Learn 2 Love Social Media for Business Owners

Learn 2 Love Social Media for Business Owners will help business owners position their brand for growth. You already know how to post content, but does it fit into your digital marketing strategy? And is that strategy working to attract your ideal client? During this 3-Day Challenge, you will understand the value of social media for small businesses.

Above all, you will gain a greater understanding of your data which improves your social media strategy. Learn why businesses need social media. Then understand how to grow your business simply by telling your brand story. With some simple tips and social media management strategies, businesses of any size can grow. Plus this event provides a community to connect with other supportive business owners.

No more missed opportunities. I love social media and hope you will Learn 2 Love it too. Let’s get to work and reveal your brand’s true potential. Let’s have some creative, strategic fun. As a result, you will Learn to Love LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook Groups.

Learn 2 Love Social Media

Event Highlights:

 Collect digital marketing tips, tools, resources

 Content creation templates from digital marketing experts

 Understand the types of content perfect for your social media plan

 Automate your social media tasks and increase the engaging personal touch

 Create meaningful digital business connections

 Execute your social media plan for real-time results

PLUS, all registered guests receive a Learn 2 Love eBook, Email Marketing Cheat Sheet, and a Digital Marketing Planning Tool. Most importantly, you do not have to post 12x a day to get something done. And you do not have to be on social all day to make an impact. And….. it can be tons of fun.

This is a fully interactive event. What better way to jumpstart your 2021 business goals! Learn 2 Love Social Media for Business Owners only has 20 virtual seats available. Act now! If you market your brand, your audience will find you.

Join Position 2 Profit with Allison Todd to receive event updates and exclusive content.

Top Reasons to Hire a Professional Digital Marketing Consultant

As a business owner, when you do not have the right, reliable digital marketing solution in place, you will be in trouble. If you think that this is overrated, then you must realize that, on average, there are currently over 4.54 billion users on the Internet.

Without an effective digital marketing plan, your brand’s future potential customers will be wooed by other competing organizations.

Suppose you are lagging in the formulation and execution of the right digital marketing strategies for your business.

If this happens, it is high time that you should consider hiring a reliable digital marketing consultant.

Allison Todd –Chief Strategist & Founder at SiMar –a leading business consultancy agency, explains the importance of hiring a professional digital marketing consultant for your organization.

Why Hire a Professional Digital Marketing Consultant?

You might have your team of an in-house marketer or look forward to hiring some full-time employees to fulfill the individual marketing needs, there is no denying the importance of an experienced digital marketing consultant for your business.

Here are some of the top reasons to consider the same:

Deeper Insight into the Industry

A successful digital marketing consultant or strategist is known to work with an array of clients. Allison Todd –Chief Strategist herself at SiMar –a leading business coaching agency, explains that when a specific campaign turns out successful with one client, the marketing consultant is most likely to implement the same strategy for other businesses. 

Experienced consultants are known to use the respective positive experiences with marketing platforms of other businesses to bring to your company the desired results. 

Industry-specific Specialists

For the typical 9-to-5 employees at the respective workplace, being the jack of all trades might be right. However, some specialized roles like that of the digital marketing consultant require more expertise and specialization. 

Digital marketing consultants are highly specialized in delivering top-notch digital marketing strategies to business owners. To acquire such skills, most consultants have undergone specialized knowledge-acquisition and training as well. Therefore, taking help from a specialist in digital marketing can serve lucrative for your business. 

Saving Time & Money

If you happen to be running a small-scale business or a startup, time-effectiveness and cost-effectiveness might top your business goals; This is wherein the role of hiring a professional digital marketing consultant comes in.

A digital marketing consultant can handle day-to-day marketing tasks for your business; This allows you to focus on other core areas of the business.

Adopting the right digital marketing strategies, companies out there can look forward to minimizing the overall operational costs while speeding up transactions seamlessly.


There are several benefits of hiring a professional digital marketing consultant for your business. Leverage the potential offered by an experienced digital marketing consultant based on the unique requirements of your business. 

Remove your online business worries with active social media channels, audience engaging content and compelling call-to-actions. With help from our digital engagement experts, you’ll capture the attention of your target audience. It’s the digital marketing virtual assistant your business needs.

4 Problems That Occur With Poor Management Skills

Is your organization facing poor management issues? Wish to improve the overall management skills of your business? Lack of proper management in a business organization could impose a long-lasting impact while affecting the entire organization. 

The results could be toxic, misleading, and lack of commitment across the organization. The given factor could even affect employee retention; this is why Allison Todd –Founder & Chief Executive at SiMar –a leading business coaching agency, unfold the importance of ensuring proper management skills for improved results.

On the other hand, when an organization features strong leaders having good management skill, it tends to impact a firm in multiple ways positively.

Some of the potential benefits that we can observe are reduced turnover time, empowering employees to deliver more productivity, improving overall morale, etc.

Management is expected to lead the employees by proper example while creating a positive working environment for the workforce to deliver performance at their best-ever capacity.

Problems That Occur With Poor Management Skills

If your organization features poor management skills, here are some of the problems that could occur. The issues also dictate how effective management strategies could help in solving workplace issues.

Here are some problems to look out for:

Avoiding Recognition:

When the organization’s employees are not recognized or accredited for their roles in the organization, it is a clear sign of poor management. When the employees are only criticized for their respective shortcomings, they might not feel valued and would always work in a state of fear to avoid mistakes. 

In such a situation, proper management skills come into play. It should promote the notion of communicating correctly. The given ability is not just about delegating.

