5 Things Microprenuers Should Do To Establish Their Presence Online


As a microentrepreneur, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to establish a strong online presence. However, through trial and error, I’ve learned some valuable strategies that have significantly boosted my online visibility and helped my business grow. In this blog, I’ll share five easy-to-understand steps that all microentrepreneurs can take to establish a powerful online presence and reach a wider audience.

Step 1: Create an Engaging Website

Your website serves as your digital storefront, and it’s essential to make a strong first impression. Work on creating an engaging and user-friendly website that reflects your brand’s identity and showcases your products or services.

In my journey, I collaborated with web design experts to revamp my website. They helped me choose a visually appealing design, organized the content in a user-friendly manner, and optimized it for mobile devices.

Step 2: Produce Quality Content

Content is king in the digital world. Share valuable and relevant content that speaks to the needs and interests of your target audience. Whether it’s through blog posts, videos, or social media updates, ensure that your content provides real value.

I started blogging about topics related to my industry, and I was amazed by the positive response from my audience. They appreciated the useful information and started sharing my content with their networks, expanding my reach organically.

Step 3: Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms are powerful tools to connect with your audience and build a community around your brand. Identify the platforms where your target customers are most active and engage with them regularly.

I initially struggled with social media, but with dedication and guidance from digital marketing experts, I learned how to create engaging posts, interact with my followers, and leverage social media advertising to reach a broader audience.

Step 4: Optimize for Search Engines

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for improving your website’s visibility in search engine results. Conduct keyword research to understand what your potential customers are searching for and optimize your website and content accordingly.

SEO seemed intimidating at first, but with the help of SEO specialists, I learned the basics and implemented strategies to improve my website’s ranking on search engines. As a result, more people discovered my business when searching for relevant keywords.

Step 5: Engage with Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective way to stay connected with your audience and nurture leads. Collect email addresses from interested visitors and send them valuable and personalized content on a regular basis.

Initially, I underestimated the power of email marketing. However, after building an email list and sending targeted content to my subscribers, I noticed increased customer loyalty and repeat business.


Establishing your online presence as a microentrepreneur may seem daunting, but with the right strategies and perseverance, it’s entirely achievable. Through my journey, I’ve come to realize the importance of a compelling website, quality content, social media engagement, SEO, and email marketing.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, don’t hesitate to embrace these five steps.

At AllisonTodd.com, we understand the unique challenges microentrepreneurs face in the digital world. Our goal is to help you succeed by providing a range of tailored digital marketing services that will elevate your brand and attract your target audience.

With a team of dedicated professionals, we offer top-notch website design, captivating content creation, social media mastery, SEO optimization, and personalized email marketing campaigns. We are committed to understanding your vision and tailoring our strategies to align with your business objectives.

Compassionate Leadership: Why Putting Your Employees Well Being and Mental Health Is Vital to Long-Term Business Success

Compassion comes from the Latin word compati, which means “suffer with.” Showing compassion has been a key component of nearly every religion as a way to connect with others and spread harmony.

In psychology, compassion is an action more than an emotion. It combines elements of love, care, and empathy with the intent to alleviate the suffering of others or share in it with them.

Recently, research has indicated that compassion is an important aspect of a productive work environment. Showing compassion to managers, colleagues, and employees is essential for job satisfaction and motivation.

Understanding Compassion

Showing compassion for others depends on three factors:

  • – We must feel that the troubles causing suffering are serious.
  • – We expect that the sufferer’s troubles are the result of external circumstances (not self-inflicted).
  • – We must be able to empathize and picture ourselves in the circumstances.


Compassion isn’t a give and take. In most cases, the person showing compassion rarely expects to receive the same or get something for their expression. Basically, compassion is “empathy in action.”

In the workplace, showing compassion can lead to reduced stress and more job satisfaction for employees. It also inspires more loyalty, dedication, and engagement, reducing employee attrition and low morale.

We can express compassion in the workplace by:

  • – Actively listening without judgment
  • – Noticing when colleagues are experiencing personal stress or pain and making an effort to help them feel more comfortable and secure in the workplace
  • – Accepting criticism and addressing underperformance or failure without unnecessary harshness


Showing compassion in this manner not only benefits the people involved, but it has a positive impact on the company’s performance culture. Empathy and kindness upgrade the value system of the employees and they feel more involved with the team.

