Signs It’s Time To Exit: Leaving A Hostile Work Environment

Finding fulfillment in your job is a nearly impossible feat if you are in the midst of a hostile work environment. You can be leading the best projects and interacting with the clients of your dreams, but none of this will matter if the workplace environment is harmful to your mental health and wellbeing. 

In fact, a shocking 50% of employees in the United States workforce are unhappy with their current jobs. This number can be greatly reduced if more individuals have the tools to understand the signs of a hostile work environment.

4 Signs That It’s Time To Leave Your Job 

When the downsides of your workplace environment begin to outweigh any of its benefits, it might be a sign that it’s time to leave. Here are 4 of the most pressing signs that a workplace is no longer serving you: 

#1: People Don’t Listen To You

Whether it’s a fellow coworker shooting down your ideas on a project or your supervisor ignoring your input at a meeting, one of the first signs of an unhealthy work environment is when your opinions and ideas aren’t being considered. Each and every member of a team brings a different perspective to the table, and if yours isn’t valued, you should probably look elsewhere for a team that values collaboration and open communication. 

#2: It’s Difficult To Focus On Tasks

If you find yourself struggling to focus on the tasks of your job, it might be a sign that you are no longer passionate and motivated to accomplish the objectives of your position. Trouble focusing can also occur when the stressors of the workplace’s culture are at the top of your mind instead of the job itself. Either way, be mindful when this feeling starts showing up more often than not.  

#3: Your Identity Is Marginalized

Even in 2021, marginalization in the workplace is still a pressing issue that many people in underrepresented communities (LGBTQ+ individuals, people with disabilities, and people of color) face. Some of the biggest signs that you are being marginalized in the workplace are when your work is accredited to someone else, not getting a promotion or raise despite your accreditations, or not feeling as if people have confidence in your abilities. 

#4: Stress and Sadness Is Taking Over Everything 

When an employee is undervalued and overutilized, the stress in the workplace can easily take over. While any workplace is bound to have periods of busyness, if extreme stress and pressure are commonplace even in the slower months, it is probably a sign that your company’s culture isn’t taking your work-life balance and mental health into account. 

Find Your Dream Job With Coach Allison Todd Today 

You deserve to be in a job where you are heard, seen, and valued for who you are and what you have to offer. If you’re ready to improve your business’s workplace culture and environment, or perhaps want to quit your job and start the business of your dreams, I am here to help you get started today!