6 Places to Get Your Voice Heard

Have you ever attended a keynote and been moved? Watched a Ted Talk over and over? Liked and shared a social media post that was powerful?

You have a voice, too, and you can be empowered to share it with others. All of us have the power to be influential, whether in the digital world or the real one.

Here are 6 places to get your voice heard and spark change.

1. Your Blog

Blogs may have started with moms sharing their experiences, but they’ve become a vital part of business. In fact, many people make money sharing their expertise on their own blog and industry, such as travel.

If you have a blog, start sharing your thoughts and ideas. If you don’t, get started! This is a great way to get your voice heard and establish yourself as an authority. It may take time, but it’s worth the payoff.

2. Email

Despite the rise of other types of marketing, email is still an effective way to share content with an audience and capture their attention. You can begin with a newsletter that comes out once a month, or a few times a month, to build your audience.

3. YouTube

Video is a persuasive medium that many have leveraged for success. Whatever your business venture or cause, just about anyone can create professional videos or promos to share on YouTube. The cleverer and more creative the idea, the more traction you’re likely to receive, but don’t be afraid to just jump into it.

4. Social Media

Social media is incredibly powerful. From politicians to brands to influencers, just about everyone is using social media to connect with others and share ideas and opinions, and you can do the same.

Major platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are excellent places to start, but you could also share your expertise on platforms like Quora and Reddit. People often use these platforms to ask questions or seek discussions within certain industries or topics, and that’s your time to shine.

5. Publications

Most publications accept pitches from writers to feature in their upcoming issues. With the rise of digital publications, you have more opportunity than ever before to get a feature article with the right pitch and audience.

Pitching takes time, however. You may not get published at the first try, or the second, or even the 10th, but keep going! Eventually, you’ll find the right fit for your article. And even if you’re rejected once, don’t be afraid to pitch again in the future! Maybe your article is a good fit, but not for right now.

6. Local Venues

Similar to pitching publications, you may be able to book local speaking engagements at small venues. Like publications, venues typically have a long lead time and specific guidelines and requirements for speakers.

You may need to approach a dozen different venues before you get booked, but that’s just part of the process. Don’t get discouraged! Keep trying.

Get Professional Coaching

Learning how to channel and share your voice isn’t easy, but you have plenty of outlets to be heard. The most important thing is having the confidence in yourself, and coaching from an expert like Allison Todd can help! Work with Allison Todd directly!

Why You Should Always Look For New Clients

If you’re in the middle of a successful season in your business, you may find yourself coasting along and neglecting prospecting for new clients. After all, it’s only natural that you don’t feel the need to look for future customers when you have plenty of work. It simply doesn’t feel necessary when you’re up to your ears at work!

In reality, you should always be on the lookout for new clients even when you’re busy and your books are full. Why? Because finding and nurturing clients requires time and proven methods so by the time you’re needing them, it’s too late to start if you’re behind the ball.  

You may be busy right now but you can also bet there are people out there, right now, who need and want the services you offer and are a perfect match for your business. Now is the time to connect with people online and start interacting with them. 

Another reason to always be on the lookout for clients is the likelihood that, at some point, you’re going to lose a client that you depend on. What would happen to your business if you lost one of your biggest clients? Would you be able to manage the gap in income? Do you have prospects to pursue if you need to bring in more revenue?

So, how do you maintain your current business while always looking for more? The key is being organized. Here are three easy tips you can use right away: 

  • – Come up with a strategy for finding new clients and then systematize it so you don’t have to think about it.


  • – Create regular content to post on other people’s blogs as well as your own. 


  • – Search regularly for new people to connect with on social media.


Take these tips or choose a few simple strategies of your own for finding new clients that you can do on an ongoing basis while still performing work for your current clients. Then, spend a bit of time each day on client acquisitions using your chosen strategies. By investing even just a half-hour into this goal daily, you’ll be on your way to stockpiling your leads for a rainy day. 

7 Easy Steps For Better Business Communication

Great communication is one of the most important skills for running a successful business. Overall, business communication is responsible for improving workplace efficiency, boosting morale, and creating a more open and collaborative environment for employees to thrive in. 

