5 Ways to Bolster Your LinkedIn Presence Today

LinkedIn is an excellent channel to build your personal brand and establish yourself as a thought leader in a network of professionals. Gaining traction on LinkedIn isn’t easy, however. You need to understand how it works, how to work with its tools, and what type of content generates the best response.

1. Post Consistently

Consistent posting is the single most important aspect of success on LinkedIn. Posting too often can harm your presence and makes your followers feel bombarded with your content. Likewise, posting too infrequently can get your posts lost in the newsfeed.

Ideally, post two or three times a week, and no more than once a day. Depending on your audience, you may get more engagement if you post in the morning instead of the afternoon or evening. Be sure to research your followers to see when they’re most active.

2. Share Visual Content

LinkedIn may not be TikTok or Instagram, but it still thrives on visual content. Research suggests that articles with images receive up to 94% more views than text posts. And it’s not just images – you can try videos, slide shows, or infographics to capture the attention of followers.

3. Support Your Fellow Professionals

Don’t just share your own content. According to the 4-1-1 Rule, for every post that’s your own, you should repost one relevant post and share four pieces of relevant content written by others. When you follow this rule, you’re providing helpful, industry-relevant insights for your audience and supporting your fellow business owners.

Another benefit is that sharing a post also shares your opinion. No industry is without its controversy or differing opinions. When you share content you like, you’re subtly providing your opinion on a topic. If you wish, add your own caption to expand on the topic and offer your own insights.

4. Don’t Be Salesy

The point of getting on social media is to promote yourself, but that doesn’t mean you need to turn into a pushy used car salesman. You’re there to provide value to your community, first and foremost.

For example, avoid posting directly about your business, products, or services. This just comes off as blatant promotion and may turn people off. 

Before you can self-promote, you have to engage in valuable discussions with your community and share information that may be interesting to them. If you make an impact, that can drive people to visit your website and your products.

5. Create Specific Content

If you’re active on social media, there’s a good chance you have followers on just about every platform. Instead of having them see the same things on all your social accounts, create specific content just for LinkedIn.

This is the perfect platform for it as well. You may have customers as followers on LinkedIn, but you probably also have a number of industry professionals on your page that you can update and share insights with.

Get Your Business on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is only growing in popularity and becoming an increasingly powerful platform. If you’re not on LinkedIn yet, or you’re struggling to boost your activity, use these tips to attract and engage followers.

Looking for guidance in marketing or scaling your business? Work with Allison directly to develop the skills you need to succeed with your business!

By Alison Todd August 8, 2022