The Dynamics of a Discovery Call: It All Begins with Hello

Discovery calls are an essential part of any entrepreneur’s life. From flooring companies, to financial planners, to paper-sellers, discovery calls are what stands between a company and a potential client–and, oftentimes, a failed discovery call was usually preventable with a couple of conversational tweaks. 

Being able to persuade a prospective client into believing your company holds the solutions for their problems is a skill honed over time through experience and practice. However, in the business world time equals cash, so I’ve dissected the ins and outs of the perfect discovery call so you can stop making mistakes and start making money.

Before You Pick Up The Phone

The title of this blog post is a little misleading–it doesn’t begin with a hello, it begins with research. Before you even get on the horn with your potential client conduct a google search into their online presence. See what you can dig up about their company and any potential issues that your products and services may be able to solve. 

By conducting this initial research, and then using it to inform your conversation you’re accomplishing two things:

  • Proving to the client you care.
  • Establishing yourself as a meritable partner. 

Before your call outline pertinent info for you to mention during your conversation, and leave room to write down more notes as they come up.

ACE Your Opener

After saying hello, follow these steps to show your client that this conversation is about them:

  • A: state to the customer that you appreciate them taking the time to speak with you
  • C: check that the allotted time you had scheduled still works for them
  • E: establish an end goal for the discovery call 

This opener allows the customer to feel in control and communicates to them that they’re not just going to hear another sales pitch–this conversation will suss out if you two are a match for each other. 

Establish the Reasons Behind your Call

Next, you should discuss with your client what they want to get out of today’s meeting–and make sure to write down and address their top priorities before the end of the call.

Discuss your clients goals for their company and if they don’t have any, create some with them! Ask where they want their company to be in five years, then ten, and have a conversation about how your product or service can help them get there. 

Have a Conversation with Active Listening

The biggest mistake people make during a sales call is making it a sales call. The best calls are when you’re mostly asking questions and listening to the answers. Some great questions to ask include ones about their situation, identifying any pain points, and discussing what they would like your impact to be. 

Remember to summarize their answers before moving forward and remember that the call is not about you–the client should already know about you and your services. This call is meant to help you get to know the client and then discuss how your solutions can help them. 

Wrapping Up the Phone Call

When you’re ready to wrap up the conversation, this is a good time to highlight any potential solutions you’ve come up with throughout the call. You can make references to other cases you’ve worked on, since having worked with their peers is a great way to establish their merit. 

Being able to persuade a prospective client into believing your company holds the solutions for their problems is a skill honed over time through experience and practice. However, in the business world time equals cash– utilize these tips so you can stop making mistakes and start making money.

The Dynamics of a Discovery Call