7 Ingredients For Unstoppable Business Communication

Despite the fact that 89% of people believe in the importance of effective business communication, only around 17% feel as if their workplace possesses it. Here are 6 ways to get started on improving your business’s communication style: 

#1: Find The Right Communication Channel

In today’s highly digitized workplaces, communication can take place on a multitude of platforms, so make sure that you are using the right one! Whether it’s an email, slack message, in-person meeting, or video call, it is important to think about the communication channels that you are using to deliver your information most effectively. 

For example, sending a couple of reminders can probably be accomplished in an email, whereas explaining a complex project might land better in a face-to-face meeting. 

#2: Value Listening Skills 

Business communication is so much more than just articulating YOUR thoughts and ideas. It is equally important to take a step back and listen to the needs and feelings of the coworkers around you to ensure that everyone feels heard and valued in a space. 

#3: Make Yourself Accessible 

Especially if you are a boss or leader, it is crucial for employees to know you are accessible to chat if they need to run something by you or have any questions or concerns. If employees don’t feel comfortable speaking out in the workplace, passive aggression and resentment are bound to happen. 

#4: Be Mindful of Body Language 

While the exact percentage of what communication is nonverbal versus verbal has been debated, the body language that you put out to others in the workplace oftentimes speaks louder than words. Great nonverbal communication starts with making eye contact, nodding, not crossing your arms, and leaning forward. 

#5: Keep It Simple

Many employees fall into the trap of using overly complex language and jargon while communicating with others, in turn leaving less experienced employees confused. To avoid this, always be mindful of the vocabulary you choose and keep communication simple whenever you can. 

#6: Ask Questions

Asking clarifying questions works wonders at clearing up any confusion or assumptions early on in a project or task, in turn saving stress and confusion down the line. Remember that if you have questions during a meeting, odds are other people in the room feel similarly and will appreciate your courage in asking. 

#7: Tailor Your Communication 

The way that you speak to your boss might look a little different than how you are speaking with a peer. In order to have effective business communication, it is important to know the audience that you are speaking to ensure you are tailoring your language and format of communication to best fit that specific dynamic. 

Maximize Your Business Communication With Allison Todd Today 

For more advice on improving your business’s operations from an experienced business coach and consultant, feel free to reach out today! 

For more advice on improving your business’s operations from an experienced business coach and consultant, feel free to reach out today! 


How To Make Black Friday Profitable For Business Owners

With an enormous $9 billion dollars spent by consumers on Black Friday in 2020 alone, this day undoubtedly presents businesses with an incredible opportunity to have more traffic and profit coming their way by partaking in the festivities. 

4 Tips For Running A Seamless Black Friday

With Black Friday and the holiday season just around the corner, it is the perfect time for businesses to start thinking about their strategy for participating in the sales and deals of this iconic shopping day. Here are 4 tips and tricks for running a profitable Black Friday: 

#1: Offer Loyal Customers Exclusive Perks 

If you have already done the hard part of making a sale and converting someone into a loyal customer, it is important to make them feel valued before the Black Friday experience by offering them exclusive perks and deals on top of the ones you’re running for the masses. This will make them feel more inclined to participate. 

Whether it’s through an SMS text or a targeted email, get your subscribers and loyalty program members excited for your upcoming deals by early access to deals, additional discount codes, and more. 

#2: Promote Your Upcoming Deals On Social Media

With 420 billion users active on social media in 2020, using these platforms for marketing is one of the most important tools for getting the word out about your businesses’ Black Friday events. 

Promoting on Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, and other popular platforms is a great way of creating buzz around your deals in the days leading up to it. 

One of the most important tactics to get engagement you desire are by using Black Friday-specific hashtags and captions so that people can find you more easily. 

#3: Go Above And Beyond Traditional Discounts

With thousands upon thousands of brands partaking in discounts on Black Friday, it is important to find innovative ways to stand out against the competition and create more incentives for consumers so that they focus on what you have to offer. 

Some of the best ways to go above and beyond are to offer free gifts and perks in addition to discounts, offer free shipping with every purchase, and provide future discounts after they make a Black Friday purchase. The possibilities are truly endless, so get creative with it! 

