Social Media Business: Best Times to Post

When it comes to publishing content on social media, many important questions must be answered, such as; “What to post” and “how to post”. However, a very crucial question that is often neglected is “when to post”.

Creating good content and presenting them in an appealing way is all fine and good. However, to ensure optimum impact and engagements, timing must be considered. What time do you post on your business social media account?. When you feel like, after a long day or at a specified time of the day.

If you fall into the category of a specified time of the day, then you are on the right track. Posting regularly at a particular time helps your customers stay up to date with your brand. Your customers would digest your content and interact with other fans while your post is still new and fresh.

However, choosing a time of the day or week at random isn’t ideal. To get the best possible results, you have to pick the right time and the right day of the week. Luckily for us, research into what these times and days are have been carried out.

Research has shown:

Social Media Business: Best Times to Post

These time points are products of the latest data analysis and reflect the effect of Covid-19 on social media usage. They are bound to change. Therefore you should keep your eyes out for new data and new reports.
It is also important to note that your optimum posting time might differ from the norm.

Your subscribers and followers might have different engagement patterns. To determine the best time for your business, a bit of experimentation and trials are needed. However, these peak times would point you in the right direction.


Building and maintaining the online influence of your brand is a very technical task. It’s more than just posting whatever flies into your mind. Even when it is a personality brand, your customers deserve quality.

To give your customers quality, you must consider the what, how, and When. When changes over time. However, constant research and experimentation of your customer’s engagement pattern would help you build your fan base much faster.

Need more help with your social media posting, check this amazing guide:

Learn to Love Instagram

Social Media Business: Best Times to Post


By Alison Todd December 12, 2020