touch can be powerful when you’re expressing empathy. Physical contact is minimal in the workplace, but you can use it appropriately with a light touch on the shoulder or holding a hand while listening to a story.

If physical contact isn’t appropriate or comfortable in the situation, show nonverbal cues that express compassion and empathy like eye contact or turning your body toward the person speaking.


It takes one person to make the first move and show compassion. Whether you do it with personal support, feedback, or an open discussion about opinions, you can set an example to the entire team and teach them to be more open and empathetic to each other.


Being in tune to the emotions and thoughts of others is an important aspect of compassion. Consider how your words or actions may affect your colleagues, subordinates, or managers and think about how you’d feel in their situation.


Compassion in the workplace is most often reflected by verbal encouragement and motivation. You can show compassion in the workplace by supporting your colleagues and cheering others on for their work and achievements. This type of positive reinforcement can bring about favorable changes.


Compassionate leaders need to have an open mind and realize the power that small changes in daily routine can influence productivity. Instead of being “stuck in their ways,” compassionate leaders are ready to tweak their leadership policies, lifestyle, or strategies to benefit an individual, team, or the entire organization.


A compassionate leader never stops asking questions, prompting feedback, and learning from others. Gaining new perspectives helps you get closer to others and remove any barriers to their success.


Leaders have an array of tasks to complete in one day. Taking a moment to slow down, breathe, and observe can help you gain the mindfulness of your team and work environment. If there are stressors or tension, you can identify and address them more readily.


Everyone wants to feel like they’re positively contributing to their workplace and that they’re appreciated. When leaders show gratitude, they earn respect from their employees. This can be done through mentoring, guidance, or merely recognizing a job well done or work put in.

Team Spirit

In the past, workplaces thrived with employees that came to work, did their jobs, and went home. Employees don’t want to just take orders anymore, not feeling like their work contributes to anything important. They want to feel valued, appreciated, and most importantly, useful.

Promoting team spirit makes a workplace more appealing and helps everyone involved in a project or team feel like they’re working toward a shared goal. This not only motivates better work, but it promotes healthier interpersonal relationships.

Top Examples of Compassionate Workplaces

Compassion is slowly working its way into modern companies. These three companies show how compassion can contribute to success:

The Hospital Corporation of America

The Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) is a leading healthcare organization in the US. With over a hundred hospitals and a vast number of employees working at different levels, it’s incredible that HCA has a strong track record of a supportive, positive environment.

In fact, the HCA’s codes of conduct include policies for compassion toward colleagues and clients. The company is proud of its emotionally rewarding culture and strives to provide everyone – from top to bottom – with equal kindness and empathy.

The UnitedHealth Group

The UnitedHealth Group is an American healthcare company that ranked fifth in the most successful companies in Fortune 500 rankings in 2018. The company’s tagline even encourages empathy by stating: “Walk in the shoes of the people we serve and those with whom we work.”

The Autism Research Center

The Autism Research Center (ARC) is an initiative of Cambridge University in the United Kingdom to promote awareness of autism, the benefits of early prevention, and the importance of extensive research.

Despite having a huge team of scientists, professionals, and support staff from all over the world, the ARC has a strong commitment to the principles of empathy and kindness. Education, collaboration, and support are the foundation of ARC and attract researchers, educators, and parents to the cause.

Compassion Is the Key to Success

If you want to be an effective leader, it’s essential to have compassion for the people who work with you. Compassionate leaders are not as common as they need be, but they’re an asset to the workplace.

Compassionate leaders listen, invest in their people, and create a collaborative culture with a positive attitude to help employees feel valued and appreciated. Through compassionate leadership, you can spread joy, connect with others, and resonate positivity in your organization.

Should You Quit Your 9-5 to Work on Your Business Full Time? Here’s How to Know When It’s Time to Make the Move

Hustling at your 9-5 job while trying to get your business up and running is no easy task. At first, you may be so excited that you don’t notice the toll it’s taking on you. But over time, the long hours and stress will build, and as the months or years go by, you may feel like something has to give.

Holding onto both your full-time job and your business is a great strategy to ensure that you’re financially protected while you wait for the business to become profitable. That’s meant to be a short-term strategy, however, not a sustainable option in the long term.

Eventually, you will need to choose between your full-time job and your business. Knowing when is key to both your security and the security of your business.

