So, You Got a Bad Review. Now What?

It might be difficult to accept a negative review, regardless of whether you’re a service provider, employee, or business owner. Although receiving negative comments might seem like a personal assault, it’s important to acknowledge that it’s a part of life. Consider how you may use the criticism to further your career and personal development rather than focusing on the criticism itself. We’ll go over several actions to do in this blog article if you receive a bad review.

Keep Your Emotions in Check

Your initial reaction to a bad review may be to get defensive or upset, but it’s crucial to keep your emotions in check. Take some time to process the feedback and don’t respond impulsively. Remember that the review is about your product or service, not your worth as a person.

Understand the Feedback

Examine the review attentively and make an effort to comprehend the particular concerns raised by the reviewer. Was there a miscommunication, a misunderstanding, or a real issue with your good or service? You might begin working on a remedy by identifying the underlying reason for the unfavorable reviews.

Learn from the Experience

Embrace the opportunity to learn from the negative review. It can provide valuable insights into what you need to improve. Consider it as free advice on how to make your product or service better. Use this feedback to refine your offerings and avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

Respond Professionally

Once you’ve had time to process the feedback and understand the issues, it’s time to respond. Always maintain a professional and friendly tone in your response, even if the review is particularly harsh. Acknowledge the criticism, express your appreciation for the feedback, and assure the reviewer that you’re taking steps to address the concerns.

Example response

 We appreciate you taking the time to give us your opinions. We are sorry to hear that you had a bad experience, and we value your openness. We’re dedicated to ensuring that our customers have an improved experience going forward by implementing changes based on your input.

Offer a Solution

Offer a remedy or state that you are making an effort to resolve the concerns, depending on the type of bad review that you have received. This might assist in reestablishing confidence and demonstrate your dedication to client pleasure. Keep in mind that resolving a reviewer’s complaints is only one aspect of the problem; another is keeping future consumers from experiencing the same problems.

Example response: “We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced and are actively working on improving the issues you mentioned. We would like to make it right, so please feel free to reach out to our customer support team at [contact information] to discuss how we can rectify this situation.”

Seek Out Additional Feedback

Bad reviews can be isolated incidents or part of a broader issue. To get a more comprehensive understanding of the problem, seek out additional feedback from other customers or clients. Conduct surveys, run focus groups, or encourage customers to leave their thoughts in other online forums. This can help you identify recurring patterns and work on solutions more effectively.

Implement Changes

While it’s necessary to take the time to comprehend and respond to negative criticism, making significant adjustments is the most crucial stage. Demonstrate your dedication to continuous improvement by modifying your procedures, providing more training, or improving your goods or services in response to customer input.


Although getting a negative review is never a pleasure, it doesn’t have to mean that all is lost. Instead, see it as a chance for development and advancement. You may use a bad review as a springboard for your own and your career’s growth if you can control your emotions, read the comments, draw lessons from the situation, reply professionally, provide solutions, look for further input, and make adjustments. Recall that even the most prosperous people and companies have encountered criticism at some point, and what makes you unique is how you handle it.

Out Of Motivation In Your Business? Here’s How Discipline Keeps You On Track


Motivation often peaks and valleys in the fast-paced corporate sector. It’s common to have an occasional lack of motivation and zeal. The good news is that there are other ways to keep your business on track than inspiration. Even when your motivation is flagging, discipline is a potent weapon that can keep you consistent and productive. We’ll look at how discipline may be your compass in this blog article when motivation fades you.

The Ebb and Flow of Motivation

We’ve all been there: you start your business journey brimming with motivation, eager to tackle every challenge that comes your way. But as days turn into weeks and weeks into months, motivation can gradually fade. It can result from setbacks, stress, or the monotony of daily tasks. However, it’s essential to remember that motivation is a fleeting emotion, while discipline is a long-lasting habit that can help you power through these difficult periods.

