Customer Relationship: Forging Lasting Loyalty

No matter how great your business plan or how solid your marketing campaign, if you cannot forge lasting relationship and loyalty with your customers then, all your efforts is for nothing. Customers are the very lifeline of all businesses.

Forging Lasting Loyalty

Whether you sink or float in the industry, it is essential, if not solely, dependent on them. So, if you’ve lost a client lately for no apparent reason or have every reason to believe that you’re losing customers without any clue as to why then, it is high time to find a way to forge a long and lasting relationship with them. Here’s how:

Consistent Quality

Provide quality products/services consistently. The best way to maintain a good relationship with customers is to provide quality products/services—all the time. Customers shell out their hard-earned money to buy products or services.

They will not buy a second time if what you offered is below their level of standard or not suitable to their preference. To build trust and loyalty, consistently providing customers with quality products or services works all the time.

Follow Through

Regular follow-ups are essential ingredients in forging good customer relationships. Consider creating a venue for them to send their feedback and complaints. Address these on a timely basis. Creating a social media page, for instance, will help bridge this gap. Having a 24-hour hotline can also help in other industry-specific businesses like travel and leisure services.

Post-sales Support

Your obligation to customers does not end when they leave with your product or have paid for a service. A critical yet often taken for granted priority is post-sales support.

To ensure that a customer buys back from you repeatedly and alone, providing A1 customer support services should be part of your business culture.

Customer Relationship: Forging Lasting Loyalty

Uphold Brand Image

Your reputation is the very thread that binds your products or services to your customers. Maintain your brand’s image by adopting strategies in upholding the business name.

Create a certain level of awareness by engaging in lucrative aspects such as philanthropy or community services. Winning your customers’ trust will be much easier that way.

In the same light as upholding your brand image, owning up responsibility for a problem or mistake requires excellent crisis management. Accept the error and apologize but make sure to devise strategies to make it work to your advantage.

Rewards and Incentives

Discounts, free technical support, free software updates, add-ons, and other rewards and incentives programs can very well work to boost customer relationships and loyalty. This reward program usually creates a significant impact on customers buying decisions. It is also a way of conveying to them how important they are to your business.

Continuous Improvement

Make a conscious effort to study customer experience. Listen to their voice. Collate feedback regardless of positive or not. Make it an effort to improve customer experience by enhancing product or service features.


When thinking of forging excellent customer relationships, however, the key lies within your company. Besides crafting dynamic plans to address the nitty-gritty of business, answer consumer feedback and complaints, or formulate strategies to make them feel treasured, it is essential to keep your company’s lifeblood proactively turning—your employees.

Happy employees always convert to satisfied customers. Motivate and appreciate them, too. In the end, it will convert to excellence not just in forging customer relations but in productivity as well.

Want to learn more about customer relationship buildup? Give us a call and Allison Todd will provide you with comprehensive business management solutions can do for you. Schedule an assessment with us now.

Customer Relationship: Forging Lasting Loyalty

Is Pinterest A Hidden Gem in Digital Marketing?

People rely on their visuals when buying something. We scrutinize each merchandise we plan on buying and, even more so, when we do shopping online. A pair of shoes, for instance, must be carefully zoomed in to see up close the design, the stitching, the sole, the insole, and so on.

Yes, we rely on pictures and not necessarily descriptive words; This is why Pinterest has continually gain footing in the realm of e-commerce.

Pinterest for Business

As of this writing, Pinterest has over 100 million active subscribers. More than half of these are millennials and are women. In the past two years or so, the male population using this social media platform has risen to almost 120%. Nearly 70% of the pinners come from the business sectors showcasing widely diversified products from mason jars to fashion finds, appliances, and all other sorts of merchandise you need.

Yes, if you are handling a small business and rely primarily on online sales, the Pinterest social media platform for business is a great way to showcase your product, brand, or services. This highly visual platform will provide more insights into your target market in more ways than you can imagine.

Some of its advantages are:

Search Engine Visibility

Unlike before, wherein keywords on pictures don’t make sense, today’s search engine crawlers also detect tags. Add to that the keywords used on each board and pin you have, giving access to potential buyers looking online for the right product or service such as yours. Pinterest had also started using hashtags as search engines also crawl the net for those nowadays.

