5 Ways Business Women Can Avoid Burnout

As busy businesswoman, it’s hard for us to take a step back and put ourselves first. IT’s especially difficult when also faced with other demands on your time, such as children and family. 

Burnout is often hard to pinpoint or acknowledge. In a post-pandemic world, many of you may be running on autopilot because your cup is empty and dry. This leads to unaddressed trauma, unresolved emotions, and burnout that leaks into other areas of our lives.

Here are my top tips for avoiding burnout in your business and in your life. 

#1 Regularly Take A Well-Deserved Break

This one shouldn’t be surprising, but I know firsthand that when you have a jam-packed schedule, it feels impossible. Friend, you have to schedule time off intentionally. You have to choose yourself.

Block out time for a break on your calendar as if it were an incredibly important meeting that you cannot miss. This time should be at least 30 minutes to an hour every week or bi-weekly if that’s not possible. 

Sit outside and meditate in the fresh air, lay down and listen to an audiobook to rest your eyes, or go for a walk. Choose any relaxing or leisurely activity you enjoy. 

#2 Delegate

In order to preserve as much energy as possible, it’s essential to delegate tasks you don’t have to do yourself. This is the best use of your time and skills. 

Determine the tasks you’re weak in or that you simply don’t enjoy. What are the time-consuming little things that drive you crazy every week? What projects never quite turn out how you like, and you wish they were better? 

Assign these to your team or a virtual assistant who can ease the burden on your time and your energy. 

#3 Say No With Conviction

Burnout often shows up when you’re trying too hard to multitask on too many projects and are overwhelmed. Even the top performers in your industry, or any industry, must prioritize their time and manage projects efficiently. 

When new projects spring up, it’s ok to say no if it will help you avoid burnout. This is true for any stage of your career. Whether you work for someone else or own your own company, you need to focus on what matters. 

#4 Learn To Unplug

Unfortunately, most working women still perform as if we have something to prove. We take on projects that drag into the night and eat up our weekends. We miss out on things we value to “stay on top.”

Greater productivity is unlocked while you work only when you completely unplug when you’re not. Turn off your notifications and delete apps from your phone if you have to. Resist the urge to “check-in” after hours. 

#5 Get Compassionate Support and Accountability

I help businesswomen like you everyday to grow through burnout without sacrificing their careers or business. It’s my job! I love it, and I’m not ashamed to say I excel at it. If you’d like to take advantage of compassionate support and avoid burnout, let’s chat! Schedule with me here!

By Alison Todd April 4, 2022