Why Discipline Matters

Consistency is Key

Discipline provides the consistency that every business needs to thrive. It involves setting specific routines, goals, and processes that guide your actions, regardless of your motivation. Whether it’s a daily schedule, a production plan, or a marketing strategy, discipline ensures that you follow through, even when motivation is low.

Focus on Long-Term Goals

Motivation often emphasizes short-term goals and quick wins. In contrast, discipline encourages you to keep your long-term objectives in sight. It enables you to progress toward your business’s ultimate vision, regardless of the daily fluctuations in motivation.

Self-control and Time Management

Discipline fosters self-control and effective time management. When you’re disciplined, you’re less likely to succumb to distractions or procrastination. You can allocate your time and energy wisely, ensuring that you’re consistently productive in your business endeavors.

Overcoming Challenges

Every business faces challenges, and they can be particularly daunting when motivation is low. Discipline helps you tackle these obstacles methodically, breaking them down into manageable steps and staying on course until the problem is resolved. 

Building Resilience

Resilience is a crucial trait for business success, and discipline plays a vital role in developing it. When you consistently push through periods of low motivation, you build mental toughness and the ability to persevere in the face of adversity.

Practical Tips for Maintaining Discipline

Set Clear Goals: Define your business objectives clearly. Having well-defined goals provides direction and purpose, even when motivation is elusive.

Establish a Daily or Weekly Schedule: that allows for time for key chores. In order to preserve consistency in your work, adhere to this routine.

Prioritize Tasks: Identify your most critical tasks and tackle them first. This ensures that even if motivation wanes later in the day, you’ve already made significant progress.

Break Tasks Down Into Smaller Steps: When presented with a difficult activity, divide it into more manageable chunks. It is simpler to maintain discipline and achieve steady growth as a result.

Hold Yourself Accountable: Tell a mentor, business partner, or someone else who can help hold you responsible for your ambitions. Checking in frequently may help you stay disciplined.


While motivation can be a powerful force to drive your business forward, it’s not a constant companion. Discipline, on the other hand, is a dependable ally that can keep you on track during periods of low motivation. By maintaining discipline through consistent routines, self-control, and a focus on long-term goals, you can weather the ebb and flow of motivation and continue working towards your business’s success. So, the next time you find yourself out of motivation, remember that discipline is the key to keeping your business on the right path.

Elevating Your Business: What It Truly Means to “Level Up”


In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the phrase “level up” is frequently used to describe the pursuit of growth, progress, and success. But what does it really mean to “level up” your business? Is it about rapid expansion, increased profits, or something more profound? In this blog post, we will explore the concept of leveling up your business, diving into what it entails, and how you can achieve it.

Defining the “Level Up” Mentality

“Leveling up” your business goes beyond superficial growth. It’s a mindset that encompasses various dimensions of advancement:

Sustainable Growth: True business evolution involves growth that is sustainable and not merely a short-term boost. It’s about ensuring that your business can flourish over time without compromising its core values.

Adaptation: In a constantly changing business environment, leveling up means being adaptable. It’s about being open to new ideas, technologies, and approaches that allow your business to thrive in the face of challenges.

Improved Efficiency: Efficiency is a cornerstone of business success. Leveling up entails optimizing your processes, workflows, and resource allocation to maximize productivity and reduce waste.

Enhanced Customer Experience: Your customers are at the heart of your business. Leveling up means continually improving your products, services, and customer interactions to exceed expectations.

Innovation: Embracing innovation is crucial. It involves seeking new solutions, exploring creative ideas, and remaining at the forefront of your industry.

Strong Leadership: Effective leadership is essential for business growth. Leveling up your leadership skills ensures your team can work cohesively and efficiently toward a common goal.

Strategic Planning: A well-thought-out strategy is essential for long-term success. Leveling up involves crafting and implementing a robust business plan that aligns with your goals

Invest in Your Team: Your most precious assets are your staff. Investing in their growth, establishing a healthy work environment, and luring top personnel are all parts of leveling up.

