6 Ways to Feel Confident When You Don’t Think You Have It in You

Confidence is just something you have or don’t have, right?

Wrong! Confidence isn’t something you’re just born with. It’s a skill that is developed with time and intentional practice.

If you don’t feel confident, don’t worry – you can learn to become more confident and influence people in business and in life.

1. Practice Self-Love

If you want to be confident, you need to love yourself first. When you love yourself and all that you are – flaws and everything – you’ll have confidence no matter what comes along.

Before you can master the art of confidence, you must master self-love, self-respect, and self-awareness. Be proud of your values and your strengths, and commit to working on your weaknesses. You can acknowledge your flaws and still appreciate what makes you, you.

2. Conquer Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

People without confidence are prone to unconsciously adopting limiting beliefs about their capabilities or what they deserve. Then, as they self-sabotage, they reinforce the beliefs that were there all along.

Overcoming these self-limiting beliefs is a major step toward true confidence. Consider the thoughts and beliefs that diminish your confidence, such as self-doubt, anxiety, and insecurity. Replace them with empowering beliefs – you CAN do it and you DO deserve it.

3. Align Confidence with Your Goals

Why does becoming more confident matter to you? Are you a leader in your workplace and you need to project confidence to run your team? Do you present at conferences and need confidence to conquer your fears?

Knowing the purpose behind seeking confidence is the first step to realizing your goals and taking concrete steps to achieve them. Once you know the purpose of building confidence, it’s about training your brain to be more confident and secure.

4. Change Your Body Language

Confident people exude confidence before you ever speak to them – it’s all in the body language. They make eye contact, stand up straight, and shake hands firmly.

Fortunately, this is one you can “fake until you make it.” Lack of confidence takes a toll on your body language. Stand up straight, take purposeful strides, focus on eye contact, and make your presence known. You’ll naturally feel more confident, which can change your mindset.

5. Shift Your Perspective

If you’re feeling down or discouraged, a shift in your mindset can do wonders. Change your perspective on failure or loss. Remember, every misstep is creating a foundation for learning and future successes.

See failures as opportunities, rather than challenges. Focus on the positives of the situation – what did you learn? How can you grow? Success isn’t as sweet without failure.

6. Use Goal Visualization

Positive visualization can help you build confidence and create an environment of positivity. When you visualize something positive over and over, you start to believe it’s true. When the success finally arrives, such as getting that raise or promotion, you mentally pat yourself on the back.

Confidence Building with Allison Todd

Confident people aren’t born – they’re made. If you want to build your confidence and put your best self forward, coach Allison Todd can help. Her business coaching programs teach you how to have decisive confidence and make better and more strategic decisions within your business. Contact Allison Todd to learn more about coaching services!

What’s Your 4th Quarter Business Strategy?

Here Are 4 Reasons You Need to Hire a Growth Strategist Today.

We’re heading into Quarter 4 of 2021, and the year has flown by. It seems that we were laying down our annual goals only yesterday, combining our business New Year’s Resolutions. Suddenly, we’re almost at the same stage once more. 

As we enter quarter 4 of 2021, strategies demand to be refined, as it’s the last hurdle before we look at the annual data and reset our goals. 

So, what’s your 4th quarter business strategy? And how does it tie into your goals? 

Perhaps you’ve yet to revisit your overall business strategy. And, perhaps, you’re considering hiring a growth strategist to help you push for that final quarter to achieve your goals.

If so, here are 4 reasons you should hire a growth strategist today. But first:

What Is A Growth Strategist In Business?

In business, a growth strategist is a person who focuses mainly on the growth and development of a brand. They have expert knowledge of business strategy and how to propel a business from the land of startup to the universe of global recognition. 

Reasons You Need To Hire A Growth Strategist 

Outsourcing can, at times, feel frightening. We fear an empty investment, or worse still, a negative return on investment. However, hiring a growth strategist is fundamental to your business’s development. And, if you hire a qualified growth strategist with excellent experience and past results, you can guarantee that the investment won’t be empty. 

1. Growth Strategists Focus On Strategy And Have A Unique Set Of Tools 

Working in your business rather than on your business has consequences. You’re unable to view your business strategically because you’re too close to it. Having an outsider assess your current strategy, aligning it with your future goals, will allow you to understand whether it’s realistic, ambitious, or whether you’re pitching far too low.

Growth strategists also have a specific set of tools that have been crafted for the sole purpose of business growth. You’ll want those on your side when up against the competition. 

