Your Call to Action Doesn’t Have to be Creative, but it Should be Creative

“Click here.”

“Contact us.”

“Submit now.”

Do any of these messages make you feel something? Didn’t think so. To convert leads to customers, your readers have to feel inspired to take the action you want them to. Your concluding call to arms should prompt them to click there without simply using the lonely, stale phrase, “click here.” On the flip side, if your CTA is too unique, it could leave your leads confused and hinder them from performing. So, how do you craft a persuasive call to action without being too out there? Keep reading to learn the simple elements you need to create a fire call to action today.

What is a CTA?

Your CTA, or call to action, is a statement used to prompt your audience to complete whatever action you want them to take. Based on your specific business goals, you may want them to subscribe to your newsletter, complete a purchase, contact you for more information, follow your social media account, among other actions. Your engaging call to action should let your readers know exactly what they should do, how they should do it, and what they’ll get if they act.

Without a call to action, your readers will stay just that—readers. They won’t know that you’d like them to take any specific next step, therefore, they won’t. Implementing strong CTAs within your business message will allow you to build your client base, convert more leads, and generate more revenue.

Components of a Powerful Call to Action

For this marketing strategy to work, your call to action should provoke an immediate response. Use these guidelines to boost your business with a powerful CTA:

Compelling Copy

The words that you use are likely the most critical element in your CTA. Make the statement personal by speaking directly to your reader. Use strong action words like discover, join, start, or reserve. Your copy should be impactful without losing interest or confusing your audience. Be sure to let them know exactly what action they should take and what the outcome will be if they do so. Some of my favorite CTAs are:

  • “Gain instant access to ____.”
  • “Sign up for more.”
  • “Let’s chat and see how we can help you GROW!”

Effective Placement

Where you place your CTA matters. You likely wouldn’t put a CTA at the beginning of a social media post or the top of a webpage. Why? Because the reader hasn’t connected with the content yet. They don’t yet know why taking action will provide them with value.

Engaging Design

Your CTA should be visible and draw the reader’s eye. If your CTA is a button, contrasting colors will help make it pop. Working with written content? Bold your CTA or include some emojis on social media to grab the audience’s attention. 

Convert with a Clear CTA

With an engaging and concise call to action, you can successfully convert those leads to paying clients. Get creative without being too creative. Need help with developing your online CTA? Reach out to learn more about how our digital marketing services can engage your audience and grow your business.

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