When to Quit Your Job

We’ve all heard stories of entrepreneurs who quit their job one day and their business took off, making them practical overnight millionaires. Though it happens, that’s extremely rare. The more likely course is quitting too soon and ending up with no cash flow, or waiting too long and burning out.

Here are the signs you should quit your job:

You Have Good Income

There are suggestions for how much you should make or what percentage of your full-time salary before you can quit your 9-5. This guideline is helpful, but it’s not ideal for every situation.

If you’re making more money than you need to at this point with your full-time job. If that’s the case, you don’t need to wait until you’re making a certain percentage of it. Maybe half is enough for you to live comfortably for a while.

Consider how much your business really needs to bring in for you to feel comfortable. Are you willing to sacrifice anything to make this decision more feasible, like a streaming entertainment subscription, happy hours with friends, or that Sunday football package? Are you willing to prepare more meals at home, even if you’ve had a long and tiring day?

The answer and decision are yours and yours alone. No matter how much you make or think you can live on, it’s important to plan it out to make sure there are no surprises.

You Have Savings

If you have a robust savings account and emergency fund from your full-time job, you may have enough to be confident in quitting to pursue your business full-time.

Remember, some businesses and industries take longer to launch, have greater startup costs, or have a longer period before they become profitable. It doesn’t mean they’ll fail, but simply that you may need to wait longer before they generate a return.

If your savings account isn’t quite there yet, think about how much more you want to have before you’ll feel comfortable quitting. Then, consider whether you could put a bit more away each pay to reach that goal.

You Have a Plan

Going full-time with your business and leaving a stable 9-5 can seem exciting, but you still have responsibilities. Make a plan and establish your budgets before you make any rash decisions.

Though it may not be as fun as some dramatic exit from your job, having a plan in place ensures security and sustainability. Your story may not prompt anyone to make a movie about your dramatic path to success, either, but you’re more likely to succeed in a way that counts.

Are You Ready?

Quitting and going full-time with your business is a huge leap. Fortunately, with some planning and financial security, you can make your dream a reality in the smartest and most practical way possible.

Looking to get your business from startup to successful? Work with Allison directly!

How Business Women Can Claim Their Space Online

Over the years, we’ve seen plenty of information for how women can embrace more assertive personalities in the workplace, make themselves heard, and manage better work-life balance.

Women are also expected to defer to others by not taking up space in professional or social environments. This is not only a major contributor to the pay gap, because it decreases the possibilities for promotion, but it sets a dangerous norm in which women feel that they need to take up less space at work.

Because of this, women often struggle to hold their ground with men and stand up for themselves. Occupying space, physically or metaphorically, is a powerful skill and feeling that gives women more confidence and assures them that they “deserve” to be there.

To claim space effectively, you must practice respect. Here are some tips:

Maintain Good Posture

Posture is a key component of claiming space because it exudes confidence and demonstrates how you feel about yourself and how the world feels about you. People with good posture typically look more approachable and may get to know coworkers better.

There’s also a subconscious component. Women who have good posture and look at people directly don’t cower, refer, or intimidate easily. When you stand up tall, other people have to look you in the eye and acknowledge your presence.

Even if you’re home alone and just using audio on a work call, it’s always good to practice good posture. Your coworkers may not be able to see your posture, but your confidence will come across in your voice and demeanor.


The voice is a powerful tool both in and out of the workplace. Your voice is used to perform your work, to some degree, and find solutions to problems, but it can also be used to advocate for yourself. With the right tone, a voice can show strength or weakness, combativeness, submissiveness, and more.

Online, your voice is your primary means of communication. It’s all the more important for you to use your voice effectively to gain your voice back. If someone talks over you or interrupts, speak with conviction to bring the conversation back to you.

Body Language

Body language is a big part of communication and confidence. Most people notice the way we carry ourselves and how we interact with others, even without words. This can also affect someone’s level of focus or interest.

Think about it – most of us can tell if someone is ignoring us or not really paying attention to what we’re saying. Body language is powerful, and using strong (but approachable) body language boosts your physical presence.

Find Your Space in the Workplace

Women had to overcome a lot to regain their voice in the workplace and get the recognition they deserve. Now, women need to reclaim their space in the workplace to harness confidence and ensure they’re seen and heard each day.

Do you want to rediscover your confidence and claim your space? Work with Allison directly!