2. Growth Strategists Take Bold Action 

Without growth strategists, brand owners are prone to overthinking, sitting nicely in their comfort zone. The truth is, though, as they sit there watching the world go by, they’re actually missing out on hundreds of thousands of growth opportunities. 

It can be difficult for a brand owner to take risks and step outside their comfort zone. However, with the assistance of a growth strategist, you’ll be encouraged to take the risks that will pay off. 

3. Growth Strategist Focus On Short, Mid, And Long Term Goals 

With many marketers, the main focus tends to be on long-term goals. There are benefits to this, of course, as it allows your business to grow throughout time. However, there need to be short and mid-term goals to fund your business growth in the meantime.

Growth strategists are experts in short-term strategies and how to feed them into your mid and long-term goals. 

4. Growth Strategists Know All The Current Digital Trends And How to Use Them For Brand Growth 

Keeping up with the latest digital trends can be almost impossible when you’re wearing every single hat for your brand. Hiring a growth strategist means you’ll be saving time, energy, and effort, allowing you to remain in your zone of genius for the wellbeing of your brand. 

Plus, you’ll be including proven routes to success within your strategy, guaranteeing growth. 

Hire A Growth Strategist Today. 

As quarter 4 takes us under its wing, we reassess and reevaluate our current strategy and how it’s worked for the past 3 quarters of 2021. With the 4 reasons listed in this post, hiring a growth strategist allows you to end the year with a bang, meeting your business goals, and placing you in a strong position for the beginning of the upcoming year. 

Contact us today and schedule an appointment with Coach Allison to see how a business strategist can help uplevel your business.

The Perfect Hire Checklist

After weeks or even months of searching for someone to fill your business’s open position, you finally did it: you found the perfect hire. Your company’s hiring managers deserve a sigh of relief–but the journey isn’t over yet. 

Statistically speaking, 31% of new hires will quit a new job within the first 6 months simply because of a poor onboarding experience. In today’s market, your business can’t afford to NOT have an efficient, well-thought-out onboarding process that will ensure the security of your new hire. 

Read on for Allison Todd’s perfect hire checklist.

What is a New Hire Checklist?

A new hire checklist is what the best companies employ to ensure their new hire’s first days, weeks, and months go smoothly. It’s a designated list of activities and tasks that an HR manager should complete before and after a new employee joins your company. 

Following this checklist ensures a smooth merger between your business and the new hire, which will generally result in a long-term relationship between the two–barring any other complications. 

These checklists are a wonderful, dynamic tool that helps every new employee settle into their new work environment–and they’re important for HR managers as well. 

Companies are incredibly complex these days, and checklists ensure that nothing slips through the cracks–you don’t want your new employee wandering around the office on their first day, unsure of what to do or where the bathroom even is. Checklists also ensure that every member of your new hire’s team has had the same onboarding experience, this way everyone they’ll be working with is on the same page.

New Hire Checklist

Let’s be honest–hiring a new employee isn’t cheap, and it’s especially difficult if you’re a small business competing with larger corporations who have much deeper budgetary pockets. Between recruiting fees and advertising for candidates amongst all else, a company can’t afford to lose a new hire within the first few months. 

Yes–some employees will leave because the company may just not be a good fit for them, but you can do your best to make sure that the atmosphere of your office is warm, welcoming, and ready for your new hire.

Some of these steps may differ depending on your company’s rules and regulations, but the general checklist should go as such

1. The first step is to submit a job requisition form to your HR department to make the hire official.

2. Then you should complete a background check and father other important documents from the employee, such as direct deposit forms, I-9 information, W-5 information and others.

3. Next, review the basic schedule and duties of their new role: this helps set expectations for both you and your new hire. 

4. After your new hire reviews their role, the next step is to give them a tour of your facilities. This should include where the bathrooms are, the kitchen, their office, and other places that they’ll be using.

5. Introducing them to their new team members should follow.

6. The next step should be ensuring that their work station is completely set up for them, and they have all of the necessary tools for their role, including badges, office supplies and more. 

7. Next begins the actual training process, this can take a couple days, weeks, or even months. Make sure to be clear about their duties and check in for feedback–making your new hire feel heard can help them feel welcome. 


At the end of the day, a new hire may not stick around–that’s the job market these days. There’s opportunity behind every door, and candidates are lucky to have many choices to pick from. However, to keep your business’s competitive edge in the face of all these choices, employing a perfect hire checklist can instill confidence in any new employee that your business is right for them.