How to “Level Up” Your Business

Now that we’ve clarified what it means to level up, let’s discuss how you can make it happen:

Establish Specific Goals: Specify your long-term and short-term objectives. These objectives must be SMART, or specified, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-limited.

Continuous Learning: Stay up to date on market trends, developing technology, and recommended procedures. Update your knowledge and abilities frequently to stay current with ever-changing conditions.

Operational Excellence: Streamline your operations by identifying areas for improvement. Eliminate inefficiencies and allocate resources wisely.

Customer-Centric Approach: Keep your customers at the forefront of your decisions. Gather feedback, analyze it, and use it to enhance your products and services.

Innovate Boldly: Encourage innovation in your organization. Embrace creative thinking and empower your team to experiment with new ideas and concepts.

Spend money on developing your leadership abilities: In order to develop as a leader and motivate your team, think about executive coaching, leadership development, and mentorship.

Strategic Planning: Develop a robust business strategy that aligns with your vision and goals. Regularly review and update your plan as needed.

Develop a culture of growth: inside your company to benefit employee development. Create a collaborative and creative workplace by investing in staff training and development.


To “level up” your business is to embark on a journey of sustainable growth, adaptation, and innovation. It’s about being efficient, customer-centric, and forward-thinking, all while developing your leadership skills and nurturing your team. The “level up” mentality represents a commitment to continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence.

By adopting these principles and maintaining a forward-focused approach, you can steer your business toward long-term success and prosperity. So, embrace the “level up” mindset, and watch your business rise to new heights in the ever-changing world of commerce.

Asking for Testimonials with Confidence: Your Path to Success

Hey there, fellow enthusiasts of personal and professional growth! If you’re reading this, it means you’re on a mission to boost your credibility and showcase your awesomeness to the world. Kudos to you! Testimonials are your golden ticket to building trust and proving your worth. But don’t fret if asking for testimonials feels a tad intimidating; we’ve got your back! In this blog, we’ll walk you through how to ask for testimonials with unshakable confidence and a dose of encouragement.

Step 1: Believe in Your Value

Before you embark on your testimonial-gathering journey, remind yourself of your incredible skills, dedication, and the value you bring to your clients or customers. Confidence starts with self-belief. You’re fantastic at what you do, and people should know it!

Step 2: Timing is Everything

The secret to a resounding “yes” is picking the perfect moment. Ask for a testimonial when your clients or customers are bubbling over with happiness about your work. Timing is key to capturing their enthusiasm.

Step 3: Craft a Heartfelt Message

Start with a warm and sincere message. Express your gratitude for their trust in your services or products. Let them know how much their feedback means to you. People are more likely to help when they feel appreciated.

Step 4: Keep It Simple

Don’t overcomplicate things. Make the process of leaving a testimonial a breeze. Offer clear instructions on where and how they can share their thoughts – whether it’s through email, a feedback form, or a review platform.

Step 5: Provide Guidance (But Keep It Open)

Sometimes, clients or customers might feel unsure about what to write. Offer some gentle prompts or questions to get their creative juices flowing. For instance:

  • ~What was your biggest takeaway from our service/product?
  • ~Would you recommend us to others, and if so, why?
  • ~How has our product/service positively impacted your life or business?


Remember, you want their honest thoughts, so don’t dictate their words too much.



Step 6: Show Your Gratitude

When you receive a testimonial, don’t delay – send a heartfelt thank-you! Acknowledge their contribution and let them know how much it means to you. Gratitude creates a positive feedback loop.

Step 7: Put the Spotlight on Them

Once you’ve gathered a collection of stunning testimonials, shine a spotlight on your clients or customers. Showcase their words of praise on your website, social media, and marketing materials. Make them the heroes of your story.

Step 8: Keep the Momentum Going

Don’t stop at just one round of testimonials. Continue to gather feedback from your clients or customers on an ongoing basis. This keeps your testimonial bank fresh and demonstrates your consistent excellence.

