What Is A Life Coach? How 1:1 Coaching Can Help You Move Forward And Crush Your Goals

Have you ever found yourself stuck in life? Whether you’re at a loss for what you want to do or you have an end-goal in mind but no clue how to get there, feeling stuck in life is all too common. And chances are, a life coach is someone you could benefit from greatly to provide that necessary nudge in the right direction. 

Life coaches are specialists who help their clients analyze where they are now, where they want to be in the future, and how to connect the two. They help people who aren’t sure how to move forward or what their next best step is by looking at what obstacles are getting in the way and helping an individual find solutions to overcome them. 

How Does it Work?

While the process of working with a Life Coach is similar to how therapy works, it differentiates itself by focusing more on the future rather than looking at your past and understanding your present. Life coaching is more direct in nature and gives individuals the encouragement they need to move past any resistance that’s keeping them from their goals. 

Typically, a coach will begin your relationship with a discovery call during which they’ll ask questions to get to know you a little better and to figure out how they can best help you.

You’ll discuss the frequency of your meetings and if there is any “homework” that they may want you to do before your time together. More than likely, they’ll send you some paperwork to fill out that will help them identify your current obstacles and background. 

Once your sessions start, your time together will be spent discussing what goals you have for your future and the things that are keeping you from achieving them. While your coach won’t tell you the exact roadmap or steps to take, they will help you define them for yourself. At the end of your time with a life coach, you’ll walk away with actionable steps to get you on the path to where you want to go. 

Work with Me

I’m a Life Coach based out of Atlanta and I have over 15 years of experience in the coaching industry. I like to call myself a “confidence coach,” because I feel like my mission is to empower driven, passionate entrepreneurs to launch, grow, and scale their businesses and achieve the success they deserve. 

I found my way into the coaching industry after serving in several leadership roles including my current position as Corporation Relations Manager for United Way of Greater Atlanta.

I earned my Masters of Arts in Human Resource Management and Development from Webster University and my Bachelors of Arts in Communication Theory and Rhetoric from the University of Missouri-St. Louis.

In conjunction with my coaching business, I created a Business Clarity Mastermind that’s open to the public and teaches practical strategies and tools to take action and grow your business. 

If you’ve been spinning your wheels about where your life is headed and still haven’t found any traction, I would love to talk about how I can get you back on track and moving towards the future you envision. Your path to progress is just one click away. 

What’s Your 4th Quarter Business Strategy?

Here Are 4 Reasons You Need to Hire a Growth Strategist Today.

We’re heading into Quarter 4 of 2021, and the year has flown by. It seems that we were laying down our annual goals only yesterday, combining our business New Year’s Resolutions. Suddenly, we’re almost at the same stage once more. 

As we enter quarter 4 of 2021, strategies demand to be refined, as it’s the last hurdle before we look at the annual data and reset our goals. 

So, what’s your 4th quarter business strategy? And how does it tie into your goals? 

Perhaps you’ve yet to revisit your overall business strategy. And, perhaps, you’re considering hiring a growth strategist to help you push for that final quarter to achieve your goals.

If so, here are 4 reasons you should hire a growth strategist today. But first:

What Is A Growth Strategist In Business?

In business, a growth strategist is a person who focuses mainly on the growth and development of a brand. They have expert knowledge of business strategy and how to propel a business from the land of startup to the universe of global recognition. 

Reasons You Need To Hire A Growth Strategist 

Outsourcing can, at times, feel frightening. We fear an empty investment, or worse still, a negative return on investment. However, hiring a growth strategist is fundamental to your business’s development. And, if you hire a qualified growth strategist with excellent experience and past results, you can guarantee that the investment won’t be empty. 

1. Growth Strategists Focus On Strategy And Have A Unique Set Of Tools 

Working in your business rather than on your business has consequences. You’re unable to view your business strategically because you’re too close to it. Having an outsider assess your current strategy, aligning it with your future goals, will allow you to understand whether it’s realistic, ambitious, or whether you’re pitching far too low.

Growth strategists also have a specific set of tools that have been crafted for the sole purpose of business growth. You’ll want those on your side when up against the competition. 

2. Growth Strategists Take Bold Action 

Without growth strategists, brand owners are prone to overthinking, sitting nicely in their comfort zone. The truth is, though, as they sit there watching the world go by, they’re actually missing out on hundreds of thousands of growth opportunities. 

It can be difficult for a brand owner to take risks and step outside their comfort zone. However, with the assistance of a growth strategist, you’ll be encouraged to take the risks that will pay off. 

3. Growth Strategist Focus On Short, Mid, And Long Term Goals 

With many marketers, the main focus tends to be on long-term goals. There are benefits to this, of course, as it allows your business to grow throughout time. However, there need to be short and mid-term goals to fund your business growth in the meantime.

Growth strategists are experts in short-term strategies and how to feed them into your mid and long-term goals. 

4. Growth Strategists Know All The Current Digital Trends And How to Use Them For Brand Growth 

Keeping up with the latest digital trends can be almost impossible when you’re wearing every single hat for your brand. Hiring a growth strategist means you’ll be saving time, energy, and effort, allowing you to remain in your zone of genius for the wellbeing of your brand. 

Plus, you’ll be including proven routes to success within your strategy, guaranteeing growth. 

Hire A Growth Strategist Today. 

As quarter 4 takes us under its wing, we reassess and reevaluate our current strategy and how it’s worked for the past 3 quarters of 2021. With the 4 reasons listed in this post, hiring a growth strategist allows you to end the year with a bang, meeting your business goals, and placing you in a strong position for the beginning of the upcoming year. 

Contact us today and schedule an appointment with Coach Allison to see how a business strategist can help uplevel your business.

What To Do When You Have a Difficult Client

Unfortunately, not every client you take on is going to be a walk in the park. It’s inevitable that sometimes, you’ll have a difficult client. 

Since your professional reputation is at stake, you need some strategies for dealing with a difficult client.

The challenge with clients like this is that usually, they’re overly demanding. They may also clash with your working style. You have to finish whatever work you’re doing with them, but there are ways to do it that will make it as painless as possible.

When dealing with a challenging client, choose your words carefully to avoid confrontation and escalation.

Listen well and acknowledge without apologizing. Take breaks whenever you need to or limit communications, but not in a way that feels like you’re ignoring them.

Emphasize that you’re working together toward a common goal. Discuss things in terms of the results you’re trying to get and make sure they understand you’re on the same team.

If they’re asking you to do more than you offer, set clear boundaries, remind them gently of the job’s terms and your business’s capabilities. 

Even though they may be driving you insane, try your best to find a solution that will make them happy. 

Try to find a quick solution to finish and send the clients away feeling satisfied. The best-case scenario is that they leave you happy, and you never have to work with them again.

Keep in mind throughout the encounter that you shouldn’t take it personally. The person is probably unhappy because of unrealistic expectations or their issues. 

When you’re stuck with a problematic client, chalk it up to a learning experience. In the end, try to figure out what wasn’t working so you can avoid it in the future.