#4: Don’t Miss The Benefits Of Online Shopping 

One of the most important aspects of planning a profitable Black Friday is focusing on online shopping. With 93.2 million consumers online shopping on this day in 2019, it is just as important for businesses to take advantage of digital Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals in addition to the traditional brick-and-mortar Black Friday deals. 

Watch Your Black Friday Profit Soar With The Help Of Coach Allison Todd 

If you are looking for new ways to improve your business’s profitability for Black Friday and beyond, I am here to help. As a coach and consultant with 20+ years of experience, I am energized by the opportunity to transform entrepreneurs and corporations alike. 

To learn more about a partnership, don’t hesitate to shoot me an inquiry today! 

Sales Success Part 1: Building The Know, Like, & Trust Factor

Attention sales teams: want to be let in on a little secret? Relationship building is the key to sales success. You can have the best product or services in your marketplace, but if you don’t create an authentic relationship with your audiences and prospective customers, all of these traditional factors become obsolete. 

While product might have been the draw that brought new clients to your door, it is your personality and customer service that keeps them coming back. 

What Is The Know, Like, & Trust Factor And Why Does It Matter?

To put it simply, having the know, like, and trust factor are the three secret ingredients to becoming a more personable salesperson. Achieving all three of these “it” factors will allow your customers to feel more comfortable and confident with their purchasing decision. This is because these factors will help them… 

  • – Know who you are and what you care about
  • – Enjoy your personality and like spending time with you
  • – Trust your judgement and recommendations 


3 Steps For Building The Know, Like, and Trust Factor 

Let’s dive into tangible ways to build your companies know, like and trust factor: 

#1: Build The Know Factor By Honing In On A Unified Brand Message

One of the most effective ways of showing consumers who you are is through maintaining a strong and unified brand voice before, during, and after the sales process. This is because a brand voice communicates your brand’s values, beliefs, perspective, and overall personality. 

#2: Build The Like Factor By Being A Good Listener 

Let’s face it: who doesn’t love feeling seen and heard? Showing interest and listening to your customers needs and goals is especially important for increasing likeability and closing your sales. One insightful statistic revealed that 68% of B2B consumers are lost from a salesperson with indifference or perceived apathy, not from making a mistake. 

#3: Build Trust Factor By Creating Killer Content 

One of the best ways for winning prospective clients over is establishing your credibility as an authority in your industry. When you position yourself as an expert, they are more likely to trust your product and believe its benefits once they get to the sales process. 

Content marketing is one of the best ways to accomplish this goal. In fact, 96% of the most successful content marketers believe their audience views them as credible and trusted. Some of the best pieces of content for establishing trust and credibility include in-depth blog posts, articles, and podcasts. 

Elevate Your Sales Strategy With Allison Todd Today

If you are ready to nail your next sales pitch, I would love to help you reach all of your goals. With 20+ years of experience helping businesses hone in on an effective sales strategy, I am ready to take your business to the next level

For even more dynamite tips and tricks on building the know, like and trust factor for sales success, click here to check out part two of this blog series today! 

Sales Success Part Two: More Tips For Building The Know, Like, & Trust Factor

Are you sick of prospective clients slip through the cracks? If so, it might just be the perfect time to focus on the personal component of sales. While it can be all too easy for an eager sales team to see dollar signs when looking at clients instead of a person in front of them, it is crucial to look at them as human beings first and foremost.

In fact, establishing WHO you are as opposed to WHAT you are selling in the sales process is crucial for keeping customers coming back for more. So much so that 42% of consumers would pay for a more welcoming experience and another 65% find positive customer experience more influential than advertising! 

This is where the importance of building your know, like, and trust factor comes into play. 

3 Bonus Steps For Building The Know, Like, & Trust Factor

In addition to part one of this blog series, I’m back more ideas for helping you increase your know, like, & trust factor to create a more personable sales process: 

#1: Build The Know Factor By Putting Your Name Out There 

The more often someone has heard of you and your brand, the more likely they are to feel confident in what you have to offer. Some of the best tactics for boosting your brand awareness and know factor for your target audience are by snagging guest blog post slots on credible sites, creating content with other businesses in your industry, and appearing as an interview guest on a show or podcast whenever possible. 