Step 9: Respect Privacy and Preferences

Always seek permission before using someone’s testimonial, and be respectful of their privacy. Some may prefer to remain anonymous or share their testimonial without personal details. It’s crucial to honor their wishes.

Step 10: Embrace Growth

Lastly, use the feedback you receive from testimonials as a tool for growth. Constructive criticism is your friend. It’s an opportunity to refine your skills and enhance your offerings further.


Asking for testimonials with confidence is a journey of self-assuredness and celebration of your excellence. Remember, you’re doing the world a favor by letting your brilliance shine. People want to support those who exude confidence and deliver outstanding value. So, go ahead and ask for those testimonials with a smile on your face and a heart full of assurance. You’ve got this!

With the help of an experienced business coach, discover the keys to optimal performance, strategy, and expansion. Take a look around my website (click me) or go to to get started on your path to a prosperous future right away!

Unleashing the Magic: Conquering Instagram Reels Without Being on Camera


Hey there, fellow digital marketing enthusiasts! It’s great to have you here as we embark on a journey to master Instagram Reels without even stepping in front of a camera. Yes, you read that right – you can show up on Instagram Reels, dazzle your audience, and grow your brand without facing the lens! Intrigued? Well, let’s dive right in and uncover the secrets to conquer the world of Reels with your digital marketing prowess.

Create Captivating Animations:

First things first, animations can be your most powerful ally. With a plethora of user-friendly animation tools and apps available, you can breathe life into your content without recording a single frame. Engaging animations can take your audience on a visual delight, highlighting key messages and enhancing brand recall. From quirky text animations to vibrant graphic sequences, there’s no limit to what you can achieve with this versatile medium.

Curate User-Generated Content:

One of the best ways to participate in the Instagram Reels revolution without getting in front of the camera is by curating user-generated content (UGC). UGC showcases your audience’s experiences with your products or services, and it’s highly relatable. Encourage your followers to create Reels featuring your brand, share their stories, and celebrate their creativity. Not only does this foster a strong community, but it also saves you from any camera shyness!

Embrace the Power of Voiceovers:

Voiceovers can work wonders in making your Reels stand out without showing your face. You can either use your own voice or even hire a professional voice artist to narrate your content. With a well-crafted script and engaging voice, your Reels will resonate with viewers, conveying your message effectively. Remember, storytelling through voice can be equally compelling as visual storytelling.

Dive into the World of Stop-Motion:

Get ready to unleash your inner filmmaker with stop-motion videos. This playful technique involves taking a series of photos with incremental changes between each shot. Once compiled, it creates a mesmerizing and creative video that captivates audiences. From product demonstrations to DIY tutorials, the stop-motion technique will keep your audience hooked without requiring you to be on camera.

Leverage Screen Recording:

Are you an expert in your field? If yes, then screen recording is your golden ticket to Reels success! Share your knowledge by demonstrating your skills, whether it’s creating stunning graphics, navigating a website, or showcasing software tips. Viewers love valuable insights, and your expertise will speak for itself, all while you stay behind the scenes.

Explore Slideshow Presentations:

Slideshow presentations are an excellent way to educate, entertain, and inspire your audience on Instagram Reels. Use vibrant visuals, add catchy captions, and let your creativity flow. These dynamic slideshows are a hit on the platform and provide a fantastic opportunity to showcase your brand without being the center of attention.


Ready to embrace the Instagram Reels revolution with our expert assistance? At, we craft personalized strategies tailored to your brand’s unique voice and goals. Let’s create magic together!

Schedule a call and take your social media marketing to new heights. Unleash the power of captivating storytelling sans camera – watch your brand soar on Instagram Reels!

Happy Reeling and social media marketing success!

