How to be Creative with your Blogging Process (Step One)

Learn how to be creative with your blogging process by taking the first step. Welcome back if you tuned in yesterday. If not, take a peak at How to be Creative with your Blogging Process. Fast forward and here we are at the first step. First things first, do you know what will you write about? Have you thought about how you will design your voice? Let’s learn more about you.

What’s Your Story?

This could be the best way to begin your process, thinking about your story. Step one is to begin brainstorming ideas. Wait, before you do anything grab your pen and paper. Then, write down all of the ideas that come to your mind. Whatever you do, don’t overthink what you are writing, just write. I like to play loud music while I brainstorm but do what works for you.

All of your ideas may not be great but could lead to greatness. As a result, this is where you create the foundation of your creative blogging process. How you brainstorm, where you brainstorm and the tools you use to do so make a big difference. My personal style is to brainstorm about what’s on my mind or what I am current business challenges. Then, I outline them.

creative blogging process step one

Which topics stand out to you and which make you say hmm? In other words, everything that you wrote down won’t be used. But take your time to review your list after active brainstorming. Then, identify the good, great and not so good ideas. It’s important to collect your ideas and figure out how to organize them. Some people like to use post-its to build their content and organize their blogs.

Let’s Start Brainstorming

Whatever your choices, take time now to determine what your brainstorming process looks like. Prepare to venture into uncharted waters, unfinished thoughts and mind motivation moments. To help you get started, here’s are a couple of brainstorming problem-solving, mind provoking questions:

Brainstorming Question List

  • What was my biggest challenge this week/month? What did I learn from it?
  • I want to learn more ________________ (insert topic) to improve my professional development?
  • Who does your expertise attract? And, what do they want to talk about?
  • What have you learned about your expertise? What would you do differently?

If you need more, the questions continue in the Confidence Culture community. Once you know what to blog about, how will you plan your blog for the next 30-60-90 days? Come back tomorrow for Four Step Creative Blogging Process (Step Two).

If this Four Step Creative Blogging Process (Step One) is helpful let me know in the comments. I’d love to know if the next 3 days make a difference in your process. Don’t forget we will end the week with some Blogging Goodies. In the meantime, sign up for Confidence Culture Membership and download your Blog Brainstorming Template & get your Brainstorming Question List.