Benefits of Workplace Compassion

Employee Retention

One of the key benefits of a compassionate workplace is employee retention, especially with compassionate leaders. Employees who receive empathy and support from their colleagues and leaders regularly are more likely to stick around and put effort into the organizational goals.

Conversely, if employees are treated poorly or receive no professional cooperation, they will eventually lose motivation and productivity will suffer.

Stress Reduction

Compassion creates space for active communication. Employees in compassionate workplaces can vent out their professional stress (appropriately) and socialize to improve productivity. Compassion can also help with managing work stress and burnout in fast-paced environments.

Physical Well Being

Feeling compassion not only offers psychological benefits but physical ones. Employees who spend time interacting with their colleagues show steady blood pressure and heart rate, according to studies.

Less stress also means better immune systems, reducing the number of sick days and illness. Employees can better manage their work-life balance and enjoy a healthier work and social life.

Interpersonal Bonding

Leaders who take compassionate approaches to work have employees who are likely to reciprocate and work harder for the company. They form healthier and stronger professional relationships and feel that they are part of a team, contributing to better work performance and satisfaction.

What Is Compassionate Leadership?

Compassionate leadership is focused on the individual and their needs, as well as the needs of the team. These leaders can inspire a journey of personal growth and development, no matter how tough the challenges get. They understand that no one is perfect, but they see potential in others and help them reach it.

Modern-day leaders who want to navigate their people and organizations toward success require compassionate leadership. In the past, compassion was seen as a weakness – compassionate people were “soft.”

Now, leaders must treat their colleagues and teams with care and kindness to help them succeed, as individuals and as a team.

Tips for Showing Compassionate Leadership at Work

If you’re wondering how you can apply these skills to your own workplace and teams, here are some tips:


Positive vibes start with yourself. You must prioritize self-care and kindness to yourself before you can show it to others. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses, and pay yourself compliments.

Effective Communication

The key to being compassionate at work is communicating effectively. No matter who you’re speaking to, communicate openly and clearly to avoid confusion. You should also listen to employees or colleagues who feel comfortable confiding in you and show patience and neutrality.

Appropriate Contact

Touch can be powerful when you’re expressing empathy. Physical contact is minimal in the workplace, but you can use it appropriately with a light touch on the shoulder or holding a hand while listening to a story.

If physical contact isn’t appropriate or comfortable in the situation, show nonverbal cues that express compassion and empathy like eye contact or turning your body toward the person speaking.


It takes one person to make the first move and show compassion. Whether you do it with personal support, feedback, or an open discussion about opinions, you can set an example to the entire team and teach them to be more open and empathetic to each other.


Being in tune to the emotions and thoughts of others is an important aspect of compassion. Consider how your words or actions may affect your colleagues, subordinates, or managers and think about how you’d feel in their situation.


Compassion in the workplace is most often reflected by verbal encouragement and motivation. You can show compassion in the workplace by supporting your colleagues and cheering others on for their work and achievements. This type of positive reinforcement can bring about favorable changes.


Compassionate leaders need to have an open mind and realize the power that small changes in daily routine can influence productivity. Instead of being “stuck in their ways,” compassionate leaders are ready to tweak their leadership policies, lifestyle, or strategies to benefit an individual, team, or the entire organization.


A compassionate leader never stops asking questions, prompting feedback, and learning from others. Gaining new perspectives helps you get closer to others and remove any barriers to their success.


Leaders have an array of tasks to complete in one day. Taking a moment to slow down, breathe, and observe can help you gain the mindfulness of your team and work environment. If there are stressors or tension, you can identify and address them more readily.


Everyone wants to feel like they’re positively contributing to their workplace and that they’re appreciated. When leaders show gratitude, they earn respect from their employees. This can be done through mentoring, guidance, or merely recognizing a job well done or work put in.

Team Spirit

In the past, workplaces thrived with employees that came to work, did their jobs, and went home. Employees don’t want to just take orders anymore, not feeling like their work contributes to anything important. They want to feel valued, appreciated, and most importantly, useful.