5 Things Microprenuers Should Do To Establish Their Presence Online


As a microentrepreneur, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to establish a strong online presence. However, through trial and error, I’ve learned some valuable strategies that have significantly boosted my online visibility and helped my business grow. In this blog, I’ll share five easy-to-understand steps that all microentrepreneurs can take to establish a powerful online presence and reach a wider audience.

Step 1: Create an Engaging Website

Your website serves as your digital storefront, and it’s essential to make a strong first impression. Work on creating an engaging and user-friendly website that reflects your brand’s identity and showcases your products or services.

In my journey, I collaborated with web design experts to revamp my website. They helped me choose a visually appealing design, organized the content in a user-friendly manner, and optimized it for mobile devices.

Step 2: Produce Quality Content

Content is king in the digital world. Share valuable and relevant content that speaks to the needs and interests of your target audience. Whether it’s through blog posts, videos, or social media updates, ensure that your content provides real value.

I started blogging about topics related to my industry, and I was amazed by the positive response from my audience. They appreciated the useful information and started sharing my content with their networks, expanding my reach organically.

Step 3: Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms are powerful tools to connect with your audience and build a community around your brand. Identify the platforms where your target customers are most active and engage with them regularly.

I initially struggled with social media, but with dedication and guidance from digital marketing experts, I learned how to create engaging posts, interact with my followers, and leverage social media advertising to reach a broader audience.

Step 4: Optimize for Search Engines

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for improving your website’s visibility in search engine results. Conduct keyword research to understand what your potential customers are searching for and optimize your website and content accordingly.

SEO seemed intimidating at first, but with the help of SEO specialists, I learned the basics and implemented strategies to improve my website’s ranking on search engines. As a result, more people discovered my business when searching for relevant keywords.

Step 5: Engage with Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective way to stay connected with your audience and nurture leads. Collect email addresses from interested visitors and send them valuable and personalized content on a regular basis.

Initially, I underestimated the power of email marketing. However, after building an email list and sending targeted content to my subscribers, I noticed increased customer loyalty and repeat business.


Establishing your online presence as a microentrepreneur may seem daunting, but with the right strategies and perseverance, it’s entirely achievable. Through my journey, I’ve come to realize the importance of a compelling website, quality content, social media engagement, SEO, and email marketing.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, don’t hesitate to embrace these five steps.

At, we understand the unique challenges microentrepreneurs face in the digital world. Our goal is to help you succeed by providing a range of tailored digital marketing services that will elevate your brand and attract your target audience.

With a team of dedicated professionals, we offer top-notch website design, captivating content creation, social media mastery, SEO optimization, and personalized email marketing campaigns. We are committed to understanding your vision and tailoring our strategies to align with your business objectives.

How Business Women Can Claim Their Space Online

Over the years, we’ve seen plenty of information for how women can embrace more assertive personalities in the workplace, make themselves heard, and manage better work-life balance.

Women are also expected to defer to others by not taking up space in professional or social environments. This is not only a major contributor to the pay gap, because it decreases the possibilities for promotion, but it sets a dangerous norm in which women feel that they need to take up less space at work.

Because of this, women often struggle to hold their ground with men and stand up for themselves. Occupying space, physically or metaphorically, is a powerful skill and feeling that gives women more confidence and assures them that they “deserve” to be there.

To claim space effectively, you must practice respect. Here are some tips:

Maintain Good Posture

Posture is a key component of claiming space because it exudes confidence and demonstrates how you feel about yourself and how the world feels about you. People with good posture typically look more approachable and may get to know coworkers better.

There’s also a subconscious component. Women who have good posture and look at people directly don’t cower, refer, or intimidate easily. When you stand up tall, other people have to look you in the eye and acknowledge your presence.

Even if you’re home alone and just using audio on a work call, it’s always good to practice good posture. Your coworkers may not be able to see your posture, but your confidence will come across in your voice and demeanor.


The voice is a powerful tool both in and out of the workplace. Your voice is used to perform your work, to some degree, and find solutions to problems, but it can also be used to advocate for yourself. With the right tone, a voice can show strength or weakness, combativeness, submissiveness, and more.