#2: Build The Like Factor By Finding Shared Interests

While the majority of the conversations with your audiences and clients should be focused on the business side of things, creating more real human connections will make the interaction more memorable. Within the small moments of chit-chat and building rapport, try to find a shared interest or belief to keep you connected and build up your like factor.

#3: Build The Trust Factor By Staying Authentic To Yourself

If a salesperson or company isn’t being open and honest about their true thoughts and opinions with prospective clients, it can lead to feelings of distrust. On the other hand, maintaining authenticity will remind clients that you are more than just a business trying to make money. 

Some of the easiest ways to stay authentic are by answering questions transparently and avoiding overtly salesy language. In fact, 61% of consumers report that one of the top ways to create a positive sales experience is when companies aren’t pushy. 

Don’t Wait To Achieve Your Sales Goals With The Help Of Allison Todd

By putting these ideas into action, you’ll be well on your way towards better customer service and increased sales in no time. Whether your business is in the stage of ideation, launching, or scaling, business coach, I cannot wait to help you bring all of your business ideas and dreams to life. 

To learn more about what a partnership with an experienced business coach can look like for your company, don’t hesitate to get in touch to get started today! 

6 Ingredients For Building The Know, Like, And Trust Factor

  • Step #1: Build The Know Factor to show customers who you are 
    • Action Step #1: Hone in on a consistent brand voice throughout your messaging 
    • Action Step #2: Put your brand name out there as much as possible 


  • Step #2: Build the Like Factor to create strong relationships and rapport with clients 
    • Action Step #1: Actively listen and show excitement for who your consumers are
    • Action Step #2: Find a personal connection with customers through shared beliefs and interests 


  • Step #3: Build The Trust Factor by establishing credibility 
    • Action Step #1: Create online content that shows your brand’s authority on a subject matter
    • Action Step #2: Maintain authenticity in every client and audience interaction 

How to Start Your Business Funnel With Clubhouse

In April 2020, Clubhouse launched, and many business owners have capitalized on the evolution and drastic growth it has endured. Clubhouse offers a variety of benefits to business owners, and it’s down to these benefits that the app has become a starter point for many entrepreneurial sales funnels. 

In this post, you’ll learn about the app and how to use it as an entrance to your business funnel. 

What Is Clubhouse? 

Clubhouse is an app which can be used on your smartphone. Until May 21st, 2021, it was only available to iPhone users. Now, though, it can be used by iPhone and Android fanatics all around the globe. 

Clubhouse is classed as a social media application, but unlike Instagram or Facebook, it functions and thrives through audio only

Users can host rooms, listen in to other people chatting and educating, and conduct or take part in live interviews. 

When you first join, you’ll be asked to input your interests. These include technology, literature, entrepreneurship, and health. 

You’ll then be able to create a biography. Unlike Instagram which has a strict character count, you have more freedom to capture what your brand does. You also then link your Clubhouse account to Instagram. 

What Are The Benefits of Using Clubhouse For A Business Owner?

There’s a reason why from launch day to February 2021, there were 10 million downloads globally. For a business owner, Clubhouse can:

Allow you to connect and network with other business owners. This is particularly useful if you run a service-based business, as you’re able to swap services or collaborate together. 

Position you as a thought leader through your verbal contributions. 

Encourage you to build a loyal fan-base.

Learn from others about areas you feel you lack confidence in. 

Capture more leads.

Push your other social media channels – particularly Instagram – and gain more engagement. 

Extend your brand’s reputation.

How to Start Your Business Funnel With Clubhouse

It’s not as simple to create a business funnel on Clubhouse than other social media apps, because Clubhouse doesn’t include paid advertising, nor are you able to send and receive direct messages. On top of this, the links added to Clubhouse aren’t clickable, so it all requires more effort from both business owner and consumer. 

However, the rewards far outweigh the struggles. And there are ways around these complications. Here are 4 steps to build a solid business funnel with Clubhouse. 