Promoting team spirit makes a workplace more appealing and helps everyone involved in a project or team feel like they’re working toward a shared goal. This not only motivates better work, but it promotes healthier interpersonal relationships.

Top Examples of Compassionate Workplaces

Compassion is slowly working its way into modern companies. These three companies show how compassion can contribute to success:

The Hospital Corporation of America

The Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) is a leading healthcare organization in the US. With over a hundred hospitals and a vast number of employees working at different levels, it’s incredible that HCA has a strong track record of a supportive, positive environment.

In fact, the HCA’s codes of conduct include policies for compassion toward colleagues and clients. The company is proud of its emotionally rewarding culture and strives to provide everyone – from top to bottom – with equal kindness and empathy.

The UnitedHealth Group

The UnitedHealth Group is an American healthcare company that ranked fifth in the most successful companies in Fortune 500 rankings in 2018. The company’s tagline even encourages empathy by stating: “Walk in the shoes of the people we serve and those with whom we work.”

The Autism Research Center

The Autism Research Center (ARC) is an initiative of Cambridge University in the United Kingdom to promote awareness of autism, the benefits of early prevention, and the importance of extensive research.

Despite having a huge team of scientists, professionals, and support staff from all over the world, the ARC has a strong commitment to the principles of empathy and kindness. Education, collaboration, and support are the foundation of ARC and attract researchers, educators, and parents to the cause.

Compassion Is the Key to Success

If you want to be an effective leader, it’s essential to have compassion for the people who work with you. Compassionate leaders are not as common as they need be, but they’re an asset to the workplace.

Compassionate leaders listen, invest in their people, and create a collaborative culture with a positive attitude to help employees feel valued and appreciated. Through compassionate leadership, you can spread joy, connect with others, and resonate positivity in your organization.

Should You Quit Your 9-5 to Work on Your Business Full Time? Here’s How to Know When It’s Time to Make the Move

Hustling at your 9-5 job while trying to get your business up and running is no easy task. At first, you may be so excited that you don’t notice the toll it’s taking on you. But over time, the long hours and stress will build, and as the months or years go by, you may feel like something has to give.

Holding onto both your full-time job and your business is a great strategy to ensure that you’re financially protected while you wait for the business to become profitable. That’s meant to be a short-term strategy, however, not a sustainable option in the long term.

Eventually, you will need to choose between your full-time job and your business. Knowing when is key to both your security and the security of your business.

When to Quit Your Job

We’ve all heard stories of entrepreneurs who quit their job one day and their business took off, making them practical overnight millionaires. Though it happens, that’s extremely rare. The more likely course is quitting too soon and ending up with no cash flow, or waiting too long and burning out.

Here are the signs you should quit your job:

You Have Good Income

There are suggestions for how much you should make or what percentage of your full-time salary before you can quit your 9-5. This guideline is helpful, but it’s not ideal for every situation.

If you’re making more money than you need to at this point with your full-time job. If that’s the case, you don’t need to wait until you’re making a certain percentage of it. Maybe half is enough for you to live comfortably for a while.

Consider how much your business really needs to bring in for you to feel comfortable. Are you willing to sacrifice anything to make this decision more feasible, like a streaming entertainment subscription, happy hours with friends, or that Sunday football package? Are you willing to prepare more meals at home, even if you’ve had a long and tiring day?

The answer and decision are yours and yours alone. No matter how much you make or think you can live on, it’s important to plan it out to make sure there are no surprises.

You Have Savings

If you have a robust savings account and emergency fund from your full-time job, you may have enough to be confident in quitting to pursue your business full-time.

Remember, some businesses and industries take longer to launch, have greater startup costs, or have a longer period before they become profitable. It doesn’t mean they’ll fail, but simply that you may need to wait longer before they generate a return.

If your savings account isn’t quite there yet, think about how much more you want to have before you’ll feel comfortable quitting. Then, consider whether you could put a bit more away each pay to reach that goal.

You Have a Plan

Going full-time with your business and leaving a stable 9-5 can seem exciting, but you still have responsibilities. Make a plan and establish your budgets before you make any rash decisions.

