The Perfect Hire Checklist

The Perfect Hire Checklist

After weeks or even months of searching for someone to fill your business’s open position, you finally did it: you found the perfect hire. Your company’s hiring managers deserve a sigh of relief–but the journey isn’t over yet. 

Statistically speaking, 31% of new hires will quit a new job within the first 6 months simply because of a poor onboarding experience. In today’s market, your business can’t afford to NOT have an efficient, well-thought-out onboarding process that will ensure the security of your new hire. 

Read on for Allison Todd’s perfect hire checklist.

What is a New Hire Checklist?

A new hire checklist is what the best companies employ to ensure their new hire’s first days, weeks, and months go smoothly. It’s a designated list of activities and tasks that an HR manager should complete before and after a new employee joins your company. 

Following this checklist ensures a smooth merger between your business and the new hire, which will generally result in a long-term relationship between the two–barring any other complications. 

These checklists are a wonderful, dynamic tool that helps every new employee settle into their new work environment–and they’re important for HR managers as well. 

Companies are incredibly complex these days, and checklists ensure that nothing slips through the cracks–you don’t want your new employee wandering around the office on their first day, unsure of what to do or where the bathroom even is. Checklists also ensure that every member of your new hire’s team has had the same onboarding experience, this way everyone they’ll be working with is on the same page.

New Hire Checklist

Let’s be honest–hiring a new employee isn’t cheap, and it’s especially difficult if you’re a small business competing with larger corporations who have much deeper budgetary pockets. Between recruiting fees and advertising for candidates amongst all else, a company can’t afford to lose a new hire within the first few months. 

Yes–some employees will leave because the company may just not be a good fit for them, but you can do your best to make sure that the atmosphere of your office is warm, welcoming, and ready for your new hire.

Some of these steps may differ depending on your company’s rules and regulations, but the general checklist should go as such

1. The first step is to submit a job requisition form to your HR department to make the hire official.

2. Then you should complete a background check and father other important documents from the employee, such as direct deposit forms, I-9 information, W-5 information and others.

3. Next, review the basic schedule and duties of their new role: this helps set expectations for both you and your new hire. 

4. After your new hire reviews their role, the next step is to give them a tour of your facilities. This should include where the bathrooms are, the kitchen, their office, and other places that they’ll be using.

5. Introducing them to their new team members should follow.

6. The next step should be ensuring that their work station is completely set up for them, and they have all of the necessary tools for their role, including badges, office supplies and more. 

7. Next begins the actual training process, this can take a couple days, weeks, or even months. Make sure to be clear about their duties and check in for feedback–making your new hire feel heard can help them feel welcome. 


At the end of the day, a new hire may not stick around–that’s the job market these days. There’s opportunity behind every door, and candidates are lucky to have many choices to pick from. However, to keep your business’s competitive edge in the face of all these choices, employing a perfect hire checklist can instill confidence in any new employee that your business is right for them. 

Coach Allison Todd Interviews Tee Thomas

Every business owner has a different experience as they meet the challenges of COVID-19. Listen as Coach Allison Todd interviews Tee Thomas, Founder of Formation Salon & Spa.

Before the pandemic, Tee was working on the construction of her newly acquired location. As she prepared for her grand opening, she continued to make minor updates. Then she decided to hire a new business team. Many business owners understand the responsibilities Tee had to juggle both while safe at home and in order to reopen in June. However, she would need more than understanding to implement the necessary changes.

Like many, she had many things to consider. She redesigned one of her suites specifically for high risk and older clients. After days of cleaning and sanitation, there is still much to complete. During the interview, Tee shares more about why its her responsibility to press forward and be of service to others.

And now, not only is she prepared to open her business doors, she wants to position herself to lead others during these uncertain times. Tee says, “We’ve been delayed but not denied. We must press forward.”

Finding Your Purpose In Your Connections

The road to success does not have to be achieved alone. As a matter of fact, look around, you are not alone. And if you are, that can be changed with purposeful connections. Finding your purpose in your connections has high ROI. Unlike the classic networking routine, genuine connections has more depth. A genuine connection requires time, mutual interest, engaged interactions and trust. It takes a personal investment to build relationships, thus everyone is not willing to do so.

How do you attract the right people to your circle?

How can you genuinely connect with others to identify the bigger purpose and grow?

I mean, after all, it takes one right conversation with the right person to make great things happen. And who doesn’t want to make great things happen? Here are some tips to get you and the one of to a winning start to finding purpose in your connections:

  1. Offer the arm of kindness to everyone you meet. People will respond with the same (not all but most). This creates a mutual starting point of safety and respect. People are more prone to openness when they feel safe to share. The next time you meet or interact with anyone– online or in person– consider programming your mindset as if you’ll be meeting with a friend and see the difference.
  2. See the goodness in everyone you meet. Learn from them, right or wrong, there is always something to learn. And when you learn, you grow. When you open yourself up to others, it is easy to see your purpose in your connections. Remember, compassion is the core of empathy, and there’s nothing more moving than giving someone or yourself a generous dose of optimism.
  3. Walk the talk. To build genuine connections, you must first be true to yourself. You cannot demand something you are not willing to give. Simply put you can not receive sincerity and truthfulness from others when you do not embody the same. Let your positive mindset be an infectious motivation for others. When you do, it is also easy to attract the same level of optimism to truly build deeper (no-nonsense) connections.
  4. Always strive to listen for understanding, instead of listening with the intent to reply. When you increase your listening skills, your level of understanding equally increases. Accepting people for who they are becomes habit. It is a fact that no matter how purposeful your connections are, you will not have everything in common. It’s human nature to differ in opinion. The idea is to bind such a connection with respect and empathy to ensure the same level of camaraderie even during adversity.
  5. Learn to listen proactively. Understand carefully what the other says by asking questions and clarifying things which you find vague or dubious. This requires sharpening your communication skills by using your sense of hearing and all other senses. This is even more true today when technology and the Internet world can sometimes do more harm than good in building connections.

Without a doubt, building genuine connections uncovers a ton about you and others. Connecting more with others allows you to connect more with self, thus discovering more about your purpose. Connecting with others is essential to human existence as no one is meant to walk this journey alone. The idea, however, is to connect with the right ones and be able to create lasting and fruitful results.