How To Use Blogging To Get More Clients

Blogging is a great way to attract new clients. You can write about topics you know well and show your expertise, which will tell potential clients that you have the solutions to their problems.

The only problem is that blogging requires constant content creation and you need a never-ending supply of topics to blog about. 

The best way to manage this is to keep an ongoing ideas list. Add ideas to this list and refer to it when it’s time to start writing.

You should also create a list of great sources for ideas. When your ideas list runs low, refer to this and go where you need to get new ideas.

The internet offers a wealth of places to get ideas. 

Look at social media and see what topics people are discussing and what questions they’re asking. Answer these questions with a blog post.

Question and answer sites and online forums are also great places to find out what questions people are asking.

You can also think of things you’ve helped people with before. In what areas has your expertise helped others?

Look at emails you’ve received from clients with requests for help. 

Keyword research can also reveal good topics to blog about. Use a free keyword tool to find out what’s trending in your industry right now.

You can do similar research on social media sites like Twitter by searching for hashtags related to your niche.

Look at other content creators and news sites in your niche. Don’t steal their ideas, but see if there are any unique angles you can take on their topics. 

Sometimes you can get ideas from your old content. Go back and see if there’s anything you can update, expand on, or go deeper into. Especially look at topics that performed well in the past.

Once you start looking, your ideas list will grow faster than you can write. This is how you keep a constant stream of blog content coming.

How To Use Blogging To Get More Clients


By Alison Todd February 2, 2021