Free Marketing

Pinterest is for free and is relatively easiest to do. Once you have set up a business account, take a picture of your merchandise. Pin it to your board. Add relevant content complete with keywords or hashtags, and you’re good to go.

Pinners can now pin it on their boards and share it with their friends and connections, too. Some may even copy the link and share on other social media platform to widen the clout.

Amplify Exposure

Having a website is good, but if you want to expand your exposure, consider investing time and effort in this free platform.

Not only does Pinterest have millions of subscribers at your fingertips, but it also allows you to showcase your wares in a more visually pleasing form. As mentioned, it can be shared across other social media platforms aside from Pinterest, too.


Images posted on Pinterest stay on track as long as it is relevant when searching. Even if you posted it months ago, an appealing image filled with equally SEO-savvy keywords and tags would still get the same level of visibility when you posted initially.

Improved Traffic

Driving traffic to your website is also made possible by Pinterest. With its hover button, a pinner can easily click on a direct link to your website. From there, they can look for other pictures and posts to re-pin on their boards.


Indeed, there is more to Pinterest than just a mere platform where images are shared. It can do so much to increase your online presence. Besides, what have you got to lose when it’s for free?

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How to Use Social Media for Small Business

Social Media Business: Best TImes to Post

Business Startup Ideas for Less Than $100 (Part III – Special Skills)

Do you wish to start your own business but short on capital? While it is admirable to develop stellar ideas, these entrepreneurial ideas accumulated from various sources are proven to be achievable if you play your cards right.

Business Startup Ideas Part III – Special Skills

Here is the last of the series on Business Startup Idea for Less Than $100 to inspire you as you trudge into the world of entrepreneurial success. 

Consultancy Firm

If you are a lawyer, a CPA, or have special knowledge or experience in a particular area, start your own consultancy firm. You can provide legal advice or do accounting tasks for individuals or businesses. Got a new method on eco-gardening, gluten-free dieting, and so on? All you need to do is set-up an online site and social media page, market your services and network.

Direct Sales

Go into direct selling for established companies like Amway, Mary Kay, Tupperware, Avon, Nu Skin, Herbalife, and so on. You may also tap local businesses and set up an online website and organize a bazaar or host a party.

Business Startup Ideas for Less Than $100 (Part III – Special Skills)

Specialized Organizer

From organizing events to putting things in order in a home, you can monetize your skills and earn from them. All you need to do is set up a website and social media pages, send out flyers and local ads, and voila! Do make sure to buff-up your reputation to ensure referrals.

Homemade Foodie

Do you have a penchant for homemade gourmet foods? You can create your signature chocolates, cakes and pastries, dips, soup mixes, peanut butter, and so on. All you need is your own garden or a farmer’s market nearby—and your cooking skills, of course!

Life Coach

People hire coaches or mentor to give them sound, unbiased perspectives. This special skill requires strong reputation building to ensure getting a solid following in the market. Quite lucrative, you can charge clients on a per hour or per session basis. Check out Allison Todd for inspiration.


The upcoming holiday is a boon to professional decorators. Arm with your artistic skills, you can create the look your client wants for a fee. Take note: the whole year is filled with anniversaries and holidays!

Business Startup Ideas for Less Than $100 (Part III – Special Skills)

Home Companion/Care-giving Services

Help families connect with the right caregivers and companions to an old or ailing family member or their special needs kids. All you need to have is a website, a contact number and email, a solid network of able professionals, and a good reputation.

Rental Services

Got equipment and stuffs lying around at home? Monetize these by renting them out from lawnmowers to chocolate fountain machines, bubble makers, tents, gardening equipment, vacuum cleaners, and so on. Start within your local community and slowly expanding to friends of friends.

Other notable business startup

Other notable business startups for less than $100 are grocery delivery services, tour guide services, e-book writing, homemade beauty products, personal trainer or chef, arts and crafts seller, referral services, promotional outfit, online travel agency, food delivery, and so on.


People often do not have the time to do these special requirements, and this is where you can start that entrepreneurial magic to work.  

