Does Your Blog Website Connect To Your Readers?

Are your blogs connecting with your readers? Do you even know what draws your audience to read lengthy write-ups or that there are specific patterns online readers do in scanning websites? Some website managers even have eye-tracking tests and click measurement mechanisms to measure their websites’ effectiveness. 

A website’s blog section often gets the most hits with regards to traffic. For people to get engaged to your website, regularly posting relevant blogs or write-ups will significantly help. But what are known facts that lead them to be more attentive to what you post?

Static Website Facts

Each person has a unique way of seeing your website. The type of font and size, for instance, held more importance than pictures to others, particularly on information-based websites. Images can sometimes take time to load and this lowers launching ability of websites. 

So steer clear of fancy fonts and pictures that take a lot of time to load. Readers are also not into banners, pop-ups, and other ad placements; this comes as no surprise. The fewer distractions often deliver the best attention.

Take note also of how people scan your website. Readers often start reading from the top left corner. So make sure to place vital information on that side of the screen.

As much as possible, write in short paragraphs, bullet form, lists, or summarized arrangement; This helps readers to collect information without delay easily. 

Most importantly, headlines must be catchy and compelling for readers actually to click on them.

Does Your Blog Website Connect To Your Readers?
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Mobile Blogs

Another critical aspect in blog writing for websites is mobile reception. With more than half of online users depending on their smartphones, tablets, notebooks, and laptops, designing a mobile blog site has become necessary to many website owners. Most, if not all, websites today are “mobile-friendly.”; Which means publishers can scale them to any mobile platform. 

Businesses develop apps to address this concern allowing readers to easily click on an icon that automatically draws them to the site instead of typing the whole URL into a browser. 

It may even be programmed to come up with notifications should new write-ups are posted.

The key takeaways in designing a mobile blog site are speed and accuracy. In this day and age, when people want everything fast and can easily verify facts, these two always stand out when designing blog sites. 

Still, readers, attention is often focused on the top left corner of their gadget’s screen, with most of its focus on the two-thirds portion of the screen.

When designing the page or when writing, always remember to place the main idea on top. Content must be short and concise. No ifs, no buts. Mobile users don’t want to scroll up and down tons of paragraphs. Keep your words minimal yet on the point. Avoid beating around the bush. Go direct to the point and be done with it.

Unlike static website readers, mobile audiences prefer visuals rather than text. Infomercials and infographics, for instance, are widely revered in the mobile arena.

Do make sure that visuals used are relevant to your content, and be wary of IP legalities before posting. As always, headlines must still be catchy. It must ignite a reader’s sense to read and know more about what you’re writing– making them come back for more.

Does Your Blog Website Connect To Your Readers?


Some of the points being discussed above may be downright elementary. However, a good reminder can jolt us back to reality. The next time you write an awe-inspiring piece for your website, consider these pointers to make your blog site count.

By Alison Todd February 2, 2021