Step 1: Build A Loyal Following 

As with any social media marketing strategy, it revolves around the engagement and commitment levels of your audience. Therefore, you’ll need to be consistent with your Clubhouse efforts. Host Clubhouse rooms and join rooms that your audience spends most of their time in. Raise your hand to speak and share your expertise. 

Step 2: Optimize Your Bio For Success 

Your biography on Clubhouse is fundamental for success. Therefore, consider your brand’s voice and infuse it into each and every word in your bio. Show the key benefits to your product or service, and make sure the bio is talking directly to your demographic. Consider your bio your own personal website on Clubhouse. 

Step 3: Use Engagement Pods 

An engagement pod is simply creating rooms on topics you’re knowledgeable and passionate about. 

Find other users who you can collaborate with and create content that genuinely serves your audience. You can then create an engagement pod as a team, which will fast track the results. 

Step 4: Make Sure Your Instagram Channel Is Linked

As mentioned before, Clubhouse doesn’t support direct messaging. Therefore, after dropping serious value bombs and gaining interest from listeners, they are unable to message you directly in the app.

It’s for this reason that you must ensure your Instagram account is linked. This is where users will approach you, and you can use this as a way of measuring Clubhouse success. 

Clubhouse Is A Winning Asset To Any Business Owner

Whether you run a service-based or product-based business, Clubhouse offers a wide variety of benefits that can help your business grow. 

It’s important – as with any form of social media marketing – to stay consistent and center your content around your audience. 

Then, ensure your bio is optimized for success with clear calls to actions, and ensure your Instagram account is linked for when your inbox fills up with leads from Clubhouse! 

Sales Language Profile Picker

We’ve all been there: you’re walking by a random company’s booth at the mall or you picked up a call from a telemarketer. They didn’t allow you to speak, they didn’t hear your questions, and they didn’t manage to convince you that their product could actually help you.

Whatever way you came into contact with a salesman, it couldn’t have been more obvious that they were just after your money. 

This is the product of poor sales language. When a sales professional stops employing a solid sales language profile, the prospective client ends up feeling like a walking checkbook.

Correct sales language will excite the customer about the topic at hand, highlight how the product is useful to them, and lead to the closing of a sale. In this article I’ll be discussing some simple but powerful words to turn your prospect into a sale. 

What is Sales Language?

Sales language is actually pretty straightforward in definition — these are the words we choose specifically in the context of marketing and making a sale. They’re meant to communicate the selling points of your services, company, or products in such a way that the customer is persuaded to make a purchase.

With that end goal in mind, this language teaches how specific words can elicit ideal behaviors in prospects, such as getting a listener to open up and let their guard down.

Sales language acknowledges that every word a sales professional chooses can trigger a specific feeling or emotion and it’s the salesperson’s job to carefully select the correct words to maximize their messages.

What Should I Add to My Sales Language Vocabulary?

Once a sales professional has acknowledged the power of communication, their next step should be upgrading their vocabulary to include words and phrases that help create positive associations with the brands and products. These words and phrases include the following.

Give customers a clear reason to care about your pitch.

Offering a concise reason why a customer should choose your product or service over the competition’s products, leaves your prospects with an explicit detail worth remembering as they evaluate products from other vendors. 

Highlight any possibilities of loss aversion.

Loss aversion refers to the principle that customers will act in a manner that prioritizes maintaining or acquiring more things. Examples of using this idea in a sales pitch includes emphasizing that your services will lower a bill that a customer has or that they’ll otherwise avoid losing revenue by working with you. 

Don’t be afraid of “because”.

By giving your customers a reason why your product or service is necessary and/or excellent (i.e. giving them a “you need this, because…”) you’re providing them with distinct reasons why their use of your product will serve them in the future. By associating certain results with your product the buyers will understand that your products can help them achieve their goals. 

Build trust by admitting when you don’t know something.

Any salesperson will tell you that a lie is a slippery slope with customers–even if it’s tiny, any lie can call into question everything else you’ve said, putting your company and your products at risk.

By admitting when you don’t know something and then seeking out the answer, you’re showing your customer that they can trust you–and that they can trust you to go the extra mile. 