If you love this article you’ll surely enjoy these:

How to Use Blogging To Get More Clients

How Can I Monetize My Skills And Expertise


Business Startup Ideas for Less Than $100 (Part II: Online)

Picking up from the previous list of business startup ideas, today’s list will tackle Internet-based ventures for less than $100. The online world is filled to the brim with opportunities for entrepreneurs.

To succeed, it is essential to carefully weigh your skills set, your target market, and the corresponding success goals you have in mind. You must Layout These three aspects must be laid out to choose which concept will best yield the optimal results for you.

Online Business Startup Ideas

Here are online-based business startup ideas for less than $100:


From content writer to web design to social media manager, online freelancing is one lucrative business idea that continually pulls in more investors and successes. Arm with your talent, a computer, and a solid Wi-Fi connection, you can virtually start offering freelance services to clients looking for reliable third-party operatives.

Virtual Assistant

Called VA by many, this is the Internet’s version of a personal assistant. Here you get to manage websites, social media posts, emails, phone calls, website content, accounting books, and other requirements a client wishes to pursue. It is akin to being someone’s secretary operating at a remote location.

Social Media Consultant

Maintaining multiple social media accounts can be challenging for businesses. Timing and content aptitude require skills and efforts. When done right, you can get more clients and increase your business portfolio.

Vlogger or Blogger

You can either be a product or service blogger delivering fresh new content like reviews, PRs, articles, and other written prose to market such. Or you may make good use of tech-savvy gadgets that easily capture or creates videos.

Post such on YouTube, Vimeo, and other platforms to start gaining clickthroughs leading to profiting from ads.

Affiliate Marketing

For prolific and popular bloggers or vloggers, engaging in affiliate marketing can mean good business. Learn the secret to persuading people to click through those links or purchase to earn incentives.

Business Startup Ideas for Less Than $100 (Part II: Online)

Web Design and Development

Arm with your skills in designing artistically powerful concepts, you can build up a third-party web design firm. All you need to do is learn basic and advanced web design development and begin managing businesses’ online interests.

For a more in-depth and comprehensive web service, learning how to code or program websites will also diversify your business portfolio.


An online shop that bridges clients and suppliers dropshipping gives consumers better pricing and access to a wide array of products in the market.

You will not maintain any physical store aside from one that will house your personal computer or laptop and online modem to begin this venture.

P2P Online Marketplace Host

Rent out one of your rooms, a separate part of your duplex, or any available space for people looking for budget-friendly accommodations.

If you live in an area where vacationers flock, this one will definitely deliver the passive income you need.

Product Reviewer

Be the first to test and deliver reviews for new products in the market. Like affiliate marketing, starting a business that provides a no-nonsense review will help give consumers a more informed decision on what to buy.

Other Online-Based Business

Other online-based business startup ideas are resume writing services, instructional video creator, domain name buying, “flipping” websites, logo design, translator business, eBay seller, app developer, online content producer, sourcing services, and so on. 


The Internet is a thriving business market where consumerism thrives. Get a solid grip on your skills and talents and put them to good use. When done accordingly, you can guarantee to create a stable market base leading to success.

If you love this article here are more articles you will surely love:

  1. How To Use Blogging To Get More Clients
  2. How To Use Social Media For Small Business
  3. Social Media: How To Build A Strong Online Influence For Your Business

Does Your Blog Website Connect To Your Readers?

Are your blogs connecting with your readers? Do you even know what draws your audience to read lengthy write-ups or that there are specific patterns online readers do in scanning websites? Some website managers even have eye-tracking tests and click measurement mechanisms to measure their websites’ effectiveness. 

A website’s blog section often gets the most hits with regards to traffic. For people to get engaged to your website, regularly posting relevant blogs or write-ups will significantly help. But what are known facts that lead them to be more attentive to what you post?

Static Website Facts

Each person has a unique way of seeing your website. The type of font and size, for instance, held more importance than pictures to others, particularly on information-based websites. Images can sometimes take time to load and this lowers launching ability of websites. 

