Business Women: Why We Settle for Less (And Why We Shouldn’t)

Women still struggle with inequality in the workplace – even if they own their own business! Women continue to earn less, on average, than men in the same positions, and they’re underrepresented in the top positions and fields.

Research has shown that biases, both conscious and subconscious, are part of the problem, but that’s not all. Women sometimes don’t get what they want and deserve because they aren’t asking for it.

Women often feel apprehension asking for what they want or need. Women are also more pessimistic about what is available when they negotiate, so they ask for less and get less if they do negotiate.

Don’t settle for less! And here’s why you never should.

Settling for Less Means Choosing Limitations

When you settle for less than you deserve, you’re choosing a life filled with limitations of your own doing. You’re actively restricting your own potential, whether it’s out of apprehension, fear of failure or rejection, or any other barrier.

You’ll never be able to succeed or grow if you’re stuck in your own self-imposed comfort zone!

Settling Means Giving Up on Your Goals

When you settle, it’s a way of giving up. You’re essentially saying that the dreams and goals you have aren’t possible, aren’t worth fighting for. Never stop pushing!

Plenty of people settle, whether in their careers, their relationships, or other aspects of their life. They think that “good enough” is enough, and maybe it’s not. Maybe the spot you’re settling in was the stepping stone to get you closer to your goal.

Settling Means You’re Accepting Less than the Best You Could Have

Everyone has moments when they could choose to settle or keep pushing harder for what they want. We may choose what seems right at that moment instead of continuing to push for better options, possibly ending up in a less than favorable position.

But what if what’s truly the best for us means taking that chance? If you’re setting on your career path or your business goals, you’re choosing the second-best option over being the best you can be. Life is too short to stop there.

Settling Means Settling for a Lesser Version of Yourself

If you settle on the mediocre and average, you’re missing out on living your fullest potential. Whether you end up in a job with no growth potential or give up when running your own business gets hard, you’re setting yourself up to stay stuck.

Remember, you can’t change the past, but you can avoid the same mistakes in the future. Take action and make positive change before regret sets in.

You Deserve the Best

You are worthy and deserving of the best life has to offer. Never settle for less!

If something isn’t working out, isn’t having a positive effect on your life, let it go! Don’t hold onto something that no longer serves you. Move on and move forward to get the life you deserve.

Looking for motivation? Work with Allison Todd directly and see how you can reach your fullest potential with the guidance of a professional business and career coach!

6 Places to Get Your Voice Heard

Have you ever attended a keynote and been moved? Watched a Ted Talk over and over? Liked and shared a social media post that was powerful?

You have a voice, too, and you can be empowered to share it with others. All of us have the power to be influential, whether in the digital world or the real one.

Here are 6 places to get your voice heard and spark change.

1. Your Blog

Blogs may have started with moms sharing their experiences, but they’ve become a vital part of business. In fact, many people make money sharing their expertise on their own blog and industry, such as travel.

If you have a blog, start sharing your thoughts and ideas. If you don’t, get started! This is a great way to get your voice heard and establish yourself as an authority. It may take time, but it’s worth the payoff.

2. Email

Despite the rise of other types of marketing, email is still an effective way to share content with an audience and capture their attention. You can begin with a newsletter that comes out once a month, or a few times a month, to build your audience.

3. YouTube

Video is a persuasive medium that many have leveraged for success. Whatever your business venture or cause, just about anyone can create professional videos or promos to share on YouTube. The cleverer and more creative the idea, the more traction you’re likely to receive, but don’t be afraid to just jump into it.

4. Social Media

Social media is incredibly powerful. From politicians to brands to influencers, just about everyone is using social media to connect with others and share ideas and opinions, and you can do the same.

Major platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are excellent places to start, but you could also share your expertise on platforms like Quora and Reddit. People often use these platforms to ask questions or seek discussions within certain industries or topics, and that’s your time to shine.

5. Publications

Most publications accept pitches from writers to feature in their upcoming issues. With the rise of digital publications, you have more opportunity than ever before to get a feature article with the right pitch and audience.