Online, your voice is your primary means of communication. It’s all the more important for you to use your voice effectively to gain your voice back. If someone talks over you or interrupts, speak with conviction to bring the conversation back to you.

Body Language

Body language is a big part of communication and confidence. Most people notice the way we carry ourselves and how we interact with others, even without words. This can also affect someone’s level of focus or interest.

Think about it – most of us can tell if someone is ignoring us or not really paying attention to what we’re saying. Body language is powerful, and using strong (but approachable) body language boosts your physical presence.

Find Your Space in the Workplace

Women had to overcome a lot to regain their voice in the workplace and get the recognition they deserve. Now, women need to reclaim their space in the workplace to harness confidence and ensure they’re seen and heard each day.

Do you want to rediscover your confidence and claim your space? Work with Allison directly!

When Should You Raise Your Prices?

For many business owners, coming up with a pricing strategy was a challenge in the first place. Now, you’ve been in operation a few years and it may be time to raise your prices, but the anxiety is back.

You fear that if you increase the cost of the product too quickly, customers will go elsewhere. But leaving your prices low without adjustments for inflation, cost of living, overhead, or other variables that affect your expenses, you could run yourself right out of business.

Here’s how to tell if it’s time to raise your prices.

Your Close Rate Is High

If a customer conversion rate is over 80%, you probably have prices that are too low. Ideally, your close rate should be in between 75% and 80%. If the conversion rate is in this range, you may want to check over your prices and see if you should increase them.

Of course, if you have an exceptional product that caught the attention of customers quickly, you may find that you have a higher conversion rate after raising prices. Sometimes, products that are too cheap can be a turn off to consumers – they assume there’s a reason they’re so cheap.

You Haven’t Raised Prices

If you haven’t raised prices in years, or you’ve never raised prices, now is the time. Often, business owners are afraid to raise prices at this point because they believe loyal customers will turn away.

Keep in mind that prices have very little impact on demand, so the demand won’t go anywhere. Sure, some customers may not be happy about the prices going up, but most will support you. A modest increase in price isn’t going to deter anyone.

You’ve Received Competitive Reviews

Whether we like it or not, our competitors’ prices influence our prices and how much the market will bear. You can use this same information to determine when it’s time to raise prices (and by how much).

Check out the prices that competitors are charging for comparable products and use that to inform your new pricing strategy. But don’t let the market dictate your pricing. If you’re the more expensive of the brands, your opportunity to come out ahead is in marketing your product for value or quality, rather than as the bargain.

Tips for Raising Prices

If you’ve determined that raising prices is a good decision, you can soften the blow by approaching pricing incrementally. Instead of doubling your price overnight, raise your prices by the appropriate amount. Consider how much of the price affects budget and how much leeway you have to add to the price.

Another option is to “grandfather” old clients in. With this method, you’ll keep the prices the same for your old customers and only raise prices for the new ones.

Boost Your Profits with Accurate Pricing

Pricing your products or services is always difficult. If you’re looking to raise prices, make sure to be transparent with customers to explain the reasons behind the price increase.

Could you use guidance to achieve your business goals? Work with business coach Allison directly!

5 Ways to Bolster Your LinkedIn Presence Today

LinkedIn is an excellent channel to build your personal brand and establish yourself as a thought leader in a network of professionals. Gaining traction on LinkedIn isn’t easy, however. You need to understand how it works, how to work with its tools, and what type of content generates the best response.

1. Post Consistently

Consistent posting is the single most important aspect of success on LinkedIn. Posting too often can harm your presence and makes your followers feel bombarded with your content. Likewise, posting too infrequently can get your posts lost in the newsfeed.

Ideally, post two or three times a week, and no more than once a day. Depending on your audience, you may get more engagement if you post in the morning instead of the afternoon or evening. Be sure to research your followers to see when they’re most active.