Imagine your way into a sale.

Asking your clients to imagine what they could do with your products or services is a great way to distill a firm understanding of your offering. By imagining their life with the product this also reinforces the product’s utility in their individual lives.

Create gentle urgency.

This can be tricky–pushing that your prospect needs your services can result in your efforts coming off stale and forced. When speaking with a customer, it’s a good idea to imply that they could have an immediate impact now, but they’re not totally lost without your product right this second.

Don’t Sleep on Sales Language

Sales language is going to be different across all markets and industries–but by focusing on your target audience and how to really connect with them, you’re ensuring impactful sales pitches for the rest of your career.

The Dynamics of a Discovery Call: It All Begins with Hello

Discovery calls are an essential part of any entrepreneur’s life. From flooring companies, to financial planners, to paper-sellers, discovery calls are what stands between a company and a potential client–and, oftentimes, a failed discovery call was usually preventable with a couple of conversational tweaks. 

Being able to persuade a prospective client into believing your company holds the solutions for their problems is a skill honed over time through experience and practice. However, in the business world time equals cash, so I’ve dissected the ins and outs of the perfect discovery call so you can stop making mistakes and start making money.

Before You Pick Up The Phone

The title of this blog post is a little misleading–it doesn’t begin with a hello, it begins with research. Before you even get on the horn with your potential client conduct a google search into their online presence. See what you can dig up about their company and any potential issues that your products and services may be able to solve. 

By conducting this initial research, and then using it to inform your conversation you’re accomplishing two things:

  • Proving to the client you care.
  • Establishing yourself as a meritable partner. 

Before your call outline pertinent info for you to mention during your conversation, and leave room to write down more notes as they come up.

ACE Your Opener

After saying hello, follow these steps to show your client that this conversation is about them:

  • A: state to the customer that you appreciate them taking the time to speak with you
  • C: check that the allotted time you had scheduled still works for them
  • E: establish an end goal for the discovery call 

This opener allows the customer to feel in control and communicates to them that they’re not just going to hear another sales pitch–this conversation will suss out if you two are a match for each other. 

Establish the Reasons Behind your Call

Next, you should discuss with your client what they want to get out of today’s meeting–and make sure to write down and address their top priorities before the end of the call.

Discuss your clients goals for their company and if they don’t have any, create some with them! Ask where they want their company to be in five years, then ten, and have a conversation about how your product or service can help them get there. 

Have a Conversation with Active Listening

The biggest mistake people make during a sales call is making it a sales call. The best calls are when you’re mostly asking questions and listening to the answers. Some great questions to ask include ones about their situation, identifying any pain points, and discussing what they would like your impact to be. 

Remember to summarize their answers before moving forward and remember that the call is not about you–the client should already know about you and your services. This call is meant to help you get to know the client and then discuss how your solutions can help them. 

Wrapping Up the Phone Call

When you’re ready to wrap up the conversation, this is a good time to highlight any potential solutions you’ve come up with throughout the call. You can make references to other cases you’ve worked on, since having worked with their peers is a great way to establish their merit. 

Being able to persuade a prospective client into believing your company holds the solutions for their problems is a skill honed over time through experience and practice. However, in the business world time equals cash– utilize these tips so you can stop making mistakes and start making money.

The Dynamics of a Discovery Call

Your Call to Action Doesn’t Have to be Creative, but it Should be Creative

“Click here.”

“Contact us.”

“Submit now.”

Do any of these messages make you feel something? Didn’t think so. To convert leads to customers, your readers have to feel inspired to take the action you want them to. Your concluding call to arms should prompt them to click there without simply using the lonely, stale phrase, “click here.” On the flip side, if your CTA is too unique, it could leave your leads confused and hinder them from performing. So, how do you craft a persuasive call to action without being too out there? Keep reading to learn the simple elements you need to create a fire call to action today.

What is a CTA?

Your CTA, or call to action, is a statement used to prompt your audience to complete whatever action you want them to take. Based on your specific business goals, you may want them to subscribe to your newsletter, complete a purchase, contact you for more information, follow your social media account, among other actions. Your engaging call to action should let your readers know exactly what they should do, how they should do it, and what they’ll get if they act.

