Relationships Are Currency—Especially In Business

Relationships Are Currency—Especially In Business

Relationships are currency—and in business, they’re worth more than money 

The days of one-sided transactions and cold, impersonal interactions are long gone. Nowadays, people want to do business with those they like and feel comfortable around. 

We’re all busy, but it’s worth taking the time to build relationships because those connections can lead to great opportunities for your brand—opportunities you might not have otherwise had access to. Read on to learn more about the importance of relationships and how to start building them!

How Relationships Can Help Your Brand

You know that saying “it’s all about who you know?” Well, it’s true.

Never underestimate the power of a good relationship with your peers, contractors, clients, and even former co-workers. Having strong connections can lead to increased referrals and job opportunities, introductions to people who can help you reach your goals, and much more. 

In fact, in the same way that networking is an important step in advancing your career, relationships are just as vital when growing a brand. The more people you have on your side supporting, promoting, and recommending you, the more successful you’re likely to be.

While solid connections can absolutely hype you up, they can also provide you with feedback on your website, or advice on getting more clients. They can act as mentors who provide invaluable guidance as you grow your business —especially if the connection is someone who has been in your shoes before.

Not to mention the opportunity to meet a future business partner or podcast co-host!

Building strong business relationships requires time, effort, and consistency. Sometimes it’s hard work, but it’s worth it if you want your brand to succeed.

Best Practices For Forming Strong Business Relationships

Nobody reaches massive levels of success on their own. They almost always had help and support from other people to get there.

So now that you’re aware of the importance of business relationships, it’s time to go over some of the best practices to start forming and maintaining yours.

Be Kind & Generous

Look—everyone is busier than ever nowadays. And no one is going to be interested in connecting with you if you come off as unfriendly or pushy.

The most important thing to remember is that you should always be kind and generous with everyone, even if they’re not in a position to connect at that moment. Show grace in all of your introductions and meetings, and be open to connecting in the future.

Be Valuable

The best way to attract people who are willing to give you value is by giving out value yourself first. More than anything else, people will pay attention if you tell them what you can do for them. Offer one of your services for free or a discounted price, suggest a collaboration, or provide a connection that could help them with a problem.

Don’t Expect Something In Return

Even if you do give them something, don’t expect anything in return. This mindset will attract very different people than if you approach it with the assumption that everyone in your network is there to benefit you. Express genuine gratitude and appreciation for any kind of help, even if it’s just a simple answer to a question or quick introduction.

If you’re inconsiderate or disrespectful of their time, they won’t trust your intentions.

Build Your Brand By Building Relationships

Relationships can open up a ton of opportunities for everyone involved. If you want to learn more about building relationships that can help your brand, click here to discover about working with Alison Todd.