Pitching takes time, however. You may not get published at the first try, or the second, or even the 10th, but keep going! Eventually, you’ll find the right fit for your article. And even if you’re rejected once, don’t be afraid to pitch again in the future! Maybe your article is a good fit, but not for right now.

6. Local Venues

Similar to pitching publications, you may be able to book local speaking engagements at small venues. Like publications, venues typically have a long lead time and specific guidelines and requirements for speakers.

You may need to approach a dozen different venues before you get booked, but that’s just part of the process. Don’t get discouraged! Keep trying.

Get Professional Coaching

Learning how to channel and share your voice isn’t easy, but you have plenty of outlets to be heard. The most important thing is having the confidence in yourself, and coaching from an expert like Allison Todd can help! Work with Allison Todd directly!

Why Your Brand Guidelines Matter

Brand guidelines or a brand book are a set of properties that explain how your brand operates, what it looks like, and who you are. It usually includes your mission, values, vision, tone, personality, and messaging. 

Built on your vision, personality, and mission are your brand assets, such as your color identity, logo, and visual styling. While it may seem superfluous, your goal is to attract a specific type of customer, and knowing what appeals to them is important. 

Here are my top reasons creating your brand guidelines is essential for your business. 

Brand Consistency

By creating a standard for how your brand appears, you will have a consistent identity in front of your audience. Changing graphics, colors, fonts, and associated with your brand makes you appear flighty and indecisive. 

Consistency in messaging and design shows you’re steadfast and reliable. It builds trust with your audience, who feels they know what to expect and are more comfortable working with you.

Brand Guidelines Encourage Relationships

It’s not just about colors and fonts. Comprehensive guidelines also advance your company’s values and mission. It’s an easy way to communicate what you stand for and how you intend to accomplish your goals. 

People connect with purposes, not brands. By showcasing a relatable, human element of your brand, you’re building authentic connections and relationships with your market.

Brand Recognition

We all know brands like Nike, Mcdonald’s, Ford. You only have to see their logo, and you instantly recognize who they are and what they offer. 

How? Because we’ve seen them over and over again, never changing, always consistent. 

While you’re probably not to mega-brand levels just yet, creating brand guidelines that your company lives and breathes by makes you instantly recognizable to your target audience. 

Brand Value Perception

Brand guidelines help you create a strong brand identity. When it’s designed to target your desired audience shows that you know your market. 

You understand their needs, desires, goals, and even a bit of their style. Together, this increases your value in their eyes, and they’re more open to paying what you’re worth. 

Brand Tone and Target Market 

Knowing your audience is key to developing a unique brand voice. If you’re a suit and tie brand, your tone and voice will trend more skilled and professional, and your brand visuals will be dark and sharp. 

If your market is families with small children, bright colors, bold fonts, and light, happy messaging is what connects with that aesthetic. 

If you go to market with any old logo you whipped up on Canva, and whatever font you happen to like, there is a strong likelihood that none of that will suit your brand. It doesn’t match who your customer is, and they may not trust your offer.

Your Brand Guidelines Matter Because Your Brand Is Selling Something

If you don’t have comprehensive brand guidelines keeping you on track, you may find your marketing is off, and you’re not reaching the right audience. I can help you develop robust and consistent brand guidelines that advance your messaging and your value. Book with me!

3 Things to Automate in Your Business Right Now

Those menial, tedious tasks you hate doing every day? Automate. The technology to make your life so much easier is out there! You will boost your productivity and relieve yourself from the pressure of all the “to-dos” that you don’t really have to do. 

Let’s review my top 3 things you should automate in your business right now!

#1 Client Onboarding

Different from welcome emails, this is your internal process. It’s something you can create and set up once but use again and again. 

Using a productivity management system to send contracts, welcome packets, questionnaires, and client portal information automatically saves you time and puts the client at ease that you have it all together! It also ensures that everything is accomplished as quickly as possible, and nothing is ever missed. 