It should also include the efforts towards allowing employees to know that their roles are being valued in the organization. You should ensure proper & constant communication with the employees to receive useful feedback. Simultaneously, it is the team managers’ responsibility to guide subordinates upon boosting the employees’ overall morale.

Executing Poor Meetings:

Meetings in an organizational setup are not always what it is meant to be. While the managers are keen upon staying in the loop and delegating tasks, the employees, on the other hand, are looking for ways to stay away from such situations.

For the administrative staff, meetings are mostly perceived as some sort of hassle. To avoid such a case, visiting organized turns out to be one of the top management skills for running a successful company.

Instilling a Sense of Fear:

Poor managers are known to threaten the overall job security of the employees. When employees fear their job, it leads to a lack of confidence and trust in the given organization. On the other hand, you should aim at creating an environment of trust and honesty. 

Creation of Negative Environments:

When managers tend to commit some of the traditional leadership mistakes, they create a hostile environment in the office space. Managers should aim at treating the employees as equals.

Four Ways to Make Your Brand Stand Out

There are over 28 million small-scale businesses across the United States of America, per recent study. Safe to say there are a ton of brands in the world. So, how do you get your brand to stand out? Even if a small portion of companies are brand competition, you still have a lot of competition. You want your brand to be noticed.

Brands are competing against each other for improved visibility by using innovative advertising and marketing campaigns. They produce creative content and intriguing stories specifically for their target audience. Allison Todd, Operations & Digital Growth Strategist and founder of SiMar –a leading digital business agency, explains that if you want to get noticed amid the competition, you do noteworthy things. A lot of people think this is complicated. Many times, they are just overthinking their audience. People want you to show up, daily. They want to be able to know, you – your brand, is there for them. That’s hard to believe when your audience can’t find you, doesn’t ever see your content and is still trying to figure out what you do! For these reasons, your brand must stand out.

Digital Engagement Package

The leading business coaching agency, SiMar, features a team of business experts who provide in-depth insight into the innovative ways to make your brand stand out.

Ways to Make Your Brand Stand

Here are some of the essential traits that you need to adopt as a brand to stay competitive:


Indeed, the first step is that your brand needs to be original. If you wish to mimic a brand from your competitor’s list; The target audience will not have a valid reason to trust your brand.

If your messaging lies in sales talk and clichés, it will not resonate with the respective customers. Therefore, you should aim to find an angle that has not been taken up by any other brand for developing an image.


Your brand should aim at demonstrating a sense of sincerity at the same time. If you respond to all the customers on different social media platforms with some type of copied template, people will feel something formal about your brand.

As such, they will never be able to develop an informal relationship with your brand. You should aim at investing in creating the “personality” of your brand. 


Some of the most popular brands out there are known to understand the respective target audience effectively; This is demonstrated by creating customized messages that turn out relevant for a target niche. 

For instance, if your brand targets parents, you should mention some common parenting problems. Mentioning common parenting problems would instantly demonstrate the overall degree of sympathy while making it easier for the target audience to connect with your brand and would eventually lead to more traffic and conversions for your website.


If you have not defined the brand standards clearly, then you might end up alienating the audience. The ultimate goal is to retain customers and followers for as long as possible. Ensure that your marketing campaigns are well-executed and follow a consistent pattern.


For your brand to stand out, you should offer something unique to offer a personalized experience to the target customers. Make the most of high-end marketing strategies to ensure the best results for your brand.

Top 2020 Digital Marketing Hacks for Your Business

Consumer habits keep changing. How can you identify the digital marketing hacks for your business in order to attract your consumer? In the past several years, there’s been a steep rise in the number of consumers going online to access products and services. It is estimated that the total global online retail sales are going to rise significantly to around $4.8 trillion by 2021. Allison Todd, Operations and Digital Growth Strategist, unfolds the top digital marketing hacks that businesses out there can leverage in the coming era.

If you want to scale your online business, it is imperative that you target your audience, in order to attract your consumer. Once you start targeting the audience, your online traffic increases. Eventually, your website clicks start increasing. Then, you begin to speak specifically to your consumer and your revenue begins to grow. Here are some of the top digital marketing hacks that you should crack, now:

Content is Still King

With the ever-increasing utilization of social media platforms, the delivery of high-quality content has never been more important. Your content will attract your target audience to your brand and core offerings. The delivery of top-class, high-quality content to the target audience goes a long way towards building brand loyalty and ensuring customer retention.

Voice Search Optimization

With the ever-increasing deployment of technology like Google Home and Alexa, businesses should work on content optimization including voice searches. The way in which the end users conduct searches online tend to differ significantly –whether they are typing or speaking.

Integration of Chatbots

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming one of the major implementations for delivering optimized & personalized user experiences. The use of chatbots or ‘chat robots’ help to automate and ensure communication with the end customers. The modern chatbot technology offers the assurance that customer interaction is taking place effectively while the customers are being provided with timely responses.

Update SEO

Every year, the major search engines out there like Bing, Yahoo, and Google keep update the respective search algorithms to improve the overall user experience. To comply with the algorithm changes, you should update the SEO for your website as well. By doing so, you can remain on point with the latest digital marketing trends as well as practices to yield the best results. Therefore, it becomes imperative for you to ensure that your website is updated with the latest changes in the search engine’s algorithm changes.

Repurpose Old Content

While most business owners are well-aware of the potential benefits of content for their business, they do not post updated, relevant content on their website. A comprehensive digital marketing strategy, includes the repurpose of old content on your website.

Make the most of the latest digital marketing hacks for your business! Learn more about the hacks we use and gain support from my community while you grow. Join us, here. And if you need some ideas specific to you and your business, contact Allison Todd.