So steer clear of fancy fonts and pictures that take a lot of time to load. Readers are also not into banners, pop-ups, and other ad placements; this comes as no surprise. The fewer distractions often deliver the best attention.

Take note also of how people scan your website. Readers often start reading from the top left corner. So make sure to place vital information on that side of the screen.

As much as possible, write in short paragraphs, bullet form, lists, or summarized arrangement; This helps readers to collect information without delay easily. 

Most importantly, headlines must be catchy and compelling for readers actually to click on them.

Does Your Blog Website Connect To Your Readers?
Social Media Best Time To Post

Mobile Blogs

Another critical aspect in blog writing for websites is mobile reception. With more than half of online users depending on their smartphones, tablets, notebooks, and laptops, designing a mobile blog site has become necessary to many website owners. Most, if not all, websites today are “mobile-friendly.”; Which means publishers can scale them to any mobile platform. 

Businesses develop apps to address this concern allowing readers to easily click on an icon that automatically draws them to the site instead of typing the whole URL into a browser. 

It may even be programmed to come up with notifications should new write-ups are posted.

The key takeaways in designing a mobile blog site are speed and accuracy. In this day and age, when people want everything fast and can easily verify facts, these two always stand out when designing blog sites. 

Still, readers, attention is often focused on the top left corner of their gadget’s screen, with most of its focus on the two-thirds portion of the screen.

When designing the page or when writing, always remember to place the main idea on top. Content must be short and concise. No ifs, no buts. Mobile users don’t want to scroll up and down tons of paragraphs. Keep your words minimal yet on the point. Avoid beating around the bush. Go direct to the point and be done with it.

Unlike static website readers, mobile audiences prefer visuals rather than text. Infomercials and infographics, for instance, are widely revered in the mobile arena.

Do make sure that visuals used are relevant to your content, and be wary of IP legalities before posting. As always, headlines must still be catchy. It must ignite a reader’s sense to read and know more about what you’re writing– making them come back for more.

Does Your Blog Website Connect To Your Readers?


Some of the points being discussed above may be downright elementary. However, a good reminder can jolt us back to reality. The next time you write an awe-inspiring piece for your website, consider these pointers to make your blog site count.

Top Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out For

We live in a digital era. With rapid digitization going on around in every industry vertical out there, it is high time that modern businesses should look forward to adopting the digital transformation as soon as possible.

As per a study report; In estimation, around 50% of individuals will be clicking on a particular brand name if they have relevant visibility on the search results. This is wherein the role of reliable digital marketing services from a reputed agency like SiMar is a leading digital marketing agency.

Allison Todd –Founder & Chief Strategist at SiMar –a leading business advertising agency, explains the importance of digital marketing and why follow the trends in this post.

As digital trends keep evolving every year, your business must be aware of the same. When you adopt the same in your business structure, it will provide your brand with a competitive edge.

At the same time, it will also increase the overall leads while improving the relationship with the existing customers.

Here are some trends to look out for:

There is no denying the growing popularity of voice search in modern times. A recent study report reveals that around 50 percent of the queries online will be voice-based by the end of 2020.

In fact, top brands are nowadays thinking about innovative ways to deliver the respective promises of utilizing voice-enabled devices. These solutions serve to be highly affordable while providing excellent capabilities to entice the visitors to your website.

2. The Popularity of Chatbots

Chatbots are highly AI (Artificial Intelligence) software solutions to serve as the virtual concierge that allows brands to connect with customers while assisting them in completing their respective goals.

Moreover, chatbots can naturally interact with humans –primarily with the utilization of advanced text chat windows.

Over time, as the system can collect more meaningful insights, Artificial Intelligence technology helps learn more about customers. 

Thanks to some innovative social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, live content has become one of the fastest-growing segments in video-based traffic on the Internet. That is why live streaming of relevant content on these platforms becomes highly effective as it is available for free.

Moreover, it takes just a short time to produce the same while offering real-time user engagement. Moreover, using this leading digital marketing strategy, the viewers can view the content on your time.

Top Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out For

4. Engagement-oriented Email Marketing

With email marketing’s scenario getting smarter, marketers are now focusing on sending emails to subscribers who tend to be quite active on the given email lists.