My Favorite Productivity Management Systems:

  • –
  • – Airtable
  • – Asana
  • – Trello
  • – Zapier 

#2 Welcome Emails 

Did you know welcome emails usually have the highest open rates? These emails are your first access to direct contact with a potential client and are extremely valuable. Use them to engage with the lead and ask how they liked your resource. 

Using your CRM or email management system, set up welcome emails to fire off after a new contact is received and drip out over the following days and weeks. This keeps you at the top of their inbox while your name is fresh on their mind.

Leverage these notes to further establish who you are, what you do, and why they should care by providing practical, tangible value in their inbox. Slowly introduce other ways to connect with you and your higher-ticket offers. 

#3 Social Media Content

Automating content production can reduce the pressure on you or your team to be creative every day at the optimal posting time. While the content still has to be physically created or curated, there are tools and software platforms that help you automate the process. 

You can batch create your social media text and graphics using the free tool, Canva. If you run out of ideas, scroll through the feed of your ideal client or competitors and see what they’re engaged with. Use this to fuel your creation! 

Pre-made content calendars are also a dime a dozen, but apps like PostDeck also offer daily prompts and conversation starters to essentially generate content for you. 

When you’re ready to publish, upload your content to a platform like Sprout Social, Buffer, or Later. These services help you schedule content out for the week or even the month so you can “set it and forget it” and focus on engagement. 

Consider implementing Facebook’s “out of office” auto-responder for after-hours to connect with anyone who may reach out. Or, set up a chatbot to keep the conversation going and assist potential leads. 

Work Smarter, Not Harder!

Automation can be tech-heavy upfront, but the payoff is literally buying you more time! If you’re overwhelmed by manual processes and need support and encouragement to confidently make good business decisions, let’s talk! Book a consultation with me!

What Is Executive Coaching?

What is meant by “executive coaching?” What’s the difference between executive coaching and coaching? And, most importantly, is executive coaching worth it

The coaching industry is booming. It seems there is a coach for everything, from business coaches to feline-behavior coaches. But what exactly is executive coaching? What does it do? And is it worth your money, and more importantly, your time? This article will lay everything on the line, breaking down any myths about the role of an executive coach and how it can help you. 

What Is Meant by “Coaching?” 

Firstly, let’s consider the term “coaching.” The word “coaching” means supporting, teaching, and mentoring a person to unlock their potential and help achieve their goals. We associate the term “coaching” with sports, and if we were to take this at surface value, a sports coach does well in representing the umbrella role of a coach. 

Consider a basketball coach, for instance. A basketball coach’s responsibility is to direct, instruct, and improve a basketball team’s overall strategy and performance. 

When we remove the ‘basketball’ element, we’re left with something similar: instructing, directing, and improving the overall strategy and performance. Whether this tackles a business angle (a business coach), a nutrition angle (a nutrition coach), our relationships (a relationship coach), the fundamentals remain consistent. 

What Is Meant by “Executive Coaching?” 

Now that we understand the broad term “coaching,” we can move onto the more specific branch of “executive coaching.”

The term “executive coaching” is a 1:1 coaching session between a coach and senior leaders. It’s related to corporate coaching (otherwise known as career coaching). Leaders use an executive coach to both support and challenge their performance, striving for nothing short of excellence. 

Executive coaching was initially known as performance coaching and was created to fast-track career-driven professionals to the top of their game. 

What Does an Executive Coach Do? 

If you’re considering hiring an executive coach, you may find yourself searching for “what should I expect from an executive coach?” To manage (and exceed) your expectations, here are the fundamentals every executive coach should offer you:

  • – Provide a sounding board padded with support and confidentiality 
  • – Ask questions that stretch and challenge your current approach 
  • – Help you achieve clarity 
  • – Hand you helpful resources that can aid in meeting your goals
  • – Lend their own personal opinion and advice, should you ask for it. 
  • – Conduct behavioral assessments and analyze the results for areas of strength and weakness. 
  • – Set, track, and reassess growth and development goals.

Who Can an Executive Coach Help? 