Without a call to action, your readers will stay just that—readers. They won’t know that you’d like them to take any specific next step, therefore, they won’t. Implementing strong CTAs within your business message will allow you to build your client base, convert more leads, and generate more revenue.

Components of a Powerful Call to Action

For this marketing strategy to work, your call to action should provoke an immediate response. Use these guidelines to boost your business with a powerful CTA:

Compelling Copy

The words that you use are likely the most critical element in your CTA. Make the statement personal by speaking directly to your reader. Use strong action words like discover, join, start, or reserve. Your copy should be impactful without losing interest or confusing your audience. Be sure to let them know exactly what action they should take and what the outcome will be if they do so. Some of my favorite CTAs are:

  • “Gain instant access to ____.”
  • “Sign up for more.”
  • “Let’s chat and see how we can help you GROW!”

Effective Placement

Where you place your CTA matters. You likely wouldn’t put a CTA at the beginning of a social media post or the top of a webpage. Why? Because the reader hasn’t connected with the content yet. They don’t yet know why taking action will provide them with value.

Engaging Design

Your CTA should be visible and draw the reader’s eye. If your CTA is a button, contrasting colors will help make it pop. Working with written content? Bold your CTA or include some emojis on social media to grab the audience’s attention. 

Convert with a Clear CTA

With an engaging and concise call to action, you can successfully convert those leads to paying clients. Get creative without being too creative. Need help with developing your online CTA? Reach out to learn more about how our digital marketing services can engage your audience and grow your business.

Naming Your Business: Know The Essentials

Is Pinterest A Hidden Gem in Digital Marketing?

People rely on their visuals when buying something. We scrutinize each merchandise we plan on buying and, even more so, when we do shopping online. A pair of shoes, for instance, must be carefully zoomed in to see up close the design, the stitching, the sole, the insole, and so on.

Yes, we rely on pictures and not necessarily descriptive words; This is why Pinterest has continually gain footing in the realm of e-commerce.

Pinterest for Business

As of this writing, Pinterest has over 100 million active subscribers. More than half of these are millennials and are women. In the past two years or so, the male population using this social media platform has risen to almost 120%. Nearly 70% of the pinners come from the business sectors showcasing widely diversified products from mason jars to fashion finds, appliances, and all other sorts of merchandise you need.

Yes, if you are handling a small business and rely primarily on online sales, the Pinterest social media platform for business is a great way to showcase your product, brand, or services. This highly visual platform will provide more insights into your target market in more ways than you can imagine.

Some of its advantages are:

Search Engine Visibility

Unlike before, wherein keywords on pictures don’t make sense, today’s search engine crawlers also detect tags. Add to that the keywords used on each board and pin you have, giving access to potential buyers looking online for the right product or service such as yours. Pinterest had also started using hashtags as search engines also crawl the net for those nowadays.

Free Marketing

Pinterest is for free and is relatively easiest to do. Once you have set up a business account, take a picture of your merchandise. Pin it to your board. Add relevant content complete with keywords or hashtags, and you’re good to go.

Pinners can now pin it on their boards and share it with their friends and connections, too. Some may even copy the link and share on other social media platform to widen the clout.

Amplify Exposure

Having a website is good, but if you want to expand your exposure, consider investing time and effort in this free platform.

Not only does Pinterest have millions of subscribers at your fingertips, but it also allows you to showcase your wares in a more visually pleasing form. As mentioned, it can be shared across other social media platforms aside from Pinterest, too.


Images posted on Pinterest stay on track as long as it is relevant when searching. Even if you posted it months ago, an appealing image filled with equally SEO-savvy keywords and tags would still get the same level of visibility when you posted initially.

Improved Traffic

Driving traffic to your website is also made possible by Pinterest. With its hover button, a pinner can easily click on a direct link to your website. From there, they can look for other pictures and posts to re-pin on their boards.


Indeed, there is more to Pinterest than just a mere platform where images are shared. It can do so much to increase your online presence. Besides, what have you got to lose when it’s for free?

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