Moreover, email marketing is also headed towards delivering a highly personalized experience to the end-users.


In conclusion, make the most of the latest digital marketing trends for optimum results!

Social Media: How to Build a Strong Online Influence For Your Business

When it comes to advertising, the days of newspaper and TV ads are long gone. Today, successful businesses have learned to take their adverts to where their customers are, the internet .

With the advent of social media, the internet has become even more accessible and user friendly, therefore changing the way we communicate and socialize.

However, the internet is full of weak and ineffective ads. Both sides of the spectrum are mostly dissatisfied with most online adverts. Business owners sometimes find it hard to measure their online adverts’ effectiveness, while customers mostly get irritated by the countless unsolicited contents that disrupt their online experience.

Pop up ads are the number one culprit in this crime ring, proving both irritating and useless at the same time.

How to build a Strong Online Influence For Your Business (2)

Advertising Online

As a business owner, advertising online can be quite tricky. There are so many factors to consider. First, you want your adverts to reach a broad audience, and not just any audience but the right audience.

You want potential customers, not window shoppers. Then you want to be able to keep track of the effectiveness of your adverts.

  • Are your adverts well received by your audience,
  • what is the conversion rate of each of your adverts,
  • are the contents of your adverts appropriate and welcoming.

These are some of the few questions that you must answer and attend to if you build a strong online influence for your business.

Taking all these factors into considerations can be a lot to handle, especially coupled with your business’s effective running. As much as you would like to give your customers your personal touch, you would have to hire a professional as your business grows.

Social Media: How to build a Strong Online Influence For Your Business


In conclusion, publishing compelling and enticing online adverts is a mix of science and art. Science to effectively link and dominate all platforms while keeping track of customer’s feedback.

Art to provide top-shelf content that would attract your audience and convert them to customers. The ability to combine these two crucial spheres of online marketing is what makes an effective online marketer.

In hiring a company or individual to handle your online presence, the ability to effectively balance online marketing’s scientific and artistic spheres is the significant criteria you must look out for.


Improve Business Sales with Better Relationships

Advanced Sales and Marketing Services

Improve your business sales by attracting and developing better relationships. For instance, you must have a plan that cultivates your business value. Our sales and marketing model positions your business for profit. In other words, it helps you be less transactional and more relational. With the right customer service approach, you make a direct impact on your bottom line. Is your business ready to grow?

A well designed plan leads your customer to you, over and over again. Therefore, the goal is to focus on your current clients while attracting new ones to improve business sales. The strategy guides your customer acquisition process. Your unique selling proposition to demonstrate your business model and cultivate value.

Sales Consulting, Design and Planning

The key to customer acquisition goes beyond reduced costs. Take our sales journey and develop the road map to better business. The right model improves visibility, increases awareness, and reveals why your business stands out among your competitors. But don’t leave your competitors out of the process. It’s important to keep an eye on your industry and learn as you grow.

Above all, the best marketing plan includes word of mouth advertising to improve business sales. As a result, boost your sales by attracting your prospect. It’s important to gain an understanding of your market analysis, target audience, purchase path and buyer’s map. We are dedicated to working with business leaders who develop a brand story they are eager to share.

Our sales strategies include tactics and methods to acquire new customers and build a strong relationship. Allison Todd and team SiMar help you build the perfect sales and marketing model. For more information about our sales business expertise. Improve your business demand, contact us today!



How to Use Social Media for Small Business

Currently, there are over 3.72 billion active social media users across the world. Given its grand scale, it is high time that business organizations should consider making use of the lucrative social media platforms to improve the overall ROI.

Allison Todd –the Chief Strategist & Founder at SiMar –a leading social media marketing agency, explain social media’s importance for small businesses in the given post.

Social media is indeed a great way to connect with people who are already aware of your brand. At the same time, it also provides an excellent opportunity to reach out to new potential customers and make them aware of the products & services that your brand has to offer. Unlike the common belief, nothing is overwhelming about social media for you to worry about.