Often, executive coaches help leaders and senior leadership teams. There’s no written rule that executive coaches can’t coach any employee that shows excellent promise and capability of growth. In fact, it’s becoming more common for employers to invest money into their capable employees through an executive coach, even before they reach leadership level. 

What Are the Benefits of Executive Coaching? 

The benefits of executive coaching are extensive and can maximize an employee’s potential if you find the right executive coach. This is advantageous not only to the employee, but the whole business will also benefit from this. So, with that in mind, let’s look at the real benefits of executive coaching.

Executive Coaching Benefit 1: Higher Motivation Levels 

Human beings are motivated when they see their success. It’s something every single one of us has in common. While there are people who crumble under pressure when they can see that an approach isn’t working, others may thrive. This differentiation between types of employees can cause issues for the company. Instead, ensuring an executive coach produces success in certain areas will guarantee higher motivation levels. 

Executive Coaching Benefit 2: Better Leadership Strategies 

Executive coaches often coach members of a Senior Leadership Team. With anyone higher up in a business, leadership is a fundamental skill that needs to be constantly improved. It may come naturally to some, but others find leadership challenging. 

Hiring an executive coach will allow you to explore different leadership styles and tactics, help you spot your leadership weaknesses, and, ultimately, improve. 

Executive Coaching Benefit 3: Increase Your Self-Awareness 

Self-awareness is key to any form of progression. Whether that’s for your own personal fitness, subject knowledge, or attitude at work. Being self-aware allows you to identify areas of weakness and strength. Often, we aren’t as self-aware as we could be, as we’re so busy juggling the many tasks assigned to us. However, having an executive coach helps you see yourself clearly, allowing you to improve specific areas and strategies. 

Executive Coaching Benefit 4: Teaches You Higher Levels of Empathy 

We could all learn to show more empathy in the workplace. So often, we don’t consider what someone has been through when they make a mistake. Leadership teams, in particular, are known for being cold with little empathy. But the world is changing, and an empathetic approach is ranking higher and higher on employees’ “must-have” list when looking to build their career. 

If you can show empathy, you’ll find that your team wants to reward this understanding with hard work. Plus, it shows your humane side, rather than simply being a leadership team member. 

Executive Coaching Benefit 5: Strategy and Data Analysis 

The point of a coach is to help you improve. In terms of an executive coach, it tends to revolve around bettering your performance at work. This involves evaluating the strategies you’re currently implementing by monitoring the data, analyzing it, and piecing together a narrative. An executive coach can help show you different sides of the story, allowing you to strategize with all of the information to make a well-rounded decision. 

Is an Executive Coach Worth It? 

The question we’ve all been waiting for: is an executive coach worth your money and time? 

The short answer? Yes. 

The long answer? Hiring an excellent executive coach can transform your working life. It can better your leadership skills, improve your ability to empathize, support you and aid in meeting your working goals, and genuinely take you from “good” to “great.”

To do so, you must have a solid executive coach who has proven results. But, as always, you get what you pay for. So, it’s fundamental to do your research first. 

You also need to be open to change. There’s little point in hiring an executive coach if you don’t honestly want to improve. You must be open-minded and ready to see yourself the way your team does. If none of these are applicable, you may not be prepared for executive coaching. 

But, if they do apply, you’ll absolutely benefit from an executive coach. 

How To Make Black Friday Profitable For Business Owners

With an enormous $9 billion dollars spent by consumers on Black Friday in 2020 alone, this day undoubtedly presents businesses with an incredible opportunity to have more traffic and profit coming their way by partaking in the festivities. 

4 Tips For Running A Seamless Black Friday

With Black Friday and the holiday season just around the corner, it is the perfect time for businesses to start thinking about their strategy for participating in the sales and deals of this iconic shopping day. Here are 4 tips and tricks for running a profitable Black Friday: 

#1: Offer Loyal Customers Exclusive Perks 

If you have already done the hard part of making a sale and converting someone into a loyal customer, it is important to make them feel valued before the Black Friday experience by offering them exclusive perks and deals on top of the ones you’re running for the masses. This will make them feel more inclined to participate. 

