15 Tips For Building The Confidence To Be The Brand

So, you’ve taken that leap and built a business. First, congratulations. Not many people have the mental and emotional fortitude to pull off what you did. 


Being an entrepreneur comes with a unique set of stressors.

While you’re steadily growing, it’s common to worry that you’re not getting the traction you need to really take off. 

As brilliant as many business owners may be, many lack the confidence to fully show up as the face of their brand. But confidence is a key component of success in business. The more confident you are, the more people will be attracted to your brand and want to learn more about you.

15 Tips For Building The Confidence

These 15 tips will help you build the confidence to become the brand so you can attract more prospects and scale to the next level. 

1. Know Your Brand 

You can’t begin to show up in a way that inspires others to follow if you aren’t clear on who you are and where your brand is going. Start by defining your purpose. What are you here to do? Who are you here to serve? How do you want to make people feel? 

When you know that, you can begin to embody the real essence of your brand. 

2. Do What You Say You’re Going To Do 

Nobody likes flakiness—especially in business. Whether it’s working 1:1 with a client or something you push out on social media, hold yourself accountable for the things you say. People will begin to associate that respect they have for you with your overall brand. 

3. Get Clear On Your Values & Beliefs 

This is a crucial step. Values and beliefs are so important to the foundation of who you are and what your brand stands for. They need to be deeply ingrained in your messaging and interaction with others. 

4. Share Your Story

In uncovering your values, belief and mission, start to weave a story about your experience in relation to those—and then share it! Especially if it’s messy, real, and shows your audience that you know first-hand what they’re going through. 

5. Use Your Voice 

Social media makes it easier than ever for brands to have a distinct voice. Make it a priority to be active on your favorite platforms and speak up about the things that matter to you. Don’t be afraid to show multiple facets of your personality, even if they don’t relate directly to your brand. 

6. Show Enthusiasm

There’s nothing as contagious as enthusiasm. If you’re excited about something, show it. Chances are, you’ll attract some people who are just as excited about it as you. 

7. Share Your Passions 

Don’t keep your interests to yourself — share them with the world. Be open and honest about what you’re into so your audience can get to know you better. 

8. Get Visible and STAY Visible 

So many founders and CEOs love to hide behind their businesses. But if you want people to trust you enough to buy from you, you have to be willing to come out and show your face every now and again. 

9. While We’re Talking About Visibility…Keep A Visible List Of Accomplishments 

Sometimes, we forget how awesome we are. Displaying a list of all the things you’re proud of will come in handy when you’re feeling down and insecure. 

10. Practice Positive Affirmations 

Positive affirmations are the new “fake it till you make it.” Write down a few things you hope to be and repeat them to yourself every day as reminders of where you want your brand to go. 

11. Be Consistent  

While you’re an ever-evolving human, it’s important to keep your brand consistent. Some change every now and then is great, but try to stick to some consistent themes so people know what to expect from you. 

12. Get Vulnerable

One of the best ways to connect with your audience is to show them that you’re human. Businesses need not be totally above board and professional all the time. Get real every once in a while so you can connect with your audience on a deeper level. 

13. Stop Falling For The Comparison Trap

It’s so easy to get caught up in where you are now and compare yourself to other people. But when you start going down that Instagram rabbit hole, remember that no one can do it like you—because there’s no one like you. 

14. Be Kind To Yourself

Putting yourself out there is hard, and it’s not always going to feel good. When you’re feeling insecure, practice self-compassion and give yourself a little break. 

15. Stay Authentic & Transparent

And finally, build your brand based on the person you authentically are—and don’t let anyone tell you that’s not enough.


​​If you want help increasing your confidence so you can elevate your brand, click here to learn more about working with Alison Todd. 

The Art of Confidence

Let’s face it: it takes confidence to run a business. You can’t sell your products and services only half-heartedly believing in yourself. Garnering a client list and succeeding in your market takes self-assurance in order to fully develop into the complete professional you know you can be. 

But confidence isn’t always easy to grasp. It can be incredibly difficult, regardless if you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, beginner businessperson, or failed executive. With that in mind, I’ve gathered some easy tricks to bolster your confidence so that you can be the best business owner you can be–and then some. 

Fake it ‘Til You Make It

This may seem facetious to suggest but…it’s actually true. You’ve probably heard the rhetoric, “think it and it’ll be true” time and time again, well the same goes for confidence. If you work hard enough to project a confident mentality, you will eventually become the confidence you’re putting out there. And everyone you meet who seems completely self-confident? They’re doing the same thing!

With a positive mindset, daily affirmations, and a confident persona, you can become exactly the person you want to be by reprogramming your own brain.

Dress for Success

A big part of “fake it ‘til you make it” includes the way you present yourself. Have you ever dressed to the nines and walked into somewhere knowing how powerful you looked and people treated you exactly like that? 

There’s a reason: when you know you look good, you just end up feeling good, which results in natural feelings of confidence. 

Follow Other Successful Businesses for Motivation–But Avoid Comparisons

Follow other businesses in your market or industry and be inspired! It’s good business sense to know what your competition is up to, and knowing that you’re helping level the playing field for your business can lead to further confidence in yourself as a business owner.

However an easy pitfall to fall into is comparing your progress to that of others–stop it! Other businesses can have drastically different resources, budgets, and goals than you, even if you’re looking to them for inspiration–trust in your own journey and avoid any negative self-talk. You’ll get where you need to be.

Take Care of Your Body.

Mental and physical health is directly related to your sense of confidence. If you’re tired, stressed, anxious, or sick, you can’t work to your greatest ability–you know it and your clients will know it. By honoring your limits and respecting your body with good fuel, daily exercise, hydration, and sleep you can maintain your daily schedule and meet your own expectations for success. 

Believe in Yourself

When you start your business, you may face a ton of people telling you that you can’t do it–that you can’t succeed. Well, I’m here to tell you that the quickest way to failing is by believing these people: only you get to decide whether you fail or not. By believing in yourself, your brand, and your products, you can be self-confident enough to achieve all of your goals and more.

Confidence May Start With a C, But it Begins With You

Self-confidence isn’t something that can be bought or given to you by someone else–you alone control your own sense of confidence. But I believe in you, and I know that you can too. The art of confidence isn’t some mysterious gift passed down amongst those deemed worthy–it’s a skill that can be honed day in and day out. 

I know you can do it, and with my help we can get you there even faster.