Though it may not be as fun as some dramatic exit from your job, having a plan in place ensures security and sustainability. Your story may not prompt anyone to make a movie about your dramatic path to success, either, but you’re more likely to succeed in a way that counts.

Are You Ready?

Quitting and going full-time with your business is a huge leap. Fortunately, with some planning and financial security, you can make your dream a reality in the smartest and most practical way possible.

Looking to get your business from startup to successful? Work with Allison directly!

When Should You Raise Your Prices?

For many business owners, coming up with a pricing strategy was a challenge in the first place. Now, you’ve been in operation a few years and it may be time to raise your prices, but the anxiety is back.

You fear that if you increase the cost of the product too quickly, customers will go elsewhere. But leaving your prices low without adjustments for inflation, cost of living, overhead, or other variables that affect your expenses, you could run yourself right out of business.

Here’s how to tell if it’s time to raise your prices.

Your Close Rate Is High

If a customer conversion rate is over 80%, you probably have prices that are too low. Ideally, your close rate should be in between 75% and 80%. If the conversion rate is in this range, you may want to check over your prices and see if you should increase them.

Of course, if you have an exceptional product that caught the attention of customers quickly, you may find that you have a higher conversion rate after raising prices. Sometimes, products that are too cheap can be a turn off to consumers – they assume there’s a reason they’re so cheap.

You Haven’t Raised Prices

If you haven’t raised prices in years, or you’ve never raised prices, now is the time. Often, business owners are afraid to raise prices at this point because they believe loyal customers will turn away.

Keep in mind that prices have very little impact on demand, so the demand won’t go anywhere. Sure, some customers may not be happy about the prices going up, but most will support you. A modest increase in price isn’t going to deter anyone.

You’ve Received Competitive Reviews

Whether we like it or not, our competitors’ prices influence our prices and how much the market will bear. You can use this same information to determine when it’s time to raise prices (and by how much).

Check out the prices that competitors are charging for comparable products and use that to inform your new pricing strategy. But don’t let the market dictate your pricing. If you’re the more expensive of the brands, your opportunity to come out ahead is in marketing your product for value or quality, rather than as the bargain.

Tips for Raising Prices

If you’ve determined that raising prices is a good decision, you can soften the blow by approaching pricing incrementally. Instead of doubling your price overnight, raise your prices by the appropriate amount. Consider how much of the price affects budget and how much leeway you have to add to the price.

Another option is to “grandfather” old clients in. With this method, you’ll keep the prices the same for your old customers and only raise prices for the new ones.

Boost Your Profits with Accurate Pricing

Pricing your products or services is always difficult. If you’re looking to raise prices, make sure to be transparent with customers to explain the reasons behind the price increase.

Could you use guidance to achieve your business goals? Work with business coach Allison directly!

The Definitive Guide to Defining Your Why

All organizations understand what they do and how they do it, but how many really understand why they do it?

The “what” is easy – it’s the products or services a business offers. The “how” is pretty easy too, since we know how we provide these products or services and what makes them unique.

But few can articulate the “why” of it all – why they do what they do, or what is the purpose or belief that drives them. It’s what inspires them to take action, and by extension, inspires others to take action.

Start With Why

The concept of finding “why” became popular after Simon Sinek’s famous Ted Talk, “Start With Why.”

In the talk and his best-selling book, Sinek explains how the world’s greatest leaders inspire themselves and others to take action or champion a cause.

They do it by defining their purpose – sharing their “why” – before discussing anything else. It’s how they captivate, sell, and lead.

How to Find Your “Why”

The “why” statement is the most effective way to articulate your why, or your purpose, to yourself and others.

It should be:

  • – Simple and clear
  • – Focused on others
  • – Actionable

The “why” statement should encompass all of the qualities mentioned, all in a single sentence. You also want your statement to be evergreen, so it can apply to anything you do professionally or personally.

Essentially, your “why” statement is a statement of your value as much as why your social network loves you. Your professional and personal “whys” aren’t different. It’s not a separate concept, product, or service – it’s the underlying force that informs all that you do.

Once you have this statement, it can become a point of reference for all your future actions and decisions. You can set goals, measure your progress, and know when you’re on track.