Whether it’s through an SMS text or a targeted email, get your subscribers and loyalty program members excited for your upcoming deals by early access to deals, additional discount codes, and more. 

#2: Promote Your Upcoming Deals On Social Media

With 420 billion users active on social media in 2020, using these platforms for marketing is one of the most important tools for getting the word out about your businesses’ Black Friday events. 

Promoting on Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, and other popular platforms is a great way of creating buzz around your deals in the days leading up to it. 

One of the most important tactics to get engagement you desire are by using Black Friday-specific hashtags and captions so that people can find you more easily. 

#3: Go Above And Beyond Traditional Discounts

With thousands upon thousands of brands partaking in discounts on Black Friday, it is important to find innovative ways to stand out against the competition and create more incentives for consumers so that they focus on what you have to offer. 

Some of the best ways to go above and beyond are to offer free gifts and perks in addition to discounts, offer free shipping with every purchase, and provide future discounts after they make a Black Friday purchase. The possibilities are truly endless, so get creative with it! 

#4: Don’t Miss The Benefits Of Online Shopping 

One of the most important aspects of planning a profitable Black Friday is focusing on online shopping. With 93.2 million consumers online shopping on this day in 2019, it is just as important for businesses to take advantage of digital Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals in addition to the traditional brick-and-mortar Black Friday deals. 

Watch Your Black Friday Profit Soar With The Help Of Coach Allison Todd 

If you are looking for new ways to improve your business’s profitability for Black Friday and beyond, I am here to help. As a coach and consultant with 20+ years of experience, I am energized by the opportunity to transform entrepreneurs and corporations alike. 

To learn more about a partnership, don’t hesitate to shoot me an inquiry today! 

Video Strategy: Create Your Customer’s Path to Purchase

What was the last item that you purchased? Have it in mind? Great, now think about the steps that you took before purchasing it. Chances are, much of the process was done subconsciously, unless it was a major purchase.

Even for insignificant items, your mind likely walked through three stages that are known as the buyer’s journey, which include awareness, consideration, and decision. 

Consumers go through these stages with nearly every purchase, and it’s the seller’s responsibility to help them get from the first step through to deciding to purchase.

Recent studies have shown that the use of video is becoming increasingly effective at helping a buyer make their mind up. We’re going to show you how video can be used in each stage to help close more sales for your business. 

Stage One: Awareness

In the awareness stage, a buyer has identified a problem or need and is trying to find a solution to it through research. During this stage, videos that address your customer’s “pain points” are most effective. 

Introduce yourself, what you can provide, and how it can fix their issue. Be specific about how you can help them and remind them where they can find you and how to connect. 

Stage Two: Consideration

Next up is the consideration stage. Your buyer is fully aware of their problem at this point, and they’re ready to find a solution. 

They should know about your business by now, but they’re not quite sold yet and are still considering other options. Now is the time for your “explainer video” where you give them the answers they need and offer valuable content about your products and services. 

Stage Three: Decision

Now it’s time for your buyer to make up their mind and decide what solution they’re going to commit to. They’ve done their research, and it’s up to you to drive it home. 

Close the sale by building trust with client reviews and show them your success measures and impact. Do you have a study showing how you helped a past customer or how your service improved their lives in some way? Show them the details. Remember, the proof is in the pudding!

Ongoing Videos Lead To Future Sales

Using videos in your marketing helps to attract and retain committed, loyal customers. Once they’ve purchased something from you, it’s up to you to keep your brand at the forefront of their mind. This way, the next time they need a similar solution, they’ll turn to you.

One way to do this is by sending ongoing video content reminding them that you’re there for them whenever they need you. Send videos of new customer testimonials or new products; anything to stay current in their memory.

In today’s media-driven world, there are countless ways to get your message to the public and in front of your target audience. While you can always tell your customers why you’re the best, videos give you the ability to show them. After all, actions speak louder than words—and nothing speaks louder than high-quality video marketing. 

