How COVID-19 Influences Sales and Where Do Marketers Fit In?

Over the last few months, there had been an increase in the pace at which the world has gone digital. The slow, protracted process of moving our work, transactions, and interactions online has been forcefully sped up by the coronavirus’s effects.

Physical contact has been pushed to a minimum. Companies, irrespective of size, have been forced to move their activities to the digital sphere.

Now more than ever, the success and growth of a business is dependent on marketing. The strength and proficiency of your marketing team would determine if your company would prosper or struggle.

Customers aren’t going to stores to get a free sample or a personal tour from a concierge. Now customers get their impressions and make their purchasing decisions online.

With your marketing team taking the forefront in leading your business’s growth in these trying times, it becomes necessary for them to be well skilled and equipped.

The market has changed, and everyone wants a piece of the pie. The efficiency of your marketing program decides if you get a big slice or mere crumbs.

How COVID-19 Influences Sales and Where Do Marketers Fit In?

Here are a few tips you and your marketing team can employ to keep your business at the top of your chosen industry.

Customer Experience

How COVID-19 Influences Sales and Where Do Marketers Fit In?


This is an extensive yet crucial aspect of digital marketing. Creating excellent and convertible customer experience is in more ways than one the whole essence of digital marketing.

Building good customer experience is more than just bombarding your potential customers with facts and information. For success, you must create a feeling and an emotion around your brand. Customers want to feel an emotional connection with your brand.

When your new customers find themselves on your page, they are supposed to get a specific and intentional emotion and vibe oozing out of every content of your brand.

This emotion or feeling is why they would keep coming until they make their purchase or purchases. It is your job to continue providing that feeling consistently without sounding boring or monotonous.

The golden rule is to remain fresh while still staying true to the essence of your brand.

Leverage Analytics

How COVID-19 Influences Sales and Where Do Marketers Fit In?

Digital marketing can only be optimized with the use of analytics. Analytics gives you a detailed view and understanding of your customer’s journey as well as trends.

Analytics leveraged correctly, can guide your marketing team and your business to attain the satisfaction and loyalty of your customers.

The idea that analytics is technical and challenging to utilize is false. Most recent analytics programs are easy to use and leverage.

Quantity and Quality

How COVID-19 Influences Sales and Where Do Marketers Fit In?

With corona keeping everyone indoors, customer’s demand for digital content has risen. Data has shown that people now spend more time on social media than before. The days of one television ad showing repeatedly on the T.V are over.

Now customers want something new and fresh as often as possible. Marketing has gone beyond just informing the public of your product or getting them excited.

To survive in today’s market, you must build a connection with your target audience. The only way to create this connection is by producing quality content in high quantity.

This is the best way to keep your audience loyal and begging for more. Out of sight, they say, is out of mind. Your marketing team must remain in the views, ears, and minds of your customers.


With changes come opportunities. The market has become a level playing field with big companies competing with startups and micropreneurs. Now more than ever, micropreneurs can dominate the market with ease. It all comes down to how equipped and competent your marketing team is.

However, there is a massive workload to execute if you are going to meet your customer’s expectations and stand out. It is advisable to consider outsourcing some aspects of your business’s marketing.

Another way to go about improving the digital marketing section of your business is to train your staff. There are companies like Allison Todd & SiMar, that specialize in the training and upgrading of your workforce to meet current demands.

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Top 2020 Digital Marketing Hacks for Your Business

Consumer habits keep changing. How can you identify the digital marketing hacks for your business in order to attract your consumer? In the past several years, there’s been a steep rise in the number of consumers going online to access products and services. It is estimated that the total global online retail sales are going to rise significantly to around $4.8 trillion by 2021. Allison Todd, Operations and Digital Growth Strategist, unfolds the top digital marketing hacks that businesses out there can leverage in the coming era.

If you want to scale your online business, it is imperative that you target your audience, in order to attract your consumer. Once you start targeting the audience, your online traffic increases. Eventually, your website clicks start increasing. Then, you begin to speak specifically to your consumer and your revenue begins to grow. Here are some of the top digital marketing hacks that you should crack, now:

Content is Still King

With the ever-increasing utilization of social media platforms, the delivery of high-quality content has never been more important. Your content will attract your target audience to your brand and core offerings. The delivery of top-class, high-quality content to the target audience goes a long way towards building brand loyalty and ensuring customer retention.

Voice Search Optimization

With the ever-increasing deployment of technology like Google Home and Alexa, businesses should work on content optimization including voice searches. The way in which the end users conduct searches online tend to differ significantly –whether they are typing or speaking.

Integration of Chatbots

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming one of the major implementations for delivering optimized & personalized user experiences. The use of chatbots or ‘chat robots’ help to automate and ensure communication with the end customers. The modern chatbot technology offers the assurance that customer interaction is taking place effectively while the customers are being provided with timely responses.

Update SEO

Every year, the major search engines out there like Bing, Yahoo, and Google keep update the respective search algorithms to improve the overall user experience. To comply with the algorithm changes, you should update the SEO for your website as well. By doing so, you can remain on point with the latest digital marketing trends as well as practices to yield the best results. Therefore, it becomes imperative for you to ensure that your website is updated with the latest changes in the search engine’s algorithm changes.

Repurpose Old Content

While most business owners are well-aware of the potential benefits of content for their business, they do not post updated, relevant content on their website. A comprehensive digital marketing strategy, includes the repurpose of old content on your website.

Make the most of the latest digital marketing hacks for your business! Learn more about the hacks we use and gain support from my community while you grow. Join us, here. And if you need some ideas specific to you and your business, contact Allison Todd.