2. Share Visual Content

LinkedIn may not be TikTok or Instagram, but it still thrives on visual content. Research suggests that articles with images receive up to 94% more views than text posts. And it’s not just images – you can try videos, slide shows, or infographics to capture the attention of followers.

3. Support Your Fellow Professionals

Don’t just share your own content. According to the 4-1-1 Rule, for every post that’s your own, you should repost one relevant post and share four pieces of relevant content written by others. When you follow this rule, you’re providing helpful, industry-relevant insights for your audience and supporting your fellow business owners.

Another benefit is that sharing a post also shares your opinion. No industry is without its controversy or differing opinions. When you share content you like, you’re subtly providing your opinion on a topic. If you wish, add your own caption to expand on the topic and offer your own insights.

4. Don’t Be Salesy

The point of getting on social media is to promote yourself, but that doesn’t mean you need to turn into a pushy used car salesman. You’re there to provide value to your community, first and foremost.

For example, avoid posting directly about your business, products, or services. This just comes off as blatant promotion and may turn people off. 

Before you can self-promote, you have to engage in valuable discussions with your community and share information that may be interesting to them. If you make an impact, that can drive people to visit your website and your products.

5. Create Specific Content

If you’re active on social media, there’s a good chance you have followers on just about every platform. Instead of having them see the same things on all your social accounts, create specific content just for LinkedIn.

This is the perfect platform for it as well. You may have customers as followers on LinkedIn, but you probably also have a number of industry professionals on your page that you can update and share insights with.

Get Your Business on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is only growing in popularity and becoming an increasingly powerful platform. If you’re not on LinkedIn yet, or you’re struggling to boost your activity, use these tips to attract and engage followers.

Looking for guidance in marketing or scaling your business? Work with Allison directly to develop the skills you need to succeed with your business!

Vetting Your Business Coach: What to Know Before Signing the Contract

Business coaching is a valuable tool to support your professional growth, whether for your own business or to reach the next level in your career. You can learn to identify and move past roadblocks that are holding you back to become more productive.

But not all coaches are equally skilled or qualified. The market isn’t regulated like doctors or attorneys – anyone can become a coach. It’s vital that you do your due diligence to ensure that your time and financial investment are going toward a coach who can help you reach your goals.

Here’s what you need to know before you sign a contract:


You want to work with a coach that has extensive experience helping people achieve their business goals, whether they’re just starting out or scaling a business. When you’re vetting your coaches, ask them how long they’ve been coaching and what type of training they underwent.


Before you embark on business coaching, it’s important that you understand what you’re looking to gain from the experience. Many people are confused about what a business coach actually does – they’re not business advisors. A coach is there to help you develop the skills and mindset to achieve your goals, not to solve problems in your business using their own knowledge and expertise.


Business coaches often approach their coaching with different tools, methods, and strategies. Some will work for you and others may not, so make sure to find a coach that aligns with the way you process information and receive guidance. If you’re not sure if you’re a fit, ask your prospective coach how they approach coaching and what types of clients they prefer to work with.


This can’t be overstated – coaching is a deeply personal process. You need to feel like you’re in a comfortable, confidential space with your coach to discuss your personal growth, strengths and weaknesses, and roadblocks. It’s vital that you have a personality fit between yourself and your coach for this to be successful.

For example, some people respond more to a “tough love” relationship with someone who will be direct with their criticism and recommendations. Others need a coach who will soften the blow to make them more receptive to coaching and learning.


Business coaches offer different plans and schedules. Some are weekly, some are monthly, and you want to be sure you’ll have a coach who’s available at the time you need it most. Consider how often you want to meet with your coach in advance, then find a coach with the availability that works best for your needs.

Work with Allison Todd

Hiring a business coach is like hiring anyone else to perform a service – you need to do your research. Ask plenty of questions, look for referrals from people you trust, and discuss the process with your prospective coaches to increase the likelihood of success in your coaching experience.

Looking for business coaching? Work with Allison directly!