Understand How to Identify and Attract Your Target Audience

In the digital marketing world, understanding the audience for your product or service is key to growing your business. However, this can be a challenging task–but it does have its solutions. Read on to learn more about identifying your ideal audience and crafting the types of content they want.

Why Do I Need To Identify A Target Audience?

A target audience, by definition, is the people you’d like to engage with your content and then convert into clients and customers. At this point you may be thinking, I’ll just focus on making great content and the right audience will follow. While that can be true, great content only promises traffic–it doesn’t equal sales. 

On top of that, identifying your audience helps establish where you should be funneling your marketing budget–no one can afford to hit all digital and media channels with advertisements. By locating your niche in the market, you can create content that will produce a return on the money you invest in digital marketing advertisements. 

How Can I Identify My Niche Audience?

There are a number of tried and tested methods for establishing your target audience.

Current Customers

If you’re an established business, you already have a foundation of current customers. Use statistical analysis to dissect the demographics and then the psychographics of your current customers. These data points include identifying:

  • – The demographics of your current customers


  • – Where they buy from


  • – What their common interests are



You can also look at the analytics on social media to see what posts they share, like, and comment on the most and use that information to inform your content creation as well.

Start From Scratch

If you’re a new business, or it’s just time to revamp your systems, follow these steps for establishing a target audience:

  • Identify the features and benefits of your products/services and who would most likely use/benefit from them. 


  • Create several user personas. These personas are meant to help you visualize who you’ll be writing for. They’ll include details such as:


– Gender

– Personality

– Family life

– Job title

– Job function

– Employer

– Location

– Income

– Needs

– Pain points

– Challenges


After you’ve finished analyzing your audience, make sure that your niches aren’t too similar–if one marketing message works for more than one niche, you’ve gone too far. 

What Should I Focus My Content On?

At the beginning of this article we mentioned that just having great content won’t get you the ROI you want–and that’s true. However, creating great content crafted towards the needs for your target audience is a surefire plan every time. The secret to having great engagement with your audience is writing the content that they want to read–ask yourself, what exactly would make them stop, click, and consume your content?

You don’t have to make this a guessing game either–return to what you know: utilize statistics to see what content has done well in the past, and conduct keyword research around your products to see what your customer base is also interested in. 

4 Ways To Use Digital Marketing To Drive More Traffic To Your Site

Whether you’re a CEO, a micropreneur, or a business owner, you’ll know that your website can be a profit generating machine. 

But, without traffic, your site is, ultimately, useless. 

That’s where digital marketing techniques come into play. It’s important to know that each of the five tools listed in this post need a solid strategy behind them along with consistency. 

Keep in mind: It takes a while to start seeing results, but once the strategy is functioning, it’s well worth the wait. 

4 Ways To Use Digital Marketing

1. Social Media Marketing

You don’t need to run ads 24/7. When you’re using social media strategically, you can boost your organic traffic without having to spend a dime. 

Think carefully about the social channel you want to focus on. This is reliant on your brand and your target audience.  

For example, a younger demographic may spend most of their time on Instagram or Tik Tok. But, a slightly older demographic will be more active on Facebook. 

Make sure your website is clearly displayed in your social media bio. End your posts with a strong call to action, telling viewers to visit your website. Whether that’s to sign up for your latest freebie, check out your newest post, or any other benefit, clearly sign posting the next destination is important to drive more traffic to your site. 

2. Blog Posts ‘

Running a blog is a popular digital marketing strategy. Even big brands like American Express, Sony, and Google all reap the benefits of running a blog as a business. 

Publishing content consistently – whether that’s once per week or five times per week – is important. 

And it’s not about just publishing random content.

You need to do your market research and dive deep into the searches your demographic are looking for. 

Make sure all of your blog posts are well optimized for SEO (search engine optimization), and you’ll see your traffic increase over time. 

The best thing about blog posts is that one article can continue producing a steady flow of traffic over time. It’s a strategy that takes investment of your time, efforts, and, sometimes, money, but it’s well worth it when you check your Google Analytics and see the sharp incline of traffic. 