Here are some exercises to help:

Identify What You Do to Make Others’ Lives Better

This applies both personally and professionally. Consider all the ways you work to make others’ lives better, whether it’s through your work, your business, or your personal endeavors. Solving a problem, volunteering, or donating all contribute to your sense of purpose.

Consider Your Values

Your values are your personal code of conduct. They’re the core beliefs that motivate your actions, behaviors, and interactions with others and the world.

Evaluate Your Motivations

Your motivations are the reasons you have for acting or behaving in a certain way. They’re what gets you excited to work or perform without external pressure from others. They satisfy you.

Think About Your Passions

Your passions extended beyond interests. They’re the things that push you and leave you wanting more. Bordering on obsessions, they’re the things you want to experience more, that you can’t stop thinking about.

These are a good starting point for the next step – self experimentation.

Conduct Self Experiments

There’s no better way to learn about yourself than with experimentation. You can develop your self-awareness, challenge your assumptions, and gain a deeper insight into yourself and your behavioral patterns.

Here are some ways to challenge yourself:

Track Your Thoughts

A daily writing habit is good for a lot of reasons, but among them is improved self-awareness. You don’t need to write everything down, but tracking your most prominent thoughts will reveal patterns that can show you your passions or your “why.”

Describe Your Perfect Workday

The goal of this exercise is to determine how you want to spend your time while working, not enjoying your family or your hobbies. You have to have some clarity of your “why,” even subconsciously, and this exercise can reveal it.

Be as detailed as possible and think about what hours you want to work, where you want to work, and how you want to work. Who are your coworkers? Are you working alone? What tasks would you be working on?

And do you ever imagine a day in which you wouldn’t want to go into work, if this was your day-to-day experience?

Once this is finished, ask yourself “why” again and see if it comes to mind.

Evaluate Your Career

Think about your career, going back as far as you wish, and consider:

  • – The reason you sought or took the jobs you’ve had
  • – The reasons you’ve left jobs
  • – Your most rewarding accomplishments
  • – The compliments you’ve received about your work skills or ethic
  • – The times you felt most productive
  • – Your favorite tasks to do
  • – Your least favorite tasks to do


When you have this fleshed out, read it out loud and consider your “why” again.

Ask Your Trusted Friends or Family Members

Introspection and self-awareness aren’t always easy for people. We’d likely be surprised if we knew how others perceive us, vs. how we see ourselves.

You can use this to your advantage by asking your trusted friends and family members questions to help you find your purpose. Remember, don’t ask them what they think your “why” is – no one can answer that but you. Your trusted friends and family are only here to reveal the patterns you may not recognize yourself.

Ask what they think your strengths and weaknesses are, what seems to be your greatest passion, or what gets you most excited as far as your career or work goes. Only you can determine your “why,” but having some insights into the way others see you and your passion can go a long way toward helping you discover it.

Ask Yourself

With all these exercises, you have a lot more information about your own drive, motivators, and purpose than you did before. Dive a little deeper by asking these questions:

  • – Is there a problem that always moves you to action?
  • – Is there a certain type of work that would fulfill or satisfy you?
  • – What gets you excited?
  • – What aspect of your career has been consistently positive across all of your work experiences?
  • – What work feels easy to you, but pushes you to seek out more information?


Drafting Your “Why”

You’ve done a lot of introspection and asking the tough questions, so now it’s time to put it to use.

Why do you do what you do?

To [contribution] so that [impact]

Sinek’s very own is:

“To inspire people to do the things that inspire them so that, together, we can change our world.”

Mine is:


Discover Why You Do What You Do

Whether it’s an organizational “why” or an individual “why,” finding your why is a powerful tool to bring your aspirations and actions together to achieve your goals.

Need some help finding your why? Work with Allison directly! 

When Can You Consider Yourself a CEO?

When is a founder considered a CEO? Is it when they start getting a certain number of profits or employees? When do they take on the role and responsibilities of a CEO?

By definition, a CEO is the highest-ranking executive in a company and the point of communication between the board of directors and operations. Typically, the CEO is the final decision-maker in the company and must only report to the board of directors.