Tips for Small Business

Even when you are starting, some simple social media tricks could help you out. The leading digital marketing experts at SiMar –a reputed digital marketing agency, lay out some of the essential social media tips for your small business. Here are some:

Start with a Proper Plan

Social media tools are immensely simpler to use. You can start over by using organic posts for free to kickstart your social media marketing campaign for beginners.

Like every other reliable business marketing strategy, your social media marketing campaign should also start with a proper plan.

When you are preparing the right social media plan, here are some additional tips:

  • Set specific social media objectives. For instance, you can consider acquiring customers or raising conversion rates instead of just looking for more likes.
  • Research the competitors. Relevant competitive analysis can help you to know about working for other businesses in the given niche.
  • Conduct a proper Social Media audit. As a part of the audit process, we recommend this to look out for impostors that might be stealing your social media reputation.

Decide the Right Platforms for You

There are several social media platforms out there. Some of the famous ones are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others.

Depending on your social media marketing goals, you should select the right social media platform to execute the same. 

Know Your Audience Well

As you wish to target the respective audience through your social media marketing campaign, we  recommend identifying your target audience first.

With the help of relevant social media analytics, you can look forward to analyzing the end consumers’ behaviors and preferences.

Upon customizing your social media marketing strategies based on the users’ interests, you can look forward to gaining optimum success.

Expand the Audience

Once you are aware of the target audience, you can rethink the social media plan. It is time to look out for innovative ways to reach out to more target audiences in the given market. 


As a small business, you must pay attention to the right social media marketing strategies for optimum results.

Managing your social media can be a daunting task, and it’s good to know that there are helpful materials to guide you in using social media for your business. Here are some helpful materials to help you in incorporating social media to your business.

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Top Reasons to Hire a Professional Digital Marketing Consultant

As a business owner, when you do not have the right, reliable digital marketing solution in place, you will be in trouble. If you think that this is overrated, then you must realize that, on average, there are currently over 4.54 billion users on the Internet.

Without an effective digital marketing plan, your brand’s future potential customers will be wooed by other competing organizations.

Suppose you are lagging in the formulation and execution of the right digital marketing strategies for your business.

If this happens, it is high time that you should consider hiring a reliable digital marketing consultant.

Allison Todd –Chief Strategist & Founder at SiMar –a leading business consultancy agency, explains the importance of hiring a professional digital marketing consultant for your organization.

Why Hire a Professional Digital Marketing Consultant?

You might have your team of an in-house marketer or look forward to hiring some full-time employees to fulfill the individual marketing needs, there is no denying the importance of an experienced digital marketing consultant for your business.

Here are some of the top reasons to consider the same:

Deeper Insight into the Industry

A successful digital marketing consultant or strategist is known to work with an array of clients. Allison Todd –Chief Strategist herself at SiMar –a leading business coaching agency, explains that when a specific campaign turns out successful with one client, the marketing consultant is most likely to implement the same strategy for other businesses. 

Experienced consultants are known to use the respective positive experiences with marketing platforms of other businesses to bring to your company the desired results. 

Industry-specific Specialists

For the typical 9-to-5 employees at the respective workplace, being the jack of all trades might be right. However, some specialized roles like that of the digital marketing consultant require more expertise and specialization. 

Digital marketing consultants are highly specialized in delivering top-notch digital marketing strategies to business owners. To acquire such skills, most consultants have undergone specialized knowledge-acquisition and training as well. Therefore, taking help from a specialist in digital marketing can serve lucrative for your business. 

Saving Time & Money

If you happen to be running a small-scale business or a startup, time-effectiveness and cost-effectiveness might top your business goals; This is wherein the role of hiring a professional digital marketing consultant comes in.

A digital marketing consultant can handle day-to-day marketing tasks for your business; This allows you to focus on other core areas of the business.

Adopting the right digital marketing strategies, companies out there can look forward to minimizing the overall operational costs while speeding up transactions seamlessly.


There are several benefits of hiring a professional digital marketing consultant for your business. Leverage the potential offered by an experienced digital marketing consultant based on the unique requirements of your business. 

Remove your online business worries with active social media channels, audience engaging content and compelling call-to-actions. With help from our digital engagement experts, you’ll capture the attention of your target audience. It’s the digital marketing virtual assistant your business needs.