3. Guest Posting 

Guest posting is a fantastic way to drive more traffic to your page. 

It takes skill and effort, but after posting on blog pages within your industry and leaving a clear link to your own site, you’ll gain the traffic and views of their posts.  

There’s also the benefit of establishing yourself as an expert in your field. 

Be wary of the sites you choose to publish material on. When Google can see that your site is valued by a leading website within the industry, with a solid SEO strategy, they’ll see your website as trustworthy. That’s then rewarded by bumping you up in the search results page. 

Which leads us onto…

4. Implement A Solid SEO Strategy 

Just like we spoke about a few minutes ago, publishing consistent content isn’t enough. 

You could publish the best content in the world, but if no one sees it, it’s pretty redundant. 

So, implementing a strong SEO strategy is crucial if you want to drive more traffic to your site.

Blog posts work brilliantly to prove to Google that your site is trustworthy, but every article needs to be optimized for search engines and crawlers. 

Do your keyword and market research and use this to shape your SEO strategy. 

Start Driving Traffic To Your Site Today With Digital Marketing Tactics 

These four strategies, if implemented properly, can take your website from tumbleweeds to a New Year’s Eve fireworks display. 

When all’s said and done, there’s no point in having a beautifully crafted site if nobody sees it. 

So, start strategizing. Explore the wonders of social media, blogging, guest posting and SEO, and watch your traffic soar. 

Need help with your digital marketing Allison Todd provides options for all your digital marketing needs click on this to find out more:

4 Ways To Use Digital Marketing To Drive More Traffic To Your Site

Your Call to Action Doesn’t Have to be Creative, but it Should be Creative

“Click here.”

“Contact us.”

“Submit now.”

Do any of these messages make you feel something? Didn’t think so. To convert leads to customers, your readers have to feel inspired to take the action you want them to. Your concluding call to arms should prompt them to click there without simply using the lonely, stale phrase, “click here.” On the flip side, if your CTA is too unique, it could leave your leads confused and hinder them from performing. So, how do you craft a persuasive call to action without being too out there? Keep reading to learn the simple elements you need to create a fire call to action today.

What is a CTA?

Your CTA, or call to action, is a statement used to prompt your audience to complete whatever action you want them to take. Based on your specific business goals, you may want them to subscribe to your newsletter, complete a purchase, contact you for more information, follow your social media account, among other actions. Your engaging call to action should let your readers know exactly what they should do, how they should do it, and what they’ll get if they act.

Without a call to action, your readers will stay just that—readers. They won’t know that you’d like them to take any specific next step, therefore, they won’t. Implementing strong CTAs within your business message will allow you to build your client base, convert more leads, and generate more revenue.

Components of a Powerful Call to Action

For this marketing strategy to work, your call to action should provoke an immediate response. Use these guidelines to boost your business with a powerful CTA:

Compelling Copy

The words that you use are likely the most critical element in your CTA. Make the statement personal by speaking directly to your reader. Use strong action words like discover, join, start, or reserve. Your copy should be impactful without losing interest or confusing your audience. Be sure to let them know exactly what action they should take and what the outcome will be if they do so. Some of my favorite CTAs are:

  • “Gain instant access to ____.”
  • “Sign up for more.”
  • “Let’s chat and see how we can help you GROW!”

Effective Placement

Where you place your CTA matters. You likely wouldn’t put a CTA at the beginning of a social media post or the top of a webpage. Why? Because the reader hasn’t connected with the content yet. They don’t yet know why taking action will provide them with value.

Engaging Design

Your CTA should be visible and draw the reader’s eye. If your CTA is a button, contrasting colors will help make it pop. Working with written content? Bold your CTA or include some emojis on social media to grab the audience’s attention. 

Convert with a Clear CTA

With an engaging and concise call to action, you can successfully convert those leads to paying clients. Get creative without being too creative. Need help with developing your online CTA? Reach out to learn more about how our digital marketing services can engage your audience and grow your business.

Naming Your Business: Know The Essentials