This is all true of large corporations, but what about smaller businesses? What if you don’t have a board of directors or other executives?

Plenty of owner/operators or founders call themselves a CEO interchangeably, but is this accurate? At what point are you qualified to call yourself a CEO?

What Makes a CEO?

Legally, yes, you can call yourself a CEO or anything else you like. You’re the majority owner of the business. But calling yourself a CEO and actually being a CEO are quite different.

CEOs have a lot of responsibilities they undertake each day, and their decisions can have a profound impact on a company or its employees. They work up to that position by taking on different management or leadership roles. Perhaps they undergo executive training programs or mentorships within the company.

Yes, you do run a business. But running a business for yourself and running a large corporate with many moving parts and a number of stakeholders to answer to is a big step up.

Furthermore, calling yourself a CEO as a small business owner doesn’t boost your credibility. When it comes to investors, it could even hurt your chances. It’s not only an ego issue, but a concern for how seriously you’ll be taking your business.

Very few people are qualified to be a CEO simply because they founded a company. Investors will realize the title is only a temporary or ego-driven one, and that as your company grows, you’ll need to hire an experienced CEO.

Requirements of a CEO

Though courses are available for executive training, CEOs usually earn their qualifications and position with extensive experience in:

  • – Marketing
  • – Sales
  • – Finance
  • – Operations
  • – Product development
  • – Management
  • – Leadership
  • – Recruiting
  • – Strategy
  • – Accounting


This isn’t a background that can be gained with a college course. The experience is gained by doing the work and learning along the way.

And these are just skills. It doesn’t even include the other qualities you need, such as commitment, integrity, and motivation.

As your business scales, you may need to appoint a CEO and other leaders. You could also appoint yourself, but you don’t know what you don’t know.

Scale Your Business

Building a substantial company requires an experienced team to help it reach success. Simply calling yourself a CEO doesn’t give you the skill set or qualifications, and if you don’t have other leaders to help, you’re only hurting your own success.

Looking for executive coaching? Work with Allison directly to gain the skills you need!

6 Things to Ask a Potential Business Coach

A business coach can be a huge advantage when you’re starting a business, preparing to scale, in the middle of a transition, or you’re lacking clarity for the next steps or vision for your business.

You can find business coaches virtually everywhere, but they’re not created equal. Once you find coaches you’re interested in learning more about, you can schedule consultations to see if it’s a good fit.

This initial consultation can tell you a lot to inform your decision. Here are 6 questions to ask your business coach.

1. What Do You Specialize In?

Business coaches often have specializations, such as marketing, sales, and more. Some coaches focus entirely on new business owners and startups, while others coach for businesses that want to scale or expand.

When you’re hiring a business coach, consider their specializations, your own goals, and the type of help you need. You want a coach with adequate experience in the areas you’re looking to develop.

2. What Is Your Coaching Style?

Coaches have different styles and approaches to their work. Some coaches act as consultants or advisors, while others may be focused on showing you how to find your own answers and identify your own path to success.

Is the coach focused on the client in the center of the arrangement, or is it about strategy and mindset? Make sure you know what you’re getting with your business coach and that it’s the type of help you think you need.

3. How Do You Work with Clients?

Many business coaches offer virtual coaching, which gives you the pick of the litter from all over the country. Others may only offer in-person sessions, or group programs, and it’s important to know what you’re getting into.

You should also ask about how many calls or meetings you’ll receive each month, whether you’ll receive support in between if you have questions, and what resources you’ll have access to.

4. What Types of Clients Do You Typically Work with?

Business coaches often have niches they work within. Some specialize in just one industry or niche, or they may work with a variety of industries. Make sure the coach you’re looking to hire has the experience you need in your own niche or industry.

5. What Results Do You Typically See?

Naturally, coaches may only wish to share their most positive outcomes with potential clients, but it’s still helpful to know what the typical results are. Ask questions about the clients and where they started versus where they ended up after working with the coach, which can give you a lot of insights into the results the coach usually sees.

If possible, get testimonials or reviews from previous clients to get firsthand accounts of their experiences with the coach.

6. What Do You Look for in a Client?

Even though you’re looking for a coach and you’ll pay for their services, you want a relationship that’s built on both parties feeling like it’s a fit. Ask your business coach what types of clients they enjoy working with and how you fit into the equation. Both parties need to be committed to see success.

Ready to Start Your Coaching Journey?

Finding the right business coach takes some planning and research, but the right fit is essential to seeing you realize your business goals. If you’re ready to get started, work with Allison Todd directly!

Should You Quit Your 9-5 to Work on Your Business Full Time? Here’s How to Know When It’s Time to Make the Move

Hustling at your 9-5 job while trying to get your business up and running is no easy task. At first, you may be so excited that you don’t notice the toll it’s taking on you. But over time, the long hours and stress will build, and as the months or years go by, you may feel like something has to give.

Holding onto both your full-time job and your business is a great strategy to ensure that you’re financially protected while you wait for the business to become profitable. That’s meant to be a short-term strategy, however, not a sustainable option in the long term.

Eventually, you will need to choose between your full-time job and your business. Knowing when is key to both your security and the security of your business.

When to Quit Your Job

We’ve all heard stories of entrepreneurs who quit their job one day and their business took off, making them practical overnight millionaires. Though it happens, that’s extremely rare. The more likely course is quitting too soon and ending up with no cash flow, or waiting too long and burning out.

Here are the signs you should quit your job:

You Have Good Income

There are suggestions for how much you should make or what percentage of your full-time salary before you can quit your 9-5. This guideline is helpful, but it’s not ideal for every situation.

If you’re making more money than you need to at this point with your full-time job. If that’s the case, you don’t need to wait until you’re making a certain percentage of it. Maybe half is enough for you to live comfortably for a while.

Consider how much your business really needs to bring in for you to feel comfortable. Are you willing to sacrifice anything to make this decision more feasible, like a streaming entertainment subscription, happy hours with friends, or that Sunday football package? Are you willing to prepare more meals at home, even if you’ve had a long and tiring day?

The answer and decision are yours and yours alone. No matter how much you make or think you can live on, it’s important to plan it out to make sure there are no surprises.

You Have Savings

If you have a robust savings account and emergency fund from your full-time job, you may have enough to be confident in quitting to pursue your business full-time.

Remember, some businesses and industries take longer to launch, have greater startup costs, or have a longer period before they become profitable. It doesn’t mean they’ll fail, but simply that you may need to wait longer before they generate a return.

If your savings account isn’t quite there yet, think about how much more you want to have before you’ll feel comfortable quitting. Then, consider whether you could put a bit more away each pay to reach that goal.

You Have a Plan

Going full-time with your business and leaving a stable 9-5 can seem exciting, but you still have responsibilities. Make a plan and establish your budgets before you make any rash decisions.

Though it may not be as fun as some dramatic exit from your job, having a plan in place ensures security and sustainability. Your story may not prompt anyone to make a movie about your dramatic path to success, either, but you’re more likely to succeed in a way that counts.

Are You Ready?

Quitting and going full-time with your business is a huge leap. Fortunately, with some planning and financial security, you can make your dream a reality in the smartest and most practical way possible.

Looking to get your business from startup to successful? Work with Allison directly!

Should You Hire Your Family? Let’s Settle the Debate

Hiring family. Some people swear by it, and build entire businesses upon it. For others, it’s an absolute no-no and a fast-track to drama and problems.

Whether your business is a startup or a large organization, there’s no doubt that the possibility of hiring family members will come up at some point. So, should you hire your family? The answer isn’t quite so simple.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring Family

There can be many advantages to hiring family members. They’re less risky than strangers since you know them, and if you have a good relationship, it can make the day-to-day more fun and interesting. Family members are also more likely to be invested in your business’s success.

Hiring family comes with significant disadvantages as well, however. Family members can expect special allowances or privileges that a regular employee wouldn’t, and they may treat you the same in the workplace as they do at home. If you’re the boss, that could be a problem.

In addition, some people won’t work with family because issues at work could spill over at home, and vice versa, and may permanently impact the relationship. For example, think of how your next holiday gathering may go if you had to fire your nephew or aunt.


Is Family a Good Fit for Your Business?

As mentioned, there are a lot of advantages to hiring family. If you have family members who are a good fit for your company culture and genuinely good workers, hiring them may be the best thing you could do for your business.

Be sure to consider all the factors you’d consider with a regular candidate, however, such as qualifications, values, experience, stability, and skills. This isn’t a favor or an impulse – it’s a fit for both parties.

If you believe your family member is a good fit, that can be a huge asset for your business. Don’t just hire family to do someone a favor, or just for the sake of making it a “family business.” Someone not invested in the position or well suited for it won’t serve your business in the long run.

Another thing to consider is the potential impact hiring family can have on other employees. It’s vital that you treat family like any other employee to avoid any conflict. You may want to have a nepotism policy in place to protect you and your family member from any issues of favoritism.


Tips for Working with Family

If you do decide to bring family members into your business, you can keep the working and personal relationships strong and separated. Here are some tips:


Keep it professional.

  • No matter how close you may be out of work, address each other professionally in the workplace.


Show respect.

  • Family members should always show respect appropriate for their position at the company, even if the dynamic is different in the family. For example, your uncle may be a perceived authority figure in normal life, but if you’re his boss at work, he should treat you like a boss.


Keep work at work.

  • One of the biggest challenges is keeping professional and personal lives separate when you work with family. Vow to keep work at work and home at home, so you can maintain your previous relationship dynamic outside of the office.


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Navigating the ins and outs of business can be challenging. Whether you need help with hiring, growing and scaling, or other aspects of your business, a professional coach can help. Work with Allison Todd directly and set your business up for success! 

Is Work-Life Balance Actually Possible When You Own a Business?

Starting a business brings a lot of responsibilities and tasks that can quickly eat up your time. If you’re starting a business while also balancing home and family time, or a full-time job, it may seem impossible to get any true work-life balance.

Is it possible? Can you achieve work-life balance while owning and running a business?

Yes! It takes some changes to how you approach work, but you can make it happen! Here’s how.

Reflect on the Big Picture

If you’re struggling with your work-life balance, or lack thereof, the first step is to give yourself some distance and reflect on the big picture.

For many business owners, this reflection only happens when something significant happens, such as a death or the birth of a child, but it doesn’t have to take such a big upheaval.

Consider your sources of stress or dissatisfaction. How are the circumstances affecting your performance? Your happiness with your work or personal life? How are your priorities? What are you giving up pursuing your business goals?

Once you have a clear picture, you can take concrete steps to change them.

Delegate Wherever Possible

Small business owners are go-getters, which is great for getting a business off the ground, but not so great for taking on way too much. For many, the idea that “if I want something done right, I have to do it myself” can quickly take over.

Delegating can free up a lot of time, provided you can relinquish some control. Remember, it’s a choice to continue doing tasks that could be outsourced or delegated to someone else. This not only impacts your work-life balance, but as your business grows, it will pull you away from mission-critical tasks.

Take More Time Off

I know, easier said than done. But taking the appropriate time off is essential to keeping your wellbeing and work-life balance intact. Otherwise, you can quickly find yourself working every day and losing a sense of satisfaction with your life.

One helpful way to ensure you get the time you need is with a four-day workweek. With this approach, you can still be productive and make money with just four days, and you’ll be able to devote more time to personal responsibilities and leisure.

Set Rigid Hours

One of the ways business owners can get too caught up in their business is by keeping a flexible schedule. For traditional employees, they typically have set shifts, so they can manage their personal time.

When you own a business, it’s too easy to work 10, 12, or 14 hours without realizing how much time you’re really putting into it. You try to get “just one more thing” done in the day, and before you know it, you’ve worked far beyond a normal workday.

Start by setting a clear time that you begin and end your workday, even if you’re working from home. Remember, more time isn’t necessarily more productive time, and you’d be better served by sticking to a set schedule and forcing yourself to manage your time effectively.

Find Your Work-Life Balance

No one said running a business was easy. In fact, business owners typically work more and longer days than a comparable employee, but it doesn’t have to be that way. With some tweaks, you can find your work-life balance and still run a successful and profitable business.

Are you looking for some guidance with your business from a professional coach? Work with Allison